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A Woman Can't Flake On You; If You Do This...MODE ONE!!! Part 1


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
DJ, with due respect, before I deactivated my DM feature, I had many men messaging me telling me to continue posting as I bring a lot of value to the forum, a different perspective.

As does @BeExcellent who is also not representative of most women.

I also have 250 likes, out of 310 posts, a ratio larger than many men on this forum.

If you don't find my perspective valuable, I can respect that
No disrespect to you, but I believe men should NEVER EVER listen to or take advice from a woman on the subject of dating and relationships or casual sex. That is if you really are a woman, because it's been revealed that many 'women' on men's seduction related forums are actually men pretending to be women (this happened a lot over at the Ask Men forums, for example).

Women cannot teach men how to pick them up. That is something that only a man can teach men.

For a start, women usually say the exact opposite of what's true. What women SAY they want/don't want in a man VS what they ACTUALLY RESPOND TO are usually complete polar opposites. For example....

- Women SAY they want a nice guy.....yet
in the real world they don't get involved romantically or sexually with nice guys.

- Women say stuff like 'I'd never sleep with a guy I meet on the street, on the first date etc'.....yet it happens all the time in real life (IF the guy has top notch seduction skills....).

Take all advice and opinions from women on this subject with a huge pinch of salt. Only pay attention to what women actually do, not what she says. There was a reason why David X's rule number 1 is 'Who cares what she says or what she thinks'. He was a master of direct approach, along with his friend Alan Roger Currie.

Speaking of Alan Roger Currie, here's a good video from him on this subject, 'Men should NEVER take casual sex advice from a woman':

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Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
What I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around is the notion that a cold approach opening with "I wanna fvck your ass" (or any variation thereof) is something most women would respond to.
See my reply to your post in the other thread. Mode One Hardcore is NOT simply about crudely walking up to women and a spouting out 'I want to **** you'. There's a lot more to it than that. You are not understanding it properly.

If you really want to understand Mode One Hardcore PROPERLY, please read Alan Roger Currie's ebooks 'Mode One Hardcore' and 'Ooh Say It Again' (better still, listen to the audio book of the latter, as you be able to hear examples of it). Those will clear up your confusion and misconceptions about it.