Advice Needed!!!!..Could it be a Low Interest Case?


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Costa Rica
Hello to you all

My very first post here at SS, though I consider myself as a "passive" member since 2006.

Let’s get down to business shall we?

The thing is I just don't know how to proceed with this girl at work. We are not close partners and we hardly see each other during the week.

I've been working at this company for 8 months now as an outsourcing. I recently started getting closer to this girl i.e. (saying hello whenever I see her etc.)

Several weeks ago I received a Facebook Friend Request from her and I was like: "Yeah! Something’s up with this girl".

At the end of July her b-day was coming, and one day I came across to her, small talked to her and asked her if she was going to do something for her b-day. She said yes and asked me if I wanted to come to her party. Of course I accepted her invitation.

Her party was a Friday night and I think the overall outcome was pretty positive. I got along well with her best friend, a girl who works with her. I think this is a major plus. I thought this was going to be an outward moment since it was the first time we saw each other outside work.

After that Friday night a whole week passed by, no contact at all. I found out that she was on vacation. Next week after that, I got to talk to her via company's messenger.

I like to use C & F, it seems natural on me, but don't like to overdo it. She seems a little bit shy with her responses. She does not write a lot also. I don't want to smother her either.

Anyway, last Thursday I managed to ask her out (via messenger), AND MAYBE I THINK THIS IS WHERE I DID WRONG: I asked her if she wanted to join me at the mall, have a little walk around and watch a movie later ("Despicable Me").

Firstly I asked if she was free that day and she replied yes, so that's why I asked her to join me. She said it sounded good, but minutes later she told me it was going to be difficult for her because she was going to the gym.

I think maybe she just freaked out. Maybe a more casual date could have been better, and less pushy?

Her response hit me hard in the head because moments earlier she told she was doing nothing!!

Ok, I said "No worries" and ended the conversation.

Next day in the afternoon, she came by my cubicle, says hi and brought the stylus spare for my Nokia cell phone (this was discussed in our early chats during the week). I told her I'll pay for it next week (i.e. this current week); she said “no worries and take it as a gift”, she then went away.

At that moment I was a feeling a little bit down because she had declined my invitation.

Minutes later I wrote to her saying thanks for the stylus, fitted perfectly on my Nokia and that I was going to pay for it. At that moment I just wanted to ditch this girl....

Well, she then replied by saying that, I could buy her a drink instead of the money. Could this be taken as a counter offer from her, trying to reestablish a connection?

Attraction is not a choice, and I don’t want to force anyone to like me….
My gut feeling is telling me that her IL is not that high enough…


I am the one who always start the conversations.
She doesn't write much.

I ask for your advice on this one, what do you recommend? Is this a lost case; am I over thinking this stuff? Should I give her a last chance by asking her out again?

Please don't tell me I shouldn't date a coworker, that's a risk I'm willing to take :) Plus I will not work here forever!

Thanks in advance for your inputs.

I don't know if I explained myself clear enough!! Feel free to ask.

Zul' Gin!

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
G'day mate, I'm very very very familiar with your situation and all I can say is remember this golden rule. I can't remember who first posted it but I re-read it every time I meet a new chick. Here it is: "A woman who is into me will try to maximise the time she can spend with me."
In your case, this chick seems to be - at worst - doing the opposite of this. Either that or you've fallen into the Friend Zone. You admitted you're always writing first and she gives you short replies.
I think you should take the power back and wait for her to contact you. Don't call, don't text, don't email. If she really wants to hang out with you she'll write to you.
Jophils once told me that if I had really big balls, I would LJBF this chick. Maybe you could consider that tactic?
I think she's feeding off the attention you give her so - like a junkie - you should withdraw that attention and make her crave it even more.
I've done exactly what you're describing and I went through emotional hell with this slvt from work.
Be a man, don't write to her at all. You might think: "But then she might think I don't like her!"
So what? Do you want to pursue a chick who's really not that into you and then cry into your beer when she's smoking some other guy's d1ck? No way.
If she's keen, she'll find excuses to write/talk to you.
Good luck.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score

My suggestion is this: Say (dont mail!) on a tuesday:" Friday after work we are gonna have a drink. Sounds (eg Milan Piazza) good to you?.
I dont like if I owe people something :).

If it's going well extend the 'date' a little. YOU have to end it tough. Trust your feelings.
End it with:" Too bad im going to the gym/friends/etc otherwise we could have had a wonderful evening or had a little bite at a nice place I know. Maybe some other time etc....

If it works, you'll have a great time.
If it doesnt work, you can stop thinking about her and next her.

ps. Girls actually want a man to take initiative. Do it!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
give it one more try...but dont ask her for a drink like she suggested (she is trying to control the frame) make it something different where she has to make some sort of effort to meet you. If she comes up with another excuse move on but be your usual friendly self and treat it as nothing (she will have single friends).


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Costa Rica
Guys thank you so much for your replies,

Greasy Pig, I couldn't agree more with that phrase. If I was a woman and this guy who is obviously showing interest in me asked me out on a date and say I had some amount of interest in him, I would definitely accept the invitation. At least I would have free meal and drinks!!!

The only thing I have received from this gal is aloofness. So that's why I haven't had any sort of communication with her since she blew me off last Thursday. And you may’ve guessed it, not a single "Hi" or "how was your weekend” from her...And today is Tuesday.

In my case, I feel like she's playing hard to get. Maybe she just recently got out from a bad relationship and she is trying to test me out and determine "how much I care for her". If this was true, I think it would be just plain stupid and childish.

I think of her as a female AFC LOL!!

RepM and Mr. Window, you both have pretty interesting suggestions. And I won’t lie, I consider giving her another chance, just for the sake of my peace of mind. But since she has showed me no interest whatsoever in the past few days, I don't know if is worth the effort anymore.

The only think I despise is owing people something as you do RepM :p

Window, what did you mean when you said “make it something different where she has to make some sort of effort to meet you”. Could you give me an example how would you handle this?

One last question for you all, who do you think “has the ball” at this stage?

Again, thank you all for your responses,


Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Joe!

Zul'Gin, she definitely has the frame here. You're putting a lot of emotional energy into this woman and what are you getting in return? Heartache, anxiety and self doubt.

Forget her before it consumes your very soul. My tip is that she has met someone else, probably someone at work, and you have been put on her backburner.

As I said before, I speak from experience. Check out my story here:


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Costa Rica
Hey GP

Read your story, nice one! Well, at least you got some action. Funny how it ended though!!!

Compared to your case, mine is not that extreme, but at the end of the day, is the same bullsh*t you and I received...

I have to admit that this was my only one project or plate on my table. You're damn right about the fact that I have had put a lot of emotional energy on this girl with nothing in return. ONEITIS? Maybe, but I won't dwell on that.

So no biggie, just turn the page, recover, learn from the experience and man up!!

More will come!

"Vengeance for Zul'Gin !!!"

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Danger. It's humbling to get kudos from a true master.


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Costa Rica
Well what can I say Mr. Danger?

You hit me "Duro y Directo"!!! (Straight up and Hard):box:

You gave me three stabs of reality here! And I truly appreciate it man.

The only one I don't fully get is the first one. What does "Beta bait" mean?

But yeah, I do think going to her party wasn't going to do any good for my game...(not to mention the other two mistakes LOL:crackup: )

I'd love to read some stuff about Inner Game, where should I begin?

Again, thank you all for your posts.

GP, thanks mate!


1 Bad Dude

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
You can still salvage this. You just have to take control. Call her up. Whether you get her voice mail or not make it short and sweet.

You: "Hey sweetie/sexy/babe. I wanna square up with you and take you out for those drinks. Such and such place this friday."
Don't use her name. If you're afraid to call her sweetie or babe or sexy then you certainly ain't got the balls to ravage her. You can't do saturday if she asks, you're busy that day. It doesn't matter which day YOU choose to go with, all that matters is you choose before hand and stick to it. You don't NEED to take her out, you want to and that day is when you're free. If you're leaving a voice mail then wrap it up by adding "let me know."

If she responds and accepts the date then all you have to do is work out a time to pick her up. Say "pick you up at 8:00?" Anywhere between 7:00 to 9:00 is fine. End the conversation. You want to distance yourself from the work environment and spend time with her while she is winding down. Relaxing. Don't go out any earlier than that.

If her response is evading the subject, then get playful with her. Tell her "besides, you owe me one anyway." For what? Bailing on the movie. Has to be said playfully, she doesn't actually owe you anything, you're just teasing her. If it's a go, then work out the time. If not, then leave it open with "I gotta go, maybe some other time then." This puts the ball in her court plus you'll know where you stand every step of the way.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Zul'Gin said:
GP, thanks mate!

Ha ha speak Australian mi amigo ?

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Danger said:

Also, do a search on the site for any threads started by Pook and read them all. He will do wonders for your inner game. Couple that with learning new skills on a fairly consistent basis, as well as making your life priority number one over any woman, and you have the recipe for Alpha-ness.

Good Luck Bro.
I just read Pook's looooong thesis. Every word a goddamn fvcking gem. What happened to him or doesn't he post in the Mature section?

Thanks for the heads-up Danger.