Pedophilia happens, yet that doesn't make it natural.
As for getting nexted, the problem isn't an individual man being unable to "handle" getting nexted. The problem is the fact broads have gotten way too out-of-control with nexting; it impacts way too many men.
Nexting a looksmatch (or in many cases, a better-looking man) over a trivial reason is stupid.
I'm not necessarily saying I want to force her to go back to a moment when she liked me better; I'm saying I want her to get a grip on reality (And let trivial transgressions slide...or at the very least, give him a chance after his trivial transgression, rather than immediately nexting him)
As an analogy, I had a job interview once where I made a comment the interviewer took the wrong way. The interviewer then spent the rest of the interview putting words in my mouth (and basically telling me what a bad candidate I was). It became clear that I lost any chance at getting the job after that comment the interviewer took the wrong way. A job I was overqualified for. That pisses me off too. Same concept as a mediocre broad nexting a man over the slightest reason.
As another analogy, imagine if a company fired any employee the first time they did even the slightest thing wrong. Think of what an unsustainable business model that would be.
Nexting a man because he did a slight thing that rubbed her the wrong way has a negative impact on the broad too, as it could lead to her nexting her soulmate ("nexting" a never-ending supply of men also hurts her ability to pair bond)
Most importantly, with how easily a broad will next a man in 2024, there's a valid question of: Why should men even bother with pursuing broads if she's just going to next us the first time we slip up?
Which countries are more favorable to what I'm looking for by the way?