Advice for a fat man


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Feb 10, 2009
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I am fat. I have changed my lifestyle to lose weight: lifting weights, walking, eating mostly meat and veggies.

I don't have any problem approaching women, but my fatness keeps me from having sex with them. I can approach anyone. I wasn't always able to do this, but I've worked on acquiring this skill over the last few years. I enjoy approaching people so much that I've taken a few outside sales jobs. I suppose that I'm just venting because I know that it will take months to lose weight, but I want sex with hotties now!!!

I had this girl last night say that no one has ever approached her like I did. She had a man... argh meh fk... She was truly the prototypical woman that I want. Shapely stripper body, biracial (blk/white), curly hair, college educated... There are more like that?!

How far can a fat man go in this game?

Any fat guys dating or sexing really cute hot women?

I've made it my rule to only approach women that I'm really interesting in.

Thanks for reading.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
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A better place, a better time.
My only advice is to come back and read this post every time you slack off from your training program.

That and make sure you're doing the right stuff and not wasting your time in the gym or at the dinner table.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Losing weight is hard, fortunately I was in all kinds of sport growing up so I never had to fight that battle much really. Just remember this, it's a lot easier to lose weight by NOT putting calories in than it is toburn them off (of course you need to execise to be healthy but still if you're eating 5k calories a day working out alone isn't going to solve everything).


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
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J Roc said:
how tall are you and how much do you weigh?
6ft 3in 320

I'm seriously thinking about dropping the strength training, and just walking. At my weight I can easily burn off 1000 calories/ day just walking, and keep my caloric intake around 3-3300, which is below maintenance. That would be about a 2lb fat loss/ week. My goal is to get down to around 220, and then add mass. I'm looking at 1.5 years worth of work. Sort of depressing, but the alternative sucks even more.

One odd thing is that I don't gain weight anymore. No matter how bad I eat, I never get too far past 330. I just feel like crap when I eat bad food.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
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Fat_Flirt said:
6ft 3in 320

I'm seriously thinking about dropping the strength training, and just walking. At my weight I can easily burn off 1000 calories/ day just walking, and keep my caloric intake around 3-3300, which is below maintenance. That would be about a 2lb fat loss/ week. My goal is to get down to around 220, and then add mass. I'm looking at 1.5 years worth of work. Sort of depressing, but the alternative sucks even more.

One odd thing is that I don't gain weight anymore. No matter how bad I eat, I never get too far past 330. I just feel like crap when I eat bad food.
Couple points

1. Firstly I don't know how "fat" you actually are, I know what you weight and your height but, for example, I was 266lbs at one point and was shorter than you by about 3 inches, and I still appeared less fat than several shorted people I know who weighed less, simply because I have a broad build which obviously weighs more. Although obviously I think we can say with some confidence (without wishing to sound offensive obviously,) that 330lbs is going to be noticeably fat on anyone, which is presumeably why you're trying to lose weight in the first place.

2. I wouldn't stop the strength training, I'm no professional on this subject but generally speaking, if you have a lot of fat and then lose it but don't lift any weights etc, then you run the risk of having a loose skin effect, which looks absolutely horrible. Obviously the fatter you are now then the greater risk, as the skin has been stretched more by the fat and will be less elastic.

3. You say you're looking at 1.5 years of work, in essence you're looking at a life-time. Maybe it will only take you 1.5 years to get down to where you want to be, weight wise, but maintaining that weight means an overall lifeastyle change, not just dieting and then changing again, if you see what I mean. You were probably aware of this I know, but you'd be amazed how many people aren't, and your post wasn't totally clear on the subject.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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2 lbs a week? 1.5 years?

You're setting goals that somebody who wants to lose 20 pounds sets.

Carrying that much weight you could realisticly and safely lose 5 pounds a week for quite a while.

3000 cals/day?

I used to eat 3000 a day when I was low BF% and only when I wanted to add weight.

For now you might slowly lose at 3000 cal/day just because you require so much to maintain your weight.

But soon 3000 cal/day will not get you anywhere.

Get used to eating less now!
You can be perfectly healthy on 2000 calories and you will greatly accelerate your weightloss.

Keep at the weights. If for nothing more than to maintain mass. Even without adding mass you'll still get stronger and this will set a good foundation for when you get to a good weight where you want to start adding mass.

But don't eat like a lifter.

I'll guarantee right now that you can be down to 250 in less than 6 months of you just put 60-90 minutes of working out (alawys working on increasing intensity) and 2000 calories a day. 250 on a 6'3'' frame is really not that bad.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
I lost 20 pounds in two months, so you can do it faster than in 1.5 years. I worked out more and stopped eating so much fast food during the week. Thing was I still ate in big portions, but the food was of better quality. Since you're a big guy like myself, try doing bodyweight exercises because it makes you a lot stronger and increase your stamina in lifting weights and walking.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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I took a nutrition class at my school, here are some tips that helped me lose some weight:

1. 55% carbs in your diet (COMPLEX carbs, meaning everything whole wheat: whole grain pasta, whole wheat bread, whole wheat cereal) this means around 6-11 servings of carbs per day

2. 10-15% fat (as LITTLE saturated fat as possible, NO trans fat). this means NO MORE _red meat_. my favorite now are chicken tacos i can make myself on a corn tortilla with some tapatio.

3. 35-40% protein.

with every meal, have at least 1.5 cups of mixed veggies. broccoli is the best, green beans and lima beans are great. rice (brown rice is preferrable) + beans (black beans preferrable) make a complete protein, if you dont have access to meat for the day. (this also means....if you are in the position where you are on a road trip or away from all your food at home, if someone goes to chipotle or something: get the black beans, chicken, brown rice and the lettuce burrito. this is a fairly healthy burrito, especially if you get a whole wheat tortilla. no more steak!!!)

at least 2 cups low to non-fat milk per day.

im sure you already had a diet plan, but for me, this isnt really a plan it is my new lifestyle of how i eat, and to be honest, its not that bad. lots of mexican you can do it

BTW, lifting weights raises your metabolism for up to 32 hours after you workout! weights are not only a way to build muscle, but also a way to burn calories


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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You will always be in the friend zone till you get down to 250 or so. The problem my bigger friends have is they want to get laid by the 9's and 10's and until they get in better shape they should go after the 5,6,7's.

I always tell my friends that no meal taste as good as taking your shirt , having a six pack and a girl you are about to sleep with say damn. Just workout hard.

Calories should be bodyweight X 10. Look up Dave Palumbo's diet over at Muscualr devolpment. In 16 weeks you could drop a ton of weight. Diet for 1 year and you will be money.. Keep it up, not trying to deter you, just keep working out, and doing your thing..

Cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the AM.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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I recently lost a lot of weight (like 40+ lbs in three months) and added a bunch of muscle, like 15 lbs (still am). Here is what I did:

eat more often, smaller meals. Eat healthy stuff only. Drink water and protein shakes only. Eat as recommended above, in small portions 7 times per day. This will speed up your metabolism, increase digestion and CHANGE your currently weak @ss resting metabolic rate, (you will burn fat when you sleep, same goes for having more muscle on your burns more fat when you sleep....which is nice)

Gym - Go to the gym Mon-Friday
Mon - chest, triceps, Shoulders - push freaking hard, do 3 excersizes per muscle group (maybe bench, then dips..assisted is fine, then maybe incline presses). For Tri's do skull crushers, press downs (can't remember the exact term), and close grip bench
Shoulders: standing shoulder presses & shrugs
Do these sets in waves, one as heavy as you can handle maybe 5 of, then drop weight and do 10 good ones. Squeeze the sh*t out of your muscles when you do all of them. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets, do three sets of each excersize heavy and light. Alternate between heavy and light every set. This will tweak your fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, and get you bigger muscles AND make them steel at the same time (not just all water).

Tuesday - Cardio HIIT (run fast for five minues, then slow it down for five, then fast, then slow) for 40 minutes - get out of the gym after that. ignore the weights. HIIT puts more stress on your body and burns much more calories

Wednesday - Back and bi's
Back: rows, deadlifts (get GREAT form help FIRST!), assisted pull ups (same heavy, light wave as above)
Incline seated curls, Barbell curls (probably good enough for this, all of these same wave pattern)

Thursday: Cardio HIIT, same as Tuesday

Friday: Deadly legs day
Squat (get help with form first) - squat for as long as you can with as much weight as you can without hurting your knees. Always add weight (even just two & half pounds, every week). A good one I heard was 5 sets of 5 reps, but if you can crank out more reps, just do it. Another good one I've heard is to do 20 reps of a decent weight, but that is probably much too difficult at your stage right now.

sleep: 8 hours every night, you'll definitely need it
results: you'll start seeing them in a couple weeks. Will need to start buying new clothes in a month, use belts until you lose 50 lbs or so.
The good thing about your situation i that people with a lot of fat can lose it rather quickly by upping muscle, testosterone (squats and dead lifts will give you that) and your metabolic rate. by having more muscle, you will burn way more fat then you ever have before and it will just shed off of you. You need to eat as mentioned above. Eat a lot, all the time to gain muscle which will make you lose the fat anyway. Make working out a habit and don't quit. I used to get zero attention from women and now I get f*ck me eyes all the time (just need to learn how to get the the point of f*cking them..lmao). It will also make you more masculine and less feminine, and you will feel a sense of general peace from that alone. We men are not supposed to sit around and get to the point you got to, it is unnatural and makes us unhappy (because of hormones, self esteem etc.). Push yourself HARD and you will soon be getting @ss like you want. Oh and DO NOT CHEAT ON THE DIET!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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As far as exercise goes... High Intensity Interval Training. There's no faster way to lose weight. You just have to stick with it and make sure your diet is good.

As far as female attention goes, you will see your results increase as your fat levels decrease. But don't let that stop you from meeting women right now :p


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Thanks guys.

I've decided to stick with the weights (all compound movements mostly olympic style), and I'm doing interval training (running sprints). I use to play basketball, football, and soccer, so it would be great to get back into those sports. I played soccer with my friends a few weeks ago, and I was so out of shape it was silly.

I'm going to forget about women until I have the body I want. I'm not interested in having female friends. I don't have a problem approaching or meeting women; I just don't have anything of quality to sale them. It would be a waste for both of us.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
fwiw, mma and brazilian jiu-jitsu are very intense workouts, so is boxing. I see a lot of people lose a lot of weight. You don't have to compete, but people will shed pounds by simply putting in the time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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ya i'd like to try a good mma place since it seems i'd say classier imo. I've done boxing on and off in philly for a few years. since i'm asian, educated, drive a nice car i always get talked about or stared down. i don't really car but everywhere i go to find a DECENT gym, its always somewhere where i know i can't be leaving my car on a regular basis. i was born and raised in philly but still if they see a single man walking to a nice car on a regular basis i'm pretty sure i'll get jumped.

but for losing weight, i'd say always keep exercising. once ur done running work out ur bi's. then do chest and tri's. abs, etc. since your going for toning your body, go for lighter weights and ALOT more repetitions.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2008
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I am about 5'7 I once weighed 200+ I started doing weight watches and lost over 80 lbs, once I realized I looked like a crack head at 130 lbs, I started eating more and working out a lot. Once I got into insane shape (160) I noticed all the girls that approached me, it’s a big ego boost. Keep at the weight loss/ workout not only is it good for your game, more importantly your own health.

I’ve been doing MMA for over a year now, great workout. I also use to wrestle in high school.