This has been a really good thread!
However, SO many veteran posters exposing themselves in very poor ways.
This is a 21 yr old "good girl" type who has posted her young "good girl" views and nothing more! She has every right. Get a grip guys! Losing your cool makes you look bad.
I've re-read the original post and honestly find nothing offensive about it at all. If you do, then you have issues with women that are holding you back. There's nothing in there that should surprise you or cause you to react harshly. It's just an opinion and nothing on this forum should matter enough to upset you.
I know lots of young girls like this one and wish there were MORE of them around. In fact, give me ALL the smart, balanced, ambitious, sporty, moral and naive young virgins you can find thank-you!
I don't care if she thinks she's saving herself until marriage. I'm gettin' in there!! It's gonna be fun.
I'm gonna be a good guy and an a$$hole at the same time. I'm going to take her on super cool and fun dates with lots of good conversation, fun teasing, and sexual tension. I'm going to repeat and escalate a little more each time but I'm not going to pressure anything. I'm going to let this thing simmer. Along the way I'm going to literally sweep her off her feet and while her head is spinning her body will be yearning. I'm gonna drive her absolutely nuts by not committing, yet madly in love with me because I'm so damn fun, exciting and sexy to be with. I'm going to be dating other girls too. (Hopefully more smart, naive virgins) As many as I can handle. I will repeat this scenario with all of them. In some cases I will be open about all this and in others I will have to be more discreet. It doesn't matter because eventually I will be sleeping with many of them and fooling around with the others. They will all love me, pursue me and want me to marry them.
^^^^The above story^^^^ is pretty much how I made my DJ living in years gone by. Sure I had lots of meaningless nights with some questionable women but for the most part I targeted the good-girl types (not religious). I had tons of fun and sex and great relationships with lots of great women. This is my image of what being a successful DJ really is.
I've been coming to this forum for a long time. I've seen and heard every negative view of women imaginable. I listen to all these guys claiming that they can't find a good woman anywhere. Some say they don't even exist!
I see them every single day.
I've always wondered how my experience with women could be so good and for so many other guys it's so negative? Something tells me it's not the woman's fault.
Whenever these woman hating threads begin it reminds me of racism. Men taking their limited experiences with women and applying it to ALL women.
Many of the attacks and attitudes displayed throughout this thread are a sad display of how many members are lacking in their development.