I met this chic on match, went on a date, drove her back, maked out with her. Texted couple of times, she responded, but never asked question about me. I read this as a bad sign. I asked her if she had nay plans for the weekend, if she was interested brunch. No response. My issue is I dont know what were her intentions. Maybe she wanted to see what another person is like, bc she might b with someone else. Or maybe she just wants to bang? I feel I want to text her to hang out at my place and if she doesnt respond I want to call her out. I know there are plenty of other girls around, I meet them all the time (exageration, you get the point) Its not cool to go out on a date just to sample. I dont do it. Question I have is what is a great way to call someone out who just wanted to sample a date?