good thing you found this site when you did. I have some sympathy for you considering you are completely clueless as to how to handle women, and how to preserve your SELF RESPECT.
Read some of the posts, read the dj bible, and study the ways of a DJ. Eventually you will come to the point where YOUR life is more important than THEIR life, and with that in mind you will live for self improvement. The women will follow.
So, for this situation, here's what you do:
1. Never call her.
2. Never email her.
3. If she calls you, hang up on her. The only word she should hear you say is the "hello" when you answer the phone.
4. If you see her in public, ignore her.
That is it. She is not worthy of your time. Isolate her and move on.
And dude, I saw the pic: She ain't that hot.
good thing you found this site when you did. I have some sympathy for you considering you are completely clueless as to how to handle women, and how to preserve your SELF RESPECT.
Read some of the posts, read the dj bible, and study the ways of a DJ. Eventually you will come to the point where YOUR life is more important than THEIR life, and with that in mind you will live for self improvement. The women will follow.
So, for this situation, here's what you do:
1. Never call her.
2. Never email her.
3. If she calls you, hang up on her. The only word she should hear you say is the "hello" when you answer the phone.
4. If you see her in public, ignore her.
That is it. She is not worthy of your time. Isolate her and move on.
And dude, I saw the pic: She ain't that hot.