Sorry for pvssy footing around you there buddy. I didn't mean to say it in such a nice way that you got confused about what I really had to say.
I have balance, an extremely huge comlex dynamic social balance. You would go crazy if i dumped my thoughts into your brain all at the same time, and vice versa. I've got many friends, they can only get better from here though, I am friends with the low lifes, the scoundrels, the people who have problems, real problems, I am compassionate, I care about them, I don't want them to leave me. I reject girls, a lot, I have no problems with them, I could probably take a few lessons from myself on how to be nice, but still reject what I don't want. Slow and steady, well, fast and steady, I'm going to be the rabbit, finish the race, and help make the turtle run faster to the finish line.
Towards women, I only act in self-defense, true self-defense, I make them stop, without TRYING to hurt them. sometimes their wrists get sore, because they are punching me, I push on their foreheads when they try to bite me, I hold them down if they won't stop. If I have the chance, and they don't have other girls trying to beat me up as well(I don't believe I have this problem anymore since coming to this site though, I don't make the girls AS angry as I used to when I was almost completely wrong and trying to be nice to them while still lying), I unleash the tickle monster inside of me. My favourite solution for a female, I can handle them, up to a point, until they get truly abusive, and I am afraid of letting them be abusive, because one day I may not be able to hold myself back. I am afraid of myself, so when they get abusive, I tell them why I am leaving them, because I am afraid of me overreacting and hurting them. So I could, if I tried, apply this to males as well, past the point though, just call it damage contrrol with the girls and guys about the gettting physically angry, caveman style.
I was wondering about how you handle them WITH WORDS! How do you make people stop trying to hurt you, to stop wasting my time, with useless bull****? They waste my time, they try to get money from me, they ask anad ask and ask and ask, sometimes I just give in, to make them stop. If I was overlavish on them, I bet they would just keep wanting more, and never learning a lesson themselves. So how do I teach them a lesson, with my words?
Docs, I finally found my question.
How do I make them stop bothering me, with my words, without making anybody angry, without making THEM want to use physical force, AND without lying to myself at the same time?