All it takes is One Slip

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
One slip.

That's all it takes.

One slip, and it is all over. You are nexted.

You are always under severe scrutiny. Always. People are waiting for you to fail.
They want you to fail. It can't be, you can't be that awesome.
You must fail. Why does he not fail?

And you don't.

But, you make a remark about that dress. You overpush push and pull. You let your guard down for a minute.

That is it.
That is all they need.

After that, they will run to their little coven, telling what you've done. And that will be digested and analysed, and debated, again, under severe scrutiny, and sadly, against you. Her friends, her exes, her orbiters, her sisters, her brothers, mothers, your mutual friends, her kid. You name it.

And everyone, and I mean, everyone is against you.

With that said and done, that is enough reason for her to go cold, get distanced, and sooner than later, fvck the next guy.

By then, it's bella ciao!

Whats even worse is, you never know what have you actually done. She is not coming back to tell you, it was that remark.
Leaving you to guess what the f just happened.

It does not matter how great you are, how awesome you can be, nothing. Nothing matters against the reasoning of the coven.
It took enourmos proportions by now.

Since they have infinite ammount of options, they would not care to call you and say, babe, there is something wrong. This and this happened.

They will just default to default. Flaky, cold, distance... and the eventual penis.

And that is how you are nexted
And also that's why they are so screwed up in their minds. Because they are forever stuck in this cycle.

How do you prevent that?
You don't. They are always looking for something to go wrong. And since they are hellbent on that, they will find it, you like it or not.

The only thing you can do is:
Spin plates yourself. Always have a plan b, and c. And dump the btch as soon as things get lukewarm, 'cause that's the first warning.

If you walk away at the first sign of disrespect, then you might have the chance to keep balls rolling for a longer period.

But don't hold on to that feeling. You just gained another day. Remember what is their default.

Use this approach in life. Keep winning!


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Just like in Hitch...

"One dance, one look, one kiss, that's all we get, Albert. Just one shot to make the difference between happily-ever-after, and oh-he's-just-some-guy-I-went-to-some-thing-with-once"



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
How do you prevent that?
Don't make sex a priority.
Don't pursue women, let them chase you.
Don't bend over backwards making women feel 'comfortable'.

Relax and don't give an airborne copulation about other people's opinions. Including mine. :cool:

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Don't get me wrong guys.

This was just free advice for the newcomers, as most of the recent posts revolves around this topic, and I figured it might be easier to say it once, than keep on saying it, post after post.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Stay away from mentally unstable, immature, disloyal people.
You mean, the vast majority of westernized population, right? lol

Don't make sex a priority.
Don't pursue women, let them chase you.
Don't bend over backwards making women feel 'comfortable'.

Relax and don't give an airborne copulation about other people's opinions. Including mine. :cool:
Can you see the conumdrum here. Even if you don't do this, it won't prevent you from what I stated from happening.

You can't prevent that.

If you do what you say, or, what I said, you get unfazed by it. It still does not prevent that from happening.

It will happen.

You just don't have to give a flying fvck, and that's where you are right my friend.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
One slip.

That's all it takes.

One slip, and it is all over. You are nexted.

You are always under severe scrutiny. Always. People are waiting for you to fail.
They want you to fail. It can't be, you can't be that awesome.
You must fail. Why does he not fail?

And you don't.

But, you make a remark about that dress. You overpush push and pull. You let your guard down for a minute.

That is it.
That is all they need.

After that, they will run to their little coven, telling what you've done. And that will be digested and analysed, and debated, again, under severe scrutiny, and sadly, against you. Her friends, her exes, her orbiters, her sisters, her brothers, mothers, your mutual friends, her kid. You name it.

And everyone, and I mean, everyone is against you.

With that said and done, that is enough reason for her to go cold, get distanced, and sooner than later, fvck the next guy.

By then, it's bella ciao!

Whats even worse is, you never know what have you actually done. She is not coming back to tell you, it was that remark.
Leaving you to guess what the f just happened.

It does not matter how great you are, how awesome you can be, nothing. Nothing matters against the reasoning of the coven.
It took enourmos proportions by now.

Since they have infinite ammount of options, they would not care to call you and say, babe, there is something wrong. This and this happened.

They will just default to default. Flaky, cold, distance... and the eventual penis.

And that is how you are nexted
And also that's why they are so screwed up in their minds. Because they are forever stuck in this cycle.

How do you prevent that?
You don't. They are always looking for something to go wrong. And since they are hellbent on that, they will find it, you like it or not.

The only thing you can do is:
Spin plates yourself. Always have a plan b, and c. And dump the btch as soon as things get lukewarm, 'cause that's the first warning.

If you walk away at the first sign of disrespect, then you might have the chance to keep balls rolling for a longer period.

But don't hold on to that feeling. You just gained another day. Remember what is their default.

Use this approach in life. Keep winning!
The kind of women that behave this way have lots of issues and its always someone elses fault for their shortcomings. Not accepting some of the blame for getting into these situations puts yourself in the same category as them.

-Learn to screen for higher quality women.

-Don't take women like this seriously and you won't care what she does.

-Get better yourself so you attract higher quality.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
If someone doesn't see value in you then that person was never of any value to begin with( to YOU!!). To me Elon Musk is worthless, and vice versa. He might be rich but I don't get to profit from his riches. A woman might be sexy and all that, if all she needs is one slip up she is equally worthless to me as her actions have spoken.

This happened recently by the way. And it made me realise that it will happen at least 100 times more. Its simply the game.

If anything a man should become a master at nexting women. Two can play that game that gaaaaame.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Can you see the conumdrum here. Even if you don't do this, it won't prevent you from what I stated from happening.
You can't prevent that.
Are you sure about that? Let's see:

You are always under severe scrutiny. Always. People are waiting for you to fail.
They want you to fail. It can't be, you can't be that awesome.
You must fail. Why does he not fail?
I don't present myself as infallible, so if anybody 'catches' me making a mistake, I just take the feedback to not make the mistake a second time.
So far, in over fifty years, no woman has ever waited for me to fail.
Failures provide lessons, I'm never afraid to fail.
So this is preventable. Don't present yourself only in a good light. You're human, you make mistakes, nothing to that.

But, you make a remark about that dress. You overpush push and pull. You let your guard down for a minute.
Since, like I said before, I'm not doing 'game' on women with the push and pull and all that basic emotional manipulation, I rarely mess up making stupid remarks. And this is preventable, by carefully weighing your words and not just flapping your lips when you shouldn't.

After that, they will run to their little coven, telling what you've done. And that will be digested and analysed, and debated, again, under severe scrutiny, and sadly, against you. Her friends, her exes, her orbiters, her sisters, her brothers, mothers, your mutual friends, her kid. You name it.
That is 'gossip' behaviour. And yes, women like to gossip (although I would refer their group of intimates as a 'coven' unless you're dating Fairuza Balk). If women are witches in your mind, they tend to become witches in your life.

And, again, this is preventable if your 'slip' doesn't come as a 'shocking revelation'.
If any of my lovers would tell her friends how I 'failed', the response would most likely be 'what? you expected him to be infallible? get a grip'. I doubt if any of my lover's girlfriends are or would be out for my blood.

And everyone, and I mean, everyone is against you.
With regards to my violent past, I used to be quite paranoid, but even at my most paranoid I wouldn't think everyone is against me.

Whats even worse is, you never know what have you actually done. She is not coming back to tell you, it was that remark.
Leaving you to guess what the f just happened.
When I mess up, I always know what I did wrong and how I could've prevented that if only I had taken more time. The longer I live, the more failures I'm learning from.

It does not matter how great you are, how awesome you can be, nothing. Nothing matters against the reasoning of the coven.
It took enourmos proportions by now.
Again, this is avoidable by not presenting yourself like a perfect specimen. Why do these women try to disprove your 'greatness'? Maybe to humble you and your delusions of grandeur? Maybe to deflate your ego a little?


I don't know you, @Lotus Effect, so I don't know how you present yourself and why these 'covens' are out to get you 'nexted', but in my opinion relationships are only a high wire balancing act if you present yourself as perfect/ideal/infallible.

Pedestal yourself and someone will want to knock you from your pedestal. You want to prevent that? Don't put yourself, or anyone else for that matter, on a pedestal.

On the other hand, I'm not 'perfect' or 'awesome' or even 'great', so maybe that's why I'm not being scrutinised by witch covens.
Or 'nexted' because I prove to be fallible. I don't pretend otherwise.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Don't make sex a priority.
Don't pursue women, let them chase you.
Don't bend over backwards making women feel 'comfortable'.

Relax and don't give an airborne copulation about other people's opinions. Including mine. :cool:
Well you see i am a fan of your opinions but trying to avoid groupie status since i am heterosexual after all lmao


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
The one slip theory is kind of true but it also can just be a test

they will basically use something as a test. You did this or that and then withhold from you or say that they dont want to see you again

the best way to pass this test is to accept and act like its what they really want. The best way to fail is to get needy and start apologizing and beg them to go out again

show them that you are different than most men.
Most men either act in anger or act needy and some do both which is very unattractive

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Okay bruvs,

I'll answer you guys, just because, but I'll say it again:

I am fine! This is not for me!

My life is going swell, this is/was advice for newcomers, who are pedestalizing one chick, to go spin plates, focus on theirselves and have options.

You must have options. The process of screening comes from outcome independency.

If you guys read the post back to back, you will realise that this is what this post is about.
If you don't read, or pay attention to the last 4 lines, you will misinterpret this post.

Again, for me, everything is swell!

On the whole idea of the post, women, or, the vast majority of them, westernized, sub 40 (aka doable), operate like this. If you don't agree, or you dont think so, then you are delusional. Period.

In order for you to get to that one (or 2 or 3 for the more sassy) you have to meddle with the vast majority.

And even so, even the special ones, will overanalyse you and your every move with their best friends, or anyone else listening.

Yes! That’s what I do and it’s working out fine.
You are absolutely right, and that is it! That's a process that only a 40 something year old guy like you can now see clearly. But for a novice, not so much.

The kind of women that behave this way have lots of issues and its always someone elses fault for their shortcomings. Not accepting some of the blame for getting into these situations puts yourself in the same category as them.

-Learn to screen for higher quality women.

-Don't take women like this seriously and you won't care what she does.

-Get better yourself so you attract higher quality.
I totally agree with you. In my life, I am 100% responsible not for some blame, but for every single blame. Everything that is wrong, not only with women, but work, family, life, diet, is my fault. There is no one out there to blame, and to help.

But again, this was not for me.

So since it is for begginers, the process of screening comes from the process of being out there, and dealing with them all.

Not giving a rats azz about any chick, can only blossom from a abundance mentality, once again, that is only possible, if you go out there.

And the whole point of this post is getting better, spinning, with a carefree aproach to life. So again, you are right

But the only thing I disagree is that, even higher quality women, will reccur to their circle to analyse you.

Even further, higher quality women will do it 1000x more, considering their higher status.
Good thing you are a high qualty man yourself, for attracting such a lady.

If someone doesn't see value in you then that person was never of any value to begin with( to YOU!!). To me Elon Musk is worthless, and vice versa. He might be rich but I don't get to profit from his riches. A woman might be sexy and all that, if all she needs is one slip up she is equally worthless to me as her actions have spoken.

This happened recently by the way. And it made me realise that it will happen at least 100 times more. Its simply the game.

If anything a man should become a master at nexting women. Two can play that game that gaaaaame.
Its not about value, its about their mind being so broken, with the constant need for validation and rationalizing over their emotional acts.

So they might place you on a higher value status, but they want to break you.

Is like that analogy of the horse, from D.H. Lawrence “And woman is the same as horses: two wills act in opposition inside her. With one will she wants to subject herself utterly. With the other she wants to bolt, and pitch her rider to perdition.”

They need to do it, it is in their nature.

But you are right on becoming the master of nexting.

I would just improve that on, being a master of self respect, and not taking BS back home. If you have a second, and third option, get's way easier.
The one slip theory is kind of true but it also can just be a test

they will basically use something as a test. You did this or that and then withhold from you or say that they dont want to see you again

the best way to pass this test is to accept and act like its what they really want. The best way to fail is to get needy and start apologizing and beg them to go out again

show them that you are different than most men.
Most men either act in anger or act needy and some do both which is very unattractive
That is it. You got it!

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Since your reply was a bit bigger, I save one just for you mate!

By the way, the way you analyse my post was so much so into the same severe scrutiny as I told that the world will do for you.

So just by doing that, you proved my point! hahaha!

Are you sure about that? Let's see:

I don't present myself as infallible, so if anybody 'catches' me making a mistake, I just take the feedback to not make the mistake a second time.
So far, in over fifty years, no woman has ever waited for me to fail.
Failures provide lessons, I'm never afraid to fail.
So this is preventable. Don't present yourself only in a good light. You're human, you make mistakes, nothing to that.

Since, like I said before, I'm not doing 'game' on women with the push and pull and all that basic emotional manipulation, I rarely mess up making stupid remarks. And this is preventable, by carefully weighing your words and not just flapping your lips when you shouldn't.

That is 'gossip' behaviour. And yes, women like to gossip (although I would refer their group of intimates as a 'coven' unless you're dating Fairuza Balk). If women are witches in your mind, they tend to become witches in your life.

View attachment 13217
And, again, this is preventable if your 'slip' doesn't come as a 'shocking revelation'.
If any of my lovers would tell her friends how I 'failed', the response would most likely be 'what? you expected him to be infallible? get a grip'. I doubt if any of my lover's girlfriends are or would be out for my blood.

With regards to my violent past, I used to be quite paranoid, but even at my most paranoid I wouldn't think everyone is against me.

When I mess up, I always know what I did wrong and how I could've prevented that if only I had taken more time. The longer I live, the more failures I'm learning from.

Again, this is avoidable by not presenting yourself like a perfect specimen. Why do these women try to disprove your 'greatness'? Maybe to humble you and your delusions of grandeur? Maybe to deflate your ego a little?

View attachment 13218

I don't know you, @Lotus Effect, so I don't know how you present yourself and why these 'covens' are out to get you 'nexted', but in my opinion relationships are only a high wire balancing act if you present yourself as perfect/ideal/infallible.

Pedestal yourself and someone will want to knock you from your pedestal. You want to prevent that? Don't put yourself, or anyone else for that matter, on a pedestal.

On the other hand, I'm not 'perfect' or 'awesome' or even 'great', so maybe that's why I'm not being scrutinised by witch covens.
Or 'nexted' because I prove to be fallible. I don't pretend otherwise.
You are too literal Assassin, I guess that's where we loose ourselves in translation.
Maybe it is the novelist in you, so you stick to the one meaning of each word, not giving room from a more relaxed point of view.
Maybe me being brazilian and you being dutch is also a factor on perception.

So nothing I say will resonate, because you will get stuck in the exact meaning of that word.

An example is, when I said coven, it was just an expression, to referr to a circle of friends, or closed confidents. It was a reference.
And half of your reply actually revolved around witches and their said coven. It was just an expression mate. Take it easy.

On the matter, the post was not about me.

But regarding everything you say

1) I don't strive for perfection, but I do strive for the best possible ever tho.
I mostly fail everyday. But I keep doing it. Over and over and over again.

2) The mistake that the user might do, is not only about remarks or push pull or basic stuff that you are not doing. It's everything. Those were just very few examples. But it can be wearing a fvcking eyepatch, or, not wearing it. It can be a bad timed fart. It can be the way you treated people that you consider yourself superior to. Anything, you name it.

You do something you don't know was done. It goes to analysys.

That is the point. But again, you were just too fvcking literal to not wrap your head around it.

3) I have not said a thing about witches. You did. For me women are great. I love them all.
You call it gossip behaviour. Good. That is the idea. The rest was your fertile novelist imagination going on.

4) Not thinking that the friends of your lovers as you call them, are not out for your blood is just naive tho.

5) Everyone is against you. You can luckly have created a circle of good decent friends that you can count on, and your parents and sibblings, again, if you are lucky.

The rest of the world. They don't give a sht about you, until you are a blip on their radar.
Before that you are invisible, after that, they are out for you, until they make you invisible again.

6) Regarding the messing up, is up to you to take on accountability for what you did, so yes, you are right. But, what I mean is, will you fart wrong, and they will dump you. And it is up to you to find out what have you eaten, not to fart like that again. (figure of speech)

7) I was exagerating on how awesome you are for user understand that nothing matters against the reasoning of the (lets call it) social circle of good friends of your lover. Their reasoning will always beat anything. That's my point here. There is no ego. This post is not about me.

Anyway, tks mate!

You don't know me but I do think we would get along. I do enjoy your challenging mindset.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
Reaction score
One slip.

That's all it takes.

One slip, and it is all over. You are nexted.

You are always under severe scrutiny. Always. People are waiting for you to fail.
They want you to fail. It can't be, you can't be that awesome.
You must fail. Why does he not fail?

And you don't.

But, you make a remark about that dress. You overpush push and pull. You let your guard down for a minute.

That is it.
That is all they need.

After that, they will run to their little coven, telling what you've done. And that will be digested and analysed, and debated, again, under severe scrutiny, and sadly, against you. Her friends, her exes, her orbiters, her sisters, her brothers, mothers, your mutual friends, her kid. You name it.

And everyone, and I mean, everyone is against you.

With that said and done, that is enough reason for her to go cold, get distanced, and sooner than later, fvck the next guy.

By then, it's bella ciao!

Whats even worse is, you never know what have you actually done. She is not coming back to tell you, it was that remark.
Leaving you to guess what the f just happened.

It does not matter how great you are, how awesome you can be, nothing. Nothing matters against the reasoning of the coven.
It took enourmos proportions by now.

Since they have infinite ammount of options, they would not care to call you and say, babe, there is something wrong. This and this happened.

They will just default to default. Flaky, cold, distance... and the eventual penis.

And that is how you are nexted
And also that's why they are so screwed up in their minds. Because they are forever stuck in this cycle.

How do you prevent that?
You don't. They are always looking for something to go wrong. And since they are hellbent on that, they will find it, you like it or not.

The only thing you can do is:
Spin plates yourself. Always have a plan b, and c. And dump the btch as soon as things get lukewarm, 'cause that's the first warning.

If you walk away at the first sign of disrespect, then you might have the chance to keep balls rolling for a longer period.

But don't hold on to that feeling. You just gained another day. Remember what is their default.

Use this approach in life. Keep winning!
The kind of women that behave this way have lots of issues and its always someone elses fault for their shortcomings. Not accepting some of the blame for getting into these situations puts yourself in the same category as them.

-Learn to screen for higher quality women.

-Don't take women like this seriously and you won't care what she does.

-Get better yourself so you attract higher quality.
Painful lesson I needed to learn.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Easier said than done...
How is it difficult to simply not associate with someone outside of work or family? It literally requires doing nothing with someone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
An example is, when I said coven, it was just an expression, to referr to a circle of friends, or closed confidents. It was a reference.
If you're talking about a circle of female intimates or close confidantes, referring to them as a coven is clumsy if you're not referring to a gathering of witches.
A coven (/kʌvən/) is a group or gathering of witches. The word "coven" (from Anglo-Norman covent, cuvent, from Old French covent, from Latin conventum = convention) remained largely unused in English until 1921 when Margaret Murraypromoted the idea that all witches across Europe met in groups of thirteen which they called "covens".
So when you say now:
You are too literal Assassin, I guess that's where we loose ourselves in translation.
Maybe it is the novelist in you, so you stick to the one meaning of each word, not giving room from a more relaxed point of view.
Maybe me being brazilian and you being dutch is also a factor on perception.
Or maybe it's as a writer that I take words and their meanings more seriously than you. I suspect you didn't know the word Coven is only used for witches. It's not a word like 'murder', which can mean both an illegal homicide or a gathering of crows, depending on context.
A tempted murder of crows.jpeg
Or a phrase like 'take out' which can also have different meanings depending on context:
funny how take out = food, dating, murder.jpeg
You don't know me but I do think we would get along. I do enjoy your challenging mindset.
I have no doubt about that. I prefer to communicate in person. You can let me know whenever you're in Amsterdam.