Is there an acronym dictionary somewhere?
Okay I do get it. Do understand that my babysitter resources are limited (VERY) so that is the only reason (not excuse) I would have for not being able to come out and play.
So it comes down to communicating the following to potential FB:
1. Not seeking seriousness/committment/baby daddy filler/money
2. Seeking fun (sex, movie, happy hour, drive in mountain-whatever)
3. Ready when I can be. Will make consorted effort to come out and play
4. I won't tell you about others, you don't tell me about others. Let me make you feel real good, you make me etc.
Okay so to do this with tact, taste, and without turning him off????
Mommy Fun-While I do enjoy Chutes and Ladders and Candyland with discussions about consonants and vowels, having an adult conversation and adult interaction is what I need. This is "mommy fun". I never said a playmate had to behave