Lost In Translation
Master Don Juan
mrRuckus sorry if you took my normal as meaning nerd bashing
Being not normal doesn't make anyone sick, diseased, mentally unfit, or however else you want to put it.
I'd say being not normal (maybe not in this sexual context) is a good thing because most people aren't worth a crap (boring, unfunny, not so bright, lying, cheating, etc).
Was Einstein sick because he was abnormal?
we are talking about sexual habits***
not people being different like Napolean Dynamite different
or people who like to collect Pokemon cards different
stay focused on the topic
i will say it to make you happy
everything i mentioned in my above posts referes to bigshovel's SEXUAL HABITS not being NORMAL SEXUAL HABITS
comprendo ruckus ?
vote for pedro !
Lost In Translation
Being not normal doesn't make anyone sick, diseased, mentally unfit, or however else you want to put it.
I'd say being not normal (maybe not in this sexual context) is a good thing because most people aren't worth a crap (boring, unfunny, not so bright, lying, cheating, etc).
Was Einstein sick because he was abnormal?
we are talking about sexual habits***
not people being different like Napolean Dynamite different
or people who like to collect Pokemon cards different
stay focused on the topic
i will say it to make you happy
everything i mentioned in my above posts referes to bigshovel's SEXUAL HABITS not being NORMAL SEXUAL HABITS
comprendo ruckus ?
vote for pedro !
Lost In Translation