Wow man! ,it seems like you have some really good points, and have things put together well. My problem is, I've got a date tommorrow with a girl and I haven't a clue on what we're doing. And when I get home from whatever I'm going to do with this girl, "Lets call her girl 1", I have to call girl 2, whos number I got thursday. Or should I stick it out longer for five full days. But after that I have to get a hold of girl 3 and 4, whos number's I got Saturday night.
The thing is, the only real days I have off are Mondays and Thursdays. And on these days off I'd like to be in the company of a female. I'm sick of hanging out with my friends and getting wasted or watching tv. Anyhow with these girls so far, I've made a lot of eye contact and have done my best to let them do the talking. I've also been smiling alot and looking into their eyes,"they almost always blush and fix their hair with a grin". I like holding girls hands , and I like to grab their waists when I meet them and I'm talking to them, I even joke around and whisper things in their ears. I'm basically a real touchy guy when it comes to girls, is that bad? They seem to love it and almost always give me hugs or kisses when I leave.
I just need to know if I'm screwing anything up, or should I correct or change anything? What can I do next if I didn't already mess things up? I just want your opinion, because I know you have good knowledge of these things and I respect you. I have my looks and personality going for me, but I just need to apply them in a way that I can consistantly pick up girls and keep up my confidents. I've been in a lot of trouble in the past, but I changed all that I learned to se better judgement and think things over. I haven't always been happy with my looks, I started getting fit, eating right, and living a healthy lifestyle." now I'm 6'0 ,175 lbs. and 4% bodyfat. I'm only 18 and I've got a lot more to learn, but I've sure learned alot so far, and with the right direction, along with self motivation I've done evrything I've put my mind to.
I'm just asking you to point me in that direction, so I can get through this obstacle without any negative consequences. I've had a lot of things happen to me in the last couple of years, and its been very hard to keep a good state of mind, and have confidence. I've written a lot and anybody who reads this probably thinks I'm some kind of weirdo, but I'm very passionate about my goals and always willing to work towards improvement. Through all my ups and downs I've really come to appreciate life, and I can't live life thinking that I missed out on something just because of my ignorance. I know this is long and I apologize, you don't have to answer. But thank you for reading if you've made it this far.
Thanks always,
The thing is, the only real days I have off are Mondays and Thursdays. And on these days off I'd like to be in the company of a female. I'm sick of hanging out with my friends and getting wasted or watching tv. Anyhow with these girls so far, I've made a lot of eye contact and have done my best to let them do the talking. I've also been smiling alot and looking into their eyes,"they almost always blush and fix their hair with a grin". I like holding girls hands , and I like to grab their waists when I meet them and I'm talking to them, I even joke around and whisper things in their ears. I'm basically a real touchy guy when it comes to girls, is that bad? They seem to love it and almost always give me hugs or kisses when I leave.
I just need to know if I'm screwing anything up, or should I correct or change anything? What can I do next if I didn't already mess things up? I just want your opinion, because I know you have good knowledge of these things and I respect you. I have my looks and personality going for me, but I just need to apply them in a way that I can consistantly pick up girls and keep up my confidents. I've been in a lot of trouble in the past, but I changed all that I learned to se better judgement and think things over. I haven't always been happy with my looks, I started getting fit, eating right, and living a healthy lifestyle." now I'm 6'0 ,175 lbs. and 4% bodyfat. I'm only 18 and I've got a lot more to learn, but I've sure learned alot so far, and with the right direction, along with self motivation I've done evrything I've put my mind to.
I'm just asking you to point me in that direction, so I can get through this obstacle without any negative consequences. I've had a lot of things happen to me in the last couple of years, and its been very hard to keep a good state of mind, and have confidence. I've written a lot and anybody who reads this probably thinks I'm some kind of weirdo, but I'm very passionate about my goals and always willing to work towards improvement. Through all my ups and downs I've really come to appreciate life, and I can't live life thinking that I missed out on something just because of my ignorance. I know this is long and I apologize, you don't have to answer. But thank you for reading if you've made it this far.
Thanks always,