A random guy at the club cannot compete with Tinder, Bumble and her social circle


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I see, you were relating it to tennis because its your thing.

For you it depends on the dynamics of your tennis club, if its a serious environment where the women want to play and leave then you'll find it hard to convert them. But if its a dynamic where the tennis group occasionally meet for dinner or social activities away from tennis it'll be easier to convert them into a date.
I've played at both public and private courts over time. Because private courts tend to be pricier, they tend to attract a different crowd. It's an older crowd. 35+. Established couples. Maybe some Real Housewives type divorcees in their 40s who are fit.

Public tennis courts get all walks of life.

Male participation in tennis is much higher than female participation, even at the private, pricier courts.

I've got a friend who teaches Taekwondo, he has generated a few lays from his students.
That's common. Even in tennis, females in unsatisfying relationships have been known to have affairs with tennis instructors. Tennis instructors at private clubs are typically guys who played college tennis or were on the fringes on the pro tour and never made any money or played in any of the major tournaments. They are still better at tennis than mostly all recreational players, even quality recreational players like myself. They are usually fit and younger than the women that they bang.

Surfing instructors are also known as seducers of married women.

"4. Swipe apps: The worst of the worst. People resort to swipe apps when all other options fail."

I like that saying. I might have to steal it.
It's a good saying. You can use it.