AFCs I've known


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
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Queens, New York
iqqi said:
Pardon me, but none of these guys sound AFC.

These are not average chumps! These are sick, sick people being attracted to other sick people.

AFC to me is the guy who brings flowers to the first date and doesn't dump the girl when she kisses another guy at the bar.

You guys are bringing up some sick sh!t, and you have to admit that your friends, or the guys in the TV shows, were SICK to start with. They were attracted to someone that mirrored something within, (sick), and got SICKER, and into a worse situation. Which is much easier to do then healing thyself.

Think about it.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
Max Power said:
She gets a job as a waitress, ****s a sales guy and leaves my AFC brother. Actually she didn't leave him, but kicked him out. Slut girl and sales guy still live in my brother's house two blocks from my parent's house.
:crazy: That's insane

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
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I'm not over 25 but I'm sure everyone will forgive me if I set foot in here for one minute to make this post.

Steve was not an ugly dude but a pushover, he had a classic case of oneitis for this seriously ugly girl, he started going out with her and she took complete advantage of him, he became like a dog to her. She told him when he could play the playstation, she told him when he could or couldn't visit his mates and she came and took him away if he disobeyed her. There was a complete male/female power imbalance, it was (and still is) sickening to watch, but Steve soldiered on with faith in the nonsensical relationship - despite all his friends telling him to ditch the ho he wanted her to marry him. When his parents disapproved of the proposed union Steve went ballistic and fell out with them, he completely lost control. This b*tch even f**ked one of his best friends then told him it was "to test the boundaries and trust of their relationship" - still Steve wanted to be with her, perhaps because he thought he couldnt get any pus5y elsewhere, perhaps because he was just seriously misled, Steve is still with her, despite myself, his brother and many other mates wanting him to ditch the b*tch and move on with his life, he refuses, to his own peril.

Barry got so hard up that he invented his girlfriends - made imaginary myspace and bebo pages so that he could show his friends he could actually "get laid", he sent sweet comments of love to himself. One day someone discovered that Barry had taken pictures of girls and a transsexual off of 4chan and made the sites. Barry was a psycho, nuff' said.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Rollo,
Well in Australia I would say 85% of married men fit into the AFC category.....But Rollo aren't you looking at this from the mindset of a Man who has always been an independant thinker?...My old Mum used to say "Son always remember 95 people out of a hundred come onto this Earth with a saddle on their back and a bridle on their neck,make sure you are one of the other five with the spurs on your feet and the whip in your hand"I have always tried to be like that,but have "enjoyed"periods of being an AFC it was comfy and pleasant and in each episode I had to be rudely shaken out of my comfort Zone before I moved on....Same with jobs,studies have shown that the average bloke is quite happy mindlessly standing at a lathe knocking out Widgets,or buttering bricks,and chucking them in a wall one after the other,I once asked my Old Man,why it was that Painters were always whistling or singing but Electricians and Plumbers weren't,he said "Its because they are happy,they don't have to think"....Most of us are rather like those fish that swim into the warm outfall from a Nuclear Power Station,in their cosy little environment they will gradually exhaust their food supplies,but they will starve to death before they will move on...


Don Juan
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Durban SA

Sad fact of life. It is a battle of the sexes. Once you get married your dear wife who loves you to bits changes and does her utmost to tame HER man. Understanding though, she needs to ensure that you don't go mad and kill her children. This is nature's way of continuing the species. The problem is that the media perpetuate the myth of the married bliss that it is the normal way things happen - especially with my generation.

Eventually her nagging and demands wear you down like a drop of water falling on the same spot for 20 years and you surrender - become that AFC.
Now she is miserable, overweight and *****y - you not man enough and starts fvcking around you stick it out for the kid's sake until she's had enough and steals half your money and kicks you out of the comfortable nest.

Happened to me - lot's of guys here have never been married, so wont understand. This site has changed my life and have started to rediscover the DJ I used to be. Working out, playing the guitar - even bought the motorbike I always wanted. My teenage daughter now thinks I'm very cool because I "get" it. She is the most important woman in my life as is my son.

The ONLY reason to get married is to have children - I have had a snip so that will not happen to me - don't tell the woman lol.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Scaramouche said:
But Rollo aren't you looking at this from the mindset of a Man who has always been an independant thinker?...
I'll accept that as a compliment, but let me temper it with some humility by saying that I've also been an abject AFC in my lifetime as well - in fact so much so that I'm literally a different person from who I was. I wish I could say this change was entirely by my own design and awakening, but I can't. I had to fall, and fall hard, but by providence and circumstance (and not a little blind luck) I did come out of all that. I changed my mind about myself and found that it was OK to be self-concerned; not conceited, but aware of my own value. I finally saw the Matrix without a Sosuave, without a community, without support and in the face of a lot of other AFCs deriding me in their own acceptance of the Matrix.

I didn't start this thread to ridicule AFCs, or make myself or anyone else seems superior - I did it to show HOW it happens. Call these stories warnings, fine, but too often we never see how sausage is made. We're happy to eat it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
I was a HUGE AFC until about 5 years ago. Been divorced for 9 years.

I think the worst was in the late 90s when my in-laws told me I reminded them of "Raymond" in "Everybody Loves Raymond". OK, how embarrassing and AFC is that? Holy sheep****!

Beat that one.....

I also remember my first year of single life.... I figured I had to set aside about $5000 a year to go on dates in order to find the "right mate". I even set a goal to be living with someone within 6 months (holee ****!) All the while I made the HUGE mistake of listening to my women friends tell me how to get game.

I got laid off right after 9/11 and a fellow baseball dad who was really no better looking than I was invited me to work in his flooring biz. He was getting a divorce too b/c he was sick of his wife's ****; so I figured I could be kind of his shrink and have some extra cash. About the third house we did - one week in - we were in the most expensive town in the region, at a councilor's HUGE house. Show up at 9, bring in the tile; the total babe wifey is home and hubby is off to his practice. The whole friggin' time, cutting tile, laying tile, grouting, sweating our asses off the wifey is no more than 5 feet away from my buddy, playing massive kino with him, her perfect t*** hanging out of her nightgown. We go to lunch, I say to him - "hey, why don't I take off so you can pork this broad." He laughs - "happens to me all the time" he says. Sure enough later in the week - same scenario. The twice again the following week. Come to find out the guy (still my buddy of course) had nailed dozens of hotties before his marriage. About a year later I was on a date with one his former conquests for chrissake! We had a good laugh over that one. So long story short I pick up on his a few months with some web research.....
....the rest is history. I've had one woman...just one..flake on me the last two years. Friggin' beautiful.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score

oh, I'm human. Too human,..:whistle: