Abandoning the ship too early?


New Member
May 4, 2018
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Is it time to leave, or am I abandoning the ship too early?

I’m 28 years old. Met my girlfriend at a club three years ago. She is 7 years my senior. She was my only ****budy for four months and slowly developed into my oneitis. 18 months later our son was born. And three months after that we moved out of town and rented a small house in conjunction with a horse ranch. Reason being she’s big on horses and our living situation then wasn’t sustainable. She bought two horses at the time he was three months and a couple of months later she had three. Can’t believe I allowed this but I could never imagine how extremely timeconsumeing horses are. I worked two jobs to pay for the bills and the horses. In december last year I decided to quit one job and keep the other one (as a musician working weekends). What happened was that I suddenly took care of the baby all day everyday except for when I was gigging. She in the meantime took care of her horses.

Around new years I decided to start working on my own music again, which I had put aside when she got pregnant. She completely freaked out, saying I had betrayed her, claiming I had promised to give up music when we decided to have a kid, which of course I had not said. What I did say was that I was tired of touring and that life wasn’t for me. I deeply regret saying this, feeling guilty to possibly have drawn her into false belief that I would never tour again.

She voiced the whole spectrum of mustrust, said she hated me, was gonna leaving me, all that stuff. These tantrums came and went for the rest of this winter and spring, whenever we had an argument basically.

Good God I wish I found the manosphere earlier. My realisations are: We’ve built this castle in an ocean of quicksand. I had a picture in mind of how a family worked and was formed, fed to me from childhood. I believed every kink could be ironed out as we went, of course it’s not like that. We are very, very different in terms of values and interests.

A couple of months back she got an offer to rent the whole ranch and accepted it, starting July. Renting for money we basically don’t have, or she feels that I should supply. Don't know why I didn't say no to this, probably because I was tired of the whole situation couldn't think clearly.

since the beginning of this year the relationship has grown poisonous. It's a constant power struggle, who should work and who should take care of the baby. I’m trying to command the situation, but honestly she’s the most stubborn person I've ever met. Add to that that we are swedes, which almost by default means she’s a brainwashed feminist. Obviously I’ve ****ed up big time from the start. Only reason I’m hesitant to leave is our son, I love him endlessly and want him to have great childhood. I never had a father myself, which most likely explains my behavior on many levels. Anyway, should I fight this ****storm, just ****ing man up intending to be WITH HER trying to plug all the leaking holes, or leave a badly built sinking ship and man up without her. is There any chance of this working out? Grateful for insights and some common sense comments.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
If you can't get through to her on her attitiude and misbehavior...would get away from her, first thing.

Work on your exit strategy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
she is older then you, first rule she is wanting to pop a child, and you are the chosen to pay the bills, "lucky" you.

you ask if you are abandoning the ship too early, frist problem its not your ship, second it was already sink, there is nothing to salvage, unless you want to scrap the bottom and hope to get something out of it, out of desperation.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
This was torture to read. I would say " Run forest run, as fast as you can" , but you have a kid now, so it's not so simple,,,, But run away you must, if you want to keep your sanity,,,
To me it sound like she looked for a sucker to have a baby with and for a sole provider, and unfortunately for you, you're the "lucky" one,,,


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Is it time to leave, or am I abandoning the ship too early?

I’m 28 years old. Met my girlfriend at a club three years ago. She is 7 years my senior. She was my only ****budy for four months and slowly developed into my oneitis. 18 months later our son was born. And three months after that we moved out of town and rented a small house in conjunction with a horse ranch. Reason being she’s big on horses and our living situation then wasn’t sustainable. She bought two horses at the time he was three months and a couple of months later she had three. Can’t believe I allowed this but I could never imagine how extremely timeconsumeing horses are. I worked two jobs to pay for the bills and the horses. In december last year I decided to quit one job and keep the other one (as a musician working weekends). What happened was that I suddenly took care of the baby all day everyday except for when I was gigging. She in the meantime took care of her horses.

Around new years I decided to start working on my own music again, which I had put aside when she got pregnant. She completely freaked out, saying I had betrayed her, claiming I had promised to give up music when we decided to have a kid, which of course I had not said. What I did say was that I was tired of touring and that life wasn’t for me. I deeply regret saying this, feeling guilty to possibly have drawn her into false belief that I would never tour again.

She voiced the whole spectrum of mustrust, said she hated me, was gonna leaving me, all that stuff. These tantrums came and went for the rest of this winter and spring, whenever we had an argument basically.

Good God I wish I found the manosphere earlier. My realisations are: We’ve built this castle in an ocean of quicksand. I had a picture in mind of how a family worked and was formed, fed to me from childhood. I believed every kink could be ironed out as we went, of course it’s not like that. We are very, very different in terms of values and interests.

A couple of months back she got an offer to rent the whole ranch and accepted it, starting July. Renting for money we basically don’t have, or she feels that I should supply. Don't know why I didn't say no to this, probably because I was tired of the whole situation couldn't think clearly.

since the beginning of this year the relationship has grown poisonous. It's a constant power struggle, who should work and who should take care of the baby. I’m trying to command the situation, but honestly she’s the most stubborn person I've ever met. Add to that that we are swedes, which almost by default means she’s a brainwashed feminist. Obviously I’ve ****ed up big time from the start. Only reason I’m hesitant to leave is our son, I love him endlessly and want him to have great childhood. I never had a father myself, which most likely explains my behavior on many levels. Anyway, should I fight this ****storm, just ****ing man up intending to be WITH HER trying to plug all the leaking holes, or leave a badly built sinking ship and man up without her. is There any chance of this working out? Grateful for insights and some common sense comments.
You could have just said you were a swede, the rest would unfold naturally lol. Its true, women are kings where we live, but I think socialism, integration and feminism is even worse for you guys. You should move across the boarder near Oslo, here girls love the swedish accent and we all think you seem more happy and service minded. Youd get jobs easily, we love swedes here!

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I rarely see this brought up on SoSuave but being "a horse girl" is actually a red flag!

My own experience is more than enough to verify this but it's something I had confirmed by many other guys I know. Horse girls are always screwed up in the head, trust me on it...

As for advice on your situation, I think there's no realistic chance for it to work out and I think you know this deep inside. It's just hard to accept...
Take your time to accept the truth and adjust to it. Prepare all legal matters etc. Even though you and her will break up and go your own ways in life, you can still provide for a good situation for your kid to grow up in, if you can make good agreements about the mutual parentship. Of course, this requires you to have patience in dealing with her manipulative attitude but also the appropriate legal backup. It's about the future of your kid, so that should motivate you!
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Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
If I'm not mistaken roughly 30%-40% of swedes work overseas.

Join Volvo, Scania or some other Swede MNC, ask for a transfer to Asia and then enjoy life. Swedish companies has a carefree attitude as compared to American or English MNC's.

The ship was never yours to begin with and it's time for you to set sail on your own.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
The third world
First of all be grateful that you came to realization at this point. As bad as things are now..they’ll be even worse a few years down the line if you were still asleep.

My advice based on me thinking
your situation is salvageable:

Make a silent obligation to yourself to remain in your child’s life no matter what. And that’s assuming it’s actually your child.

Retain the best family lawyer you can afford as soon as possible.

Start looking for a steady job.. Making music while being under the stress of being a parent AND dealing with/leaving a woman like this one sounds can hamper your creativity.

You have a child with a woman who sounds stressful. Give up the dream of “throwing it in the wind and following my passion of making music”. Getting a steady job will free up the pressure of having to gig or release music to make money. That in turn will free up your creativity somewhat.
Take steps to become more organized and with good time management you’ll still be able to make music after work or after child is asleep.
Continue making music when you can consistently and you WILL become better at what you do. It mightn’t be as sexy as “taking the leap” and touring regularly but it will make you more competent and this will spill over into other areas of your life. Also your child will grow up seeing you consistently making music while providing for him and getting better and it will be an excellent life lesson for them.

I think your relationship is over (actually never was one to begin with..a healthy one at least). Staying because of your son isn’t worth it. You’ll be unhappy bitter and resentful (and also increase the chance of abuse coming into the picture) and none of this is something you want your son to see. Better mom and dad are apart and they’re both in my life than always fighting and tense.

Just my thoughts.
Wish you and your son all the best.