Yea... that was pretty harsh, I could of been more diplomatic.
Look, you can only make things work with girls/women when you can actually see them on a regular basis. Women respond only to physical presence, and they need this kind of connection. In addition, if you live in a Western society where women are not shamed into loyalty, they will act on their nature, which is to bond with the best man that can actually put their hands on. My grandfather fought in WWII, he landed in Normandy, fought across France, through Belgium, and into Holland, before eventually ending up in Germany. He told a story about liberating these places, in France there was the occasional women that had her head shaved for 'collaboration', but when he got to Holland, there were a BUNCH of women that had their heads shaved. Later in Germany he was talking to a French officer about how few women he saw in France getting punished in this way... suggesting the women in France were more more virtuous.... The French officer laughed. He said women in France that were punished like this were women that REALLY collaborated, you know helped the Germans. In Holland, if a woman just slept with a German, she was shamed. The French officer went on to say "If we did this, almost all the women in France would be bald... and that simply is not attractive."
The reason why French men seam to do well with women, is that the French understand female nature, and they just accept this, and work with it. They do not expect them to be loyal, so they are never really disappointed. Some might think this is crazy, the French think this is realistic.
I spent some time with French troops during the Gulf War, and when they would get 'Dear John" letters, they would joke about it... then takes bets on who would be the next to get such a letter, the guy getting the letter would read it out load, then everyone would laugh and say "Great, now you can get a better woman!" When I was with Americans.... man a guy that got a "Dear John" letter was put on suicide watch... everyone would treat the guy like he had terminal cancer.
You should never try to make anything work with a chick that is far away... you will remain loyal, and she will not... it is as simple as that. She will string you along... keep you on a hook, because she really doesn't care, and defend her actions as "Not wanting to hurt you." But it will end, long distance relationships almost NEVER work out... in the meantime the man misses out on opportunities.
The other thing you need to remember about women, is they are all about the moment... it's all about how you make her feel RIGHT NOW. They really do not care about anything else you may have done in the past or things that happened. This is why one week she's all over you and the next.... she's gone. She really does care about last week... because this week she met a guy she FEELS is better than you, so you're out.... he's in.... and in a month, well now she back... because her feelings have changed. Many guys believe that things they do for woman act like money in the bank. They really don't, she doesn't care that you bought her a car, or paid her bills for 6 months.... none of that matters if you are not making her feel "special". So going on and on about what happened in the past, really is irrelevant... because it makes almost no difference to the chick.