All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Mr.Positive said:
This is all backbreaker needs to hear.

Home run post, boomerick.
Not sure that he is still listening....BB - you out there ?


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
When i read BB story - i really cringed!

The hitting (and basically not doing sh!t about it)
The spying (and basically not doing sh!t about it)
The having marathon sex....

Wow! I really had to check and make sure this was really BB.

I've agreed with damn near everything i've ever seen from him...

but this is just a classic case of "im the exception"....

No, i've never been engaged.... No, i've never had a kid with a woman... I'm sure that does change the dynamics some.... But disrespect has to be dealt with! BB knows this! I'm sure of it!

But "this situation is different" is something i would not expect to see from such a seasoned poster...

I CANNOT imagine him giving some guy who posted the same story the same advice as the things he did.... all the way down to explaining his actions....

This girl could easily have a knife next time!

And the sex? wtf? That's negative reinforcement! Who fvcks a woman when she's being destructive to your life?

Honestly, when i read this:

i took a mental note of it because BB seemed overly impressed with what was done. then noticed you continued to talk so highly of her all the time... didn't want to rain on your happy days, so i didn't open my mouth...

But this stuff that went on is why you shouldn't fall so hard....

if you weren't so in love with this woman - you would have walked out the minute she made contact with your skin.... but, you have oneitis for this woman.... which i guess is expected when you have kids and marriage on the horizon...

You chose to be with a woman who was "head strong" and "had an opinion".... but sometimes that's not so good of a choice. Those type of women lure us men who are good with women in too! Because they aren't like the women who we take apart so easily.... But you know what? Those women make for much easier relationships.... Women who want to be led - are much better than women who will question and logically talk to you about every decision you make and how it affects her.

Because of the type of woman she is - im not sure Boom's technique would work, but it would be worth a shot.

She has a lot of symptoms of a woman who's not completely sane. A woman who has been in some bad relationships in the past. People don't just lack trust for people on that level without a) having a lot of dirt done to them in the past, or b) doing a lot of dirt to people in the past/present and having guilt about it.....

I feel for your situation... but you need to man up... and realize you'd be giving the same advice to some newbie on this site...

Being a vet doesn't excuse you from scorn when you fvck up.

A wise man over at FS once said:

"If you're looking for a long-term, committed, singular relationship - make the relationship more important than the woman. This way a part (the woman) can be plucked out and replaced with another, and you still have what you wanted"

That right there is what i strongly believe in.