Yeah man, back at it. I will make Part 2 short and sweet (uncharacteristic of my posts) lol.
Now, Mode One was defined in part 1...and it was stated that Mode One is best served for guys and their purposes of..
1. The purpose of having casual sex with a woman (friends with benefits, or f#ck buddy relationships).
2. The purpose of preventing a woman from wasting your time and money.
Now, before we get into the good stuff, lets talk about how most guys think...we tend to think the old fashion way..
"This woman is attractive and I want to have sex with her. But she will only have sex with me after we get to know each other better. So I will go out on a date with her (or two), and we will see if we can get to know each other...and then maybe, just maybe, things will progress to sex".
So basically, we are taking gambles. We are wining and dining women, with the hopes of smashing them.
But, here is where we have to
change our mentalities.
Think of it this way...
Woman: Why would I have sex with you? I dont even know you. I have to get to know a man first before I give have sex with him.
Now, guys, we've accepted this as how most women think.
We've accepted it, and we go with the flow.
But what if we match their mentality with...
Man: Why would I spend money on you for a date? I don't even know you. I have to get to know a woman first before I spent money on her.
Did you feel that? That kind of mentality goes against EVERYTHING you've ever known or have come to know about dating, doesn't it?
By simply changing your mentality to reflect those sentiments, a woman can never flake on you again.
Back to Mode One.
If you spend $70 on a date with a woman that you were trying to smash, and you never smashed her (for whatever reason, she never gave up the puzzy), you feel like it was not money well spent, because you did not get what you wanted in the first place.
So, you feel like you wasted money. You took a gamble. You played the lottery and did not "hit" (pun intended).
Or, lets say you got the number of a woman that you found extremely attractive, and you set up a date with her but she canceled or is showing signs of flakiness.
How can you prevent this?
You go Mode One.
So, what does Mode One look like in this scenario? It is simple. It is easy as 1-2-3.
It is so simple that by the time you see how simple it is, you will receive so much enlightenment that you will think you are Buddhist.
Mode One is simple...it goes a little something like this...
You: Hey miss, you are cute. I want to share your sexual companionship tonight. May I have your number?
Her: *She declines, regardless of what kind of answer she gives*.
Do you see what happens? She can't flake on you, can she?
You know where you stand with her, without spending a DIME on her.
Do you see how easy/simple that is?? No money spent....and because you have closure, you actually feel good!!
Because you see, when we go out on a first date or before we send the first
text (or phone call) to a woman, we don't know where we stand with her.
So, we are diving into unknown waters...and we simply have to wait and see how deep those waters are. It is a gamble.
But, by going Mode One, we don't have to wait.
We KNOW exactly where we stand, immediately. And we didn't have to time or money to know, either.