I'm not over 25 but I'm sure everyone will forgive me if I set foot in here for one minute to make this post.
Steve was not an ugly dude but a pushover, he had a classic case of oneitis for this seriously ugly girl, he started going out with her and she took complete advantage of him, he became like a dog to her. She told him when he could play the playstation, she told him when he could or couldn't visit his mates and she came and took him away if he disobeyed her. There was a complete male/female power imbalance, it was (and still is) sickening to watch, but Steve soldiered on with faith in the nonsensical relationship - despite all his friends telling him to ditch the ho he wanted her to marry him. When his parents disapproved of the proposed union Steve went ballistic and fell out with them, he completely lost control. This b*tch even f**ked one of his best friends then told him it was "to test the boundaries and trust of their relationship" - still Steve wanted to be with her, perhaps because he thought he couldnt get any pus5y elsewhere, perhaps because he was just seriously misled, Steve is still with her, despite myself, his brother and many other mates wanting him to ditch the b*tch and move on with his life, he refuses, to his own peril.
Barry got so hard up that he invented his girlfriends - made imaginary myspace and bebo pages so that he could show his friends he could actually "get laid", he sent sweet comments of love to himself. One day someone discovered that Barry had taken pictures of girls and a transsexual off of 4chan and made the sites. Barry was a psycho, nuff' said.