A question for Latinoman


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
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I think we are tapping into some differing root assumptions that people have for relationships and this forum reflects those differences and more.

Assumption one: The goal of men is to seek LTR’s and “the right” one. To do that is to have to sort through many, many women to find the right one. Is this AFC thinking, the matrix weaving its thread? Big debate on that.

Assumption two: The goal is to simply have fun with women and have no need to mate or couple permanently. This fights societies “rules”, and even the law if married.

Even one of the guru’s, David D ascribes to the view that most men seek LTR’s. Is he just playing to the masses? He teaches skills that help you to NOT have to “settle” for LTR’s, but consistently points out many men seek them, though they have to sort through many, many women to find that ONE.

I’ll jump in and play devils advocate; having been married for 2 actual decades in the past, I have some experience.

How can we expect the law of marriage, created thousands of years ago to apply to today’s society. Have we not evolved? If so, why have marriage? Or, rather, why have marriage be the ONLY accepted norm. If not, society has stagnated for thousands of years. That actually is a much deeper concern.

My personal opinion, and tying back to Latinoman’s original input, is that human beings change too goddamn much to expect them to stay with any other human being more than 7 or so years and fights the very cells in our bodies (that are replaced every 7 years). Why the hell do you think it is called the “7 year itch”?

Pretty interesting that relationships suddenly start to need more "work" around the 7 year mark and beyond. Why do you think that is?

I’m not saying men and women don’t need each other; just expecting them to stay together for ALL FVCKING ETERNITY is a bit much!


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Unfortunatly society has turned for the worse... thanks to the christian revolution.

Life was so much better back 2100 years ago.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
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Hmmm...men are homosexuals? Well that is indeed an eye opener. Just need women to reproduce? Wow........

Further, a nerve was not hit at all. But your ramblings were just pretty much a bunch of jibberish. Honestly I do value understanding how men think. Definitely and eye opener and hopefully useful.

Irregardless of what you say, it takes work to maintain relationships. Plain and simple. Its work because you have to exert effort. But maybe these relationships you speak of don't seem like work cause you WANT to do it--you CARE. So why even get in relationships (spinning plates) with women you have no interest in, that you don't care for, that you don't want to put any energy into? Why waste your's and their time? But you all wait after the moment you reeled some poor woman in just to throw her away at a moments notice--after she's tried and tried. Maybe we should just stop trying to? I think thats the answer. If I like a guy, why even show him. Won't do me any good anyway? Right?

Effort...Why get on SOSUAVE to find out how to approach women and all that jazz? Seemingly you guys put alot of energy (WORK) into all that. But no effort is put into maintaining one. All you guys do is say if she slips up then I'm going to find another. Let a woman do that to you and you'd be all in a frenzy about how awful women are and yada yada yada. Yet, you all agree that no one is perfect.

In a nutshell, you guys make it seem like women and men should do nothing but get together to procreate and thats it. If thats what you want so be it. Continue to create this mess up society we live in based on the loose morals and lack thereof. I definitely find it pathetic.

I think maybe girls should be raised just as guys are then. Go through alot of guys until you find the one. And really THE ONE doesn't exist. There are going to be numerous ONES because you are constantly changing--so at the moment of the change--drop the guy and get another. And you all wonder why feminism came about? I for one don't want to go that route cause thats just not my way. But sometimes it seems like we have no other choice. If thats the way of the world then we women must adapt too right? Do as the romans do...


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Oblivious said:
Do as the romans do...
I shouldnt be in this forum, but you dont post in the others so I have to resort to breaking the forums rules to enter this.

I was done, untill you made this comment.

Elaborate this please


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I didn't want to chime in here either. I respect Latinoman's point of view and even I find his break with his wife puzzling, but that's between him and her. I do know a good woman is tough to find, and a great woman is even harder to find, especially in the U.S.

To answer Oblivious' questions:

Spinning plates provides man options. Take it from someone who has put all his eggs into one basket, that doesn't work out. By dating many, it enables one to find out what they like and don't like in a woman. Also, if a woman flakes (and they will for no reason), you have a backup plan. A man is only as good as his options. Do you apply for ONE job? Test drive ONE car? Look at ONE house? Go the restaurant and have a one-item menu?

No, you play your options, that is the purpose of plate spinning. Some may use it to get as much tail as possible, so be it. I use it to keep my options open and let the cream rise to the top. Whenever I've had oneitis, I've failed miserably. Women also are attracted to men who aren't obsessed with them.

Women can't have it both ways. You can't say you want Mr. Commitment and then drift toward the first aloof loser you can find ... yet 99.9 percent of women do this.

As for procreating and having kids? I would say that is a goal of marriage. Then again I've seen many happily childrenless marriages, and miserable marriages with children.

One thing this site does is break down the stereotypes plaguing today's male, that they should beg for women, plead for attention, focus on one, etc. And of course a woman would be offended by the bashing of these stereotypes as it disrupts today's matrix and shifts the power.

As to putting work into a relationship, if it's "work" than one shouldn't be in it. It's these cell-phone blabbing, pork rinds eating, constant b-tching women that one has to "work" to be in a relationship with. I'll settle for the kind, generous, classy woman that doesn't require me to "work" at it. I work hard at my job all day, the last thing I want to do is come home and "work" at a freaking relationship. It should be give and take.

There's a reason men die on average 7 years younger than women in this country, it's called WORKING TWICE A DAY EVERY DAY, at their job and when they come home to the high maintenance wife.

Ah, you got me started ... :mad:


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
LOL! I shouldn't be in this forum. Hmmm...I thought that this was an OPEN forum. One should be open to the perspectives of others.

As far as an elaboration...I guess woman should also adopt these philosophies as well. But I wonder if some of the tactics that you all follow on here were done to you by a woman--would you like it? Nope you really don't but when we do it, you call it something else--its evil, wicked of us--feminism. Most girls are raised to be docile, wiith the dream to be married, have kids. But seemingly thats a bunch of hogwash. Hogwash that will get us hurt at every turn. And seemingly that is what guys want from us anyway--then we won't be too needy. We'll have careers, live the life, hang out with our friends, have all sorts of hobbies and interest, never really focusing on one man--go on and spin some plates. We can always freeze our eggs, go to the sperm bank, get a dog when our maternal instincts hit. Cause you can't rely on a man to be there--he'll bounce the moment he CHANGES anyway. Hmm...yet another messed up kid without a father figure or a part-time dad with his mother to raise him. Continued messed up society with ever evolving jacked up philosophies on life.

But, no, men and women don't need each other. God just created two different sexes just for the heck of it. It wasn't because we are here to be each others helpers, to fill the void where one is weak. Oh no! We all can make it in this world alone--as long as we have our hobbies, a phat paycheck and some regular "GET SOME," although HIV/AIDS is rampant, STDs are everywhere. All is right in the world then. We can just frolic around as happy as can be. Nothing would take work...it will just all be handed to us on a silver platter. Yeah if women just jumped on board and act like men do (at least the stuff on this forum)--we'll be just as happy. No sacrificing for a man thats only going to leave you on a whim, who doesn't compliment you from fear that you'll be too confident, who only uses you for sex all the while keeping his options open. Oh do the same women. Might as well as to not be too needy, so that maybe you can enhance your own life and forget about trying to be there for a man. Stupid, but its going to come to that....

Like I've said before its great that this site empowers men who otherwise have a lack of confidence. But bashing women is unnecessary. Having disdain for another human beings emotions is just wrong. But do what you do. But if you wouldn't want some woman to do that to you, then I don't understand how you all can think its right to do it to us? You all seem to be setting up each relationship for failure--always looking for the slightest wrong a woman commits--like you are perfect. Oh we are the prize---yada yada yada. No one said a good man wasn't but please don't think your poo doesn't stink to high hell like anyone elses. A good woman is a prize too. And maybe you all need to find ways to maintain a relationship with one than finding more ways and excuses to let one slip through your fingers. Not saying that the world revolves around her, but dang if you truly care for someone , even a woman I would think you would want to hold her in some high regard. But anyway....go on.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
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West Coaster how is it that the woman should work at it and not the man as well---if it is indeed give and take. Or rather is it the woman gives and the man just takes. Thats usually how it goes. And the men continue to take until they get tired and leave. No justice in that. But I guess justice isn't to be had for women. BULL! In a marriage, in a relationship both parties should WORK to make it work. Now I am not saying strenuous labor or anything. But dang EFFORT. If you care for someone, you are willing to make an effort. And as for men WORKING at a job...heck women do too! DUH! So I don't think that would absolve a man from having to put in some effort at home as well. And even if the lady didn't work during the day, she is still busting butt at home trying to make the man happy. Men...Just lazy I say... In addition, you say the guy works his job to come home to a high maintenance wife...well maybe if you all wouldn't go after the high maintenance women then you wouldn't feel that way. And if thats your cup o'tea then don't complain about it.

Hey and plate spinning is cool! I agree that definitely is the prime way of not getting yourself wrapped up in one person too easily. An idea that I hope to adopt.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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I think men and women need each other, I won't go there. I could give a sh-t if women spin plates or not, 99.9 percent don't and don't know how, i.e., it's not about spreading your legs on the first date.

Feminism's origins were in the right place, voting, equal employment, etc.

The "movement" had evolved into nothing but man-bashing. A movement goes south when there is always a personal target. The black movement works when it doesn't target others, that's why militant blacks didn't capture the mainstream and that's why feminism is dying. It's not about equal rights, it's about bringing down men at each and every turn.

Watch TV sometimes, 100 percent of the commericals bring down men and make them look stupid. If the same commerical had the woman as a buffoon there would be feminist protesters out for blood.

Men are being respected less and less in society and women are leading the way in trying to bring them down.

Men and women do need each other, but no one wants a man-hating woman; and women in turn down want a boor for a man.

As for U.S. men, I highly suggest dating and marrying foreign. These women are usually not b-tchy, uptight, materialistic, and they respect men and are kind to them. I have a job where I meet with people of all nationalities every day. Just yesterday I met with a Yugoslavian, a Bulgarian, a Mexican, and a Ukranian, and the attitudes they bring are soooooo much different than American women it's not funny.

Date and marry foreign.

* As for working at it, men work a helluva lot harder in this country. Those roads you are driving on? Men built them. The food you're eating? Men farmed it. The building you're working in? Men built it. Mining that goes on in this country? Men are doing it. There's a huge building going up where I work, I walk by it every day, all men slaving away, not one woman. That's not sexist, it's the truth.

As Rollo said, women have no clue the sacrifices men make to be married.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
LOL! I watch the same TV that you do. And I see no ambush against men at all. Men still make more than women, men still hold all the power. So you can quit with that woo is me scenario. And if thats what you are seeing on TV blame it on men, cause they sure hold the power in all industries...including TV. So maybe you all need to hold a man meeting and get that worked out.
No woman wants a woman hating man holding on to so many generalizations about women (and American women--as you pointed out) either.

And for the record women do know how to spin plates, we'd just rather not. And we recognize is not about spreading our legs on the first date or any date as well. Hmm...do guys hold that philosophy too? Hmm...but I think if women did spin plates, date just for the sake of dating--without any expectations of a relationship--we'd be better off.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
Ugg, youse guys are hurtin my head with all this deep thinkin. My date canceled on me tonite (I was a "jerk", of course) so here i sit...but I digress.

I know WestCoaster lives in a sh*tty little town that has no action (when ya gonna move bro?) and Oblivious, you aint here by accident....

Since I am rich, I will chip in for a plane ticket for one of you to see the other and a personalized set of "Encounter Bats" that you can whack each other with.

Exactly 8 minutes and 37 seconds after you begin to whack each other you will begin to tickle each other.....

I truly love encounter bats....

Anybody get my point yet...


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Oblivious said:
LOL! I shouldn't be in this forum. Hmmm...I thought that this was an OPEN forum. One should be open to the perspectives of others.

As far as an elaboration...I guess woman should also adopt these philosophies as well. But I wonder if some of the tactics that you all follow on here were done to you by a woman--would you like it? Nope you really don't but when we do it, you call it something else--its evil, wicked of us--feminism. Most girls are raised to be docile, wiith the dream to be married, have kids. But seemingly thats a bunch of hogwash. Hogwash that will get us hurt at every turn. And seemingly that is what guys want from us anyway--then we won't be too needy. We'll have careers, live the life, hang out with our friends, have all sorts of hobbies and interest, never really focusing on one man--go on and spin some plates. We can always freeze our eggs, go to the sperm bank, get a dog when our maternal instincts hit. Cause you can't rely on a man to be there--he'll bounce the moment he CHANGES anyway. Hmm...yet another messed up kid without a father figure or a part-time dad with his mother to raise him. Continued messed up society with ever evolving jacked up philosophies on life.

But, no, men and women don't need each other. God just created two different sexes just for the heck of it. It wasn't because we are here to be each others helpers, to fill the void where one is weak. Oh no! We all can make it in this world alone--as long as we have our hobbies, a phat paycheck and some regular "GET SOME," although HIV/AIDS is rampant, STDs are everywhere. All is right in the world then. We can just frolic around as happy as can be. Nothing would take work...it will just all be handed to us on a silver platter. Yeah if women just jumped on board and act like men do (at least the stuff on this forum)--we'll be just as happy. No sacrificing for a man thats only going to leave you on a whim, who doesn't compliment you from fear that you'll be too confident, who only uses you for sex all the while keeping his options open. Oh do the same women. Might as well as to not be too needy, so that maybe you can enhance your own life and forget about trying to be there for a man. Stupid, but its going to come to that....

Like I've said before its great that this site empowers men who otherwise have a lack of confidence. But bashing women is unnecessary. Having disdain for another human beings emotions is just wrong. But do what you do. But if you wouldn't want some woman to do that to you, then I don't understand how you all can think its right to do it to us? You all seem to be setting up each relationship for failure--always looking for the slightest wrong a woman commits--like you are perfect. Oh we are the prize---yada yada yada. No one said a good man wasn't but please don't think your poo doesn't stink to high hell like anyone elses. A good woman is a prize too. And maybe you all need to find ways to maintain a relationship with one than finding more ways and excuses to let one slip through your fingers. Not saying that the world revolves around her, but dang if you truly care for someone , even a woman I would think you would want to hold her in some high regard. But anyway....go on.

Firstly, You dont know anything about history, because you wouldnt have even brought up the idea of the Romans. The Romans, before the christianity reform-bull**** were Homosexual Pedophiles which had sex with little boys to fullfill their sexual desires. Infact mostly all cultures, Even the Germanic tribes, practiced this.

Secondly, God is not realy.

But... Lets say he is.

Before god Created Females, He told Adam that MEN will have complete control of Eden ALL of its living things.

001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
002:015 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

And THEN... GOD felt adam was lonely.... So he took a part of Adam... one of his ribs.. and Created a Sex toy, EVE!

002:018 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
002:021 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
002:022 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
And because God gave adam the right to control all things alive, and name them.. Adam Named the new sex toy "woman".

002:023 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

now... we can REALLY go deeper. Lets do it.

So we all know the serpent got Eve to eat the fruit from the knowledge tree... and then we all know that stupid ***** got our boy Adam to eat it. So lets take off from there. God is talking to adam and eve after he found out they are the fruit-

003:013 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

003:014 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

003:015 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel

003:016 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

003:017 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

003:018 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

003:019 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

003:020 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

003:021 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

003:022 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

003:023 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

So basically because of the acts of you wreched creatures. God has Banned us from the garden of Eden.

Basically, because of this, BECAUSE we are now forced to live on earth thanks you *****es, we have to endure pain and suffering.. even DEATH.. Because of the simple fact you made all humans go to this ****hole, you are responsible for every act upon earth.

Woman are responsible for all the pain and suffering of everyone on earth. They are the reason people go to hell, they are the reason we get cancer, they are the reason little AID infested African babies dont have anything to eat.

See, if it wasnt for Eve, THERE WOULD BE NO RIGHT OR WRONG.. People wouldnt kill each other... Bush wouldnt blow up the towers to gain political control... North Korea wouldnt make nukes to bomb japan.

If it wasnt for WOMEN we would all be in the garden of Eden. Without pain... WIthout death.. Without suffering. And most importantly... Without the chance to go to HELL.

So basically, You have ruined Mankind for all of us, YOU destroyed everything good for us in this universe.

Not only does GOD know this, but he even said.. You are to be controled by MEN. Because you are unable to control yourselves or be TRUSTED by men.

Why do you think throughout history... MEN were and always will be the most important figures. It is because MEN are capable and WOMEN ARE NOT.
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Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Oh for goodness sake get the stick out your butt. "Do as the Romans" -- said figuratively not literally. I wasn't taking it as deep as actually saying do as the ROMANS. I was using was some people call "figure of speech." In simple speak...if men are doing it, then so should we. LOL! WoW!

Further, glad you whipped out your Bible. But there you go again blaming women on a man's failure. Eve didn't put a gun to Adam's head. He was just as curious as she. He didn't have to take the bite. But regardless Eve was made for Adam to be his helper, his companion. But who is to say? I wasn't there. But man and woman were created for some purpose for each other and procreation is only a sliver of it. I can understand one feeling that way (that men and women are of no need for each other) if he or she were homosexual. In that case no you don't need or want a woman. You'd need and/or want a man. So go for it...have at it silly little homosexual pediphile women haters--Romans. LOL! And for clarity that was a somewhat of a joke, yet not a joke.

Is Firstly a word?????


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Oblivious said:
Oh for goodness sake get the stick out your butt. "Do as the Romans" -- said figuratively not literally. I wasn't taking it as deep as actually saying do as the ROMANS. I was using was some people call "figure of speech." In simple speak...if men are doing it, then so should we. LOL! WoW!

Further, glad you whipped out your Bible. But there you go again blaming women on a man's failure. Eve didn't put a gun to Adam's head. He was just as curious as she. He didn't have to take the bite. But regardless Eve was made for Adam to be his helper, his companion. But who is to say? I wasn't there. But man and woman were created for some purpose for each other and procreation is only a sliver of it. I can understand one feeling that way (that men and women are of no need for each other) if he or she were homosexual. In that case no you don't need or want a woman. You'd need and/or want a man. So go for it...have at it silly little homosexual pediphile women haters--Romans. LOL! And for clarity that was a somewhat of a joke, yet not a joke.
Listen. It is ALL in the bible. Dont EVEN THINK about pulling out that god **** if you wont accept whats in the bible.

BTW- Adam ate the apple because his dumb-ass sexhelper told him it was good and he should do it... he TRUSTED HER... and she ****ED US.

Just perfect.. thats what this is.. perfect... In the history of this world.. the FIRST betrayal of trust... is a woman misleading a man. *shakes head*

Is Firstly a word?????

well doesnt that just add to my argument on how woman are not capable of manly things... such as thinking.

ANYWAYS... GOD himself says Women are to be our slaves, and we are to control them and their happiness.



Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Now sir, let us get in control of our emotions. I simply asked a question "Is firstly a word." That has nothing to do with having to attack my thinking or thinking of women for that matter. But thankfully you cleared that up and I now know that firstly is indeed a word. And referring to Eve as a dumbass is totally unnecessary. But don't let me stop your continuous hatred of women. Maybe you should go on and bat for the other team then.

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
And how are you referring to God if you don't accept Him as being real? And I don't think there is anything in the bible that says women are to be the slaves of men and that men control us or our happiness. God bless you anyway...


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Listen, I dont have a hatred for women. I think of them as little animals that dont know what they are doing or what they want. So I feel compassion for them and want to protect them :)

But what really upsets me is the fact people try and compare them to men.

Tell me, WHy is it men rule the world? and have since the start of history? WHY DID GOD CREATE A MAN FIRST?

why? because we are the superior being.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
It seems like you have not been with a strong man in a long time. Where do you live?

Close to Washington? If so, lets hit up some joint for food and chat ;).. I know alot of great whole in the walls that serve EPIC food.

Nothing gets me horny like a saucy girl

here is my pic.


now show yours.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
A-Unit said:
But when a woman becomes another debt, or expense, or demand, like all of life, rather than an UPLIFTING source of emotion, your rock, you begin to move apart. To me, that shouldn't have to be discussed, it should be OBVIOUS.

The people we gravitate toward are just that for us...wellsprings of positive emotion and empathy. Someone to bond with and talk with. Sometimes those mental blocks that hamper a man will come undone if he just talks it out with a party in cofidence. All too often though, the expection of lifestyle and the partner's emotional needs supercede the man.

My feeling is the woman must also, in some capacity be a friend, not only someone you mate with. Prior to marriage both parties will cultivate their individual selves, and will have already been with other partners so that they can best determine WHO they will create any progeny with.

Are men or women perfect? By no means! However, for some parties interest will be a function of the person with whom you're dealing. So if you have some uneducated bumbling idiot, who's only working to drink and buy entertainment, his NEEDS will be low in his partner, and therefore holding his interest level will be easily FILLED. Yet, if you meet a cultured man, who can speak multiple languages, has travelled the world, enjoys museums, etc, and classy balls, then some hick chick isn't going to keep his interest, unless he's been lying to himself all these years.

So why does the person who ends up becoming the FOCAL point of my life require work? Shouldn't it be the opposite? Don't we choose this person because it REQUIRS LESS work, perhaps LESS work than the rest of your relationships

My personal view is that if I have *to do something* to keep a girl, I'm already beyond it and done with it. If women have that, ditch it. No man wants to enter a relationship knowing he has a liability to pay.
This is exactly what the thread was about before some of the posters went off-topic: "why should one leave his partner in an LTR/marriage?"

-Negativity coming from the partner to you as a human being.
-Expectations from your partner that you can not meet because it is against your convictions/lowers your self-esteem/blocks you in doing what contributes to your happiness
-Personal changes can fvck up any relationship: if when meeting your girl you were dumb, but in time you become intellectual while she stays the same, this leads to incompatibility. It's all about changes!

When times come that you need to *work* on a relationship, it means the relationship is already over. Ask anybody that likes what he does (be it in a relationship, carreer, business,...): they never perceive it as a work, they perceive it as fun. They do it, because they like it, not because they are supposed to or because they are forced to.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
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I agree on those points. But I still feel that as much effort you put into attracting a woman shouldn't and doesn't stop once you've got her. Even a job you LOVE is work just the same. Everyday aren't going to be roses. Everyday you aren't going to be working on the project you want to. Everyday you aren't going to want to go into work. But I do agree that when a person changes and evolves for the better and his spouse or mate hasn't as well--then there poses a problem. But in a marriage you should want to uplift your partner just as you are--on both sides. At that point if the person doesn't want to then yeah its time to move on because they will hinder you. But I didn't see anything in Latinoman's commentary on making that effort other than just simply telling his wife he wanted out.

Sorry Maverick, ummm no. I have had strong men in my life ALL my life and that is my father and grandfather. Sorry I am in no way desperate for a father figure. Aww, but thanks for the offer anyway.

And I do believe that the man should be a leader, superior--NO. Men lead, women follow--but women aren't trying to follow blindly behind men who aren't leaders. And to be a leader doesn't mean acting or thinking that one is superior. A leader recognizes when he is weak and needs help. A leader hopes to uplift those around him and not just himself. A leader recognizes that nothing is handed to him on a platinum plate and that it takes WORK. God (or whoever/whatever you hold your faith in) is the only entity that is ALL powerful--superior, no MAN is.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
