Okay, first I think it's important to point out a very important fact about this site: while almost all of us are here (originally, at least) because we want to be successful with women, not all of us measure success the same way. For some, success is being able to get laid at will. For others, success is to have sex with as many different girls as possible. And there are some (I suspect many) people on this board who would consider just being comfortable enough to approach a girl and get a date to be a success. My objective on this site, which I never made a secret, was to find someone who I considered to be LTR material. So while we're all running a race here, we're not all running the SAME race.
Whether or not anyone on this board considers me a success is really pretty irrelevant; in all honesty I'm the only credible judge of that. Otherwise we could turn this on its head and say that Nick has almost no experience because I haven't heard him say much of anything about any LTRs. Nick seems to have no interest in LTRs and thus does not measure his success by his skill in LTRs, which he probably sees as claustrophobic and restricting. And I have no interest in ONSs, which I see as cheap and pointless.
Originally posted by prosemont
Gio, on the other hand, admittedly has almost NO EXPERIENCE in getting women. Let's see, by his own admission, he's been with a TOTAL of three (3) --- that's right, count 'em, three women.
According to
this poll, more than 1 out of 3 guys on this board have never even HAD A GIRLFRIEND. Ever. And if
this poll is any indication, more than 2 out of every 5 guys on this site have NEVER had sex. But you're right, I've had sex with only three girls. That's not something that I regret or am ashamed of.
And for the record, I've never claimed that I was some kind of Wilt Chamberlain who has had a different girl in his bed every night. But I'm a lot more discriminating about the girls that I do have sex with. And on one occasion in particular, I was a poor judge of character.
The first was a LTR with whom he was a complete AFC and who generally used and abused him. The second I haven't read about. The third is the current single mother who Gio, at the age of 23, has decided he's deeply in love with and plans on marrying. Have I gotten anything wrong here? Please do correct me if I've mischaracterized anything. Talk about laughable.
Actually, you've gotten a couple of minor things wrong. The first girl I was with was during my junior and senior years in high school, plus the year after I graduated. We broke up right before we went off to college (I took a year off after high school before going to college). I was not "used and abused" at that time. The second LTR was the one you're referring to. That girl was a psycho b*tch, but I was fairly blind to it. But I sent her packing, never looked back, and LEARNED FROM IT. The third is the girl I'm currently with. Those are my LTRs. I have dated others. Have I dated hundreds of girls? No.
It really shouldn't be a wonder that Gio doesn't post anything of experience in the forum because, in short, he doesn't have anything to post. Oh sure, he's read the bible and he can regurge it and he has theories about women and the like, but getting women? Nada. Zip. It shouldn't be a wonder then that he mostly posts in the Anything Else else forum and shuns field reports about, um .... getting women. Besides, after spending so much time on this site -- literally thousands of posts, you can understand why he's comfortable here.
I'm very comfortable here. I know about the personalities of many of the more frequent posters here and when it comes to some of the more serious topics in the Anything Else forum, I know I will see the topic attacked on almost every angle. It gives a perspective that's difficult to get on most other bulletin board sites that I've been to. If that weren't the case, rest assured that I wouldn't be here.
However, I have to say that it's somewhat false to say that I know little about getting women. I have managed to "get" (and keep, which is in many ways harder than getting) three different girls in LTRs, and although one of them was a she-demon, the other two were not, and the one I'm with currently is pretty much everything that I have been looking for. In addition, I've dated (but admittedly did not have sex with) many girls in between.
My problem with the "field reports" and the "unusual techniques" and the "theories", etc. about getting women is that I feel they are not only unneccessary but they are also more than a little nerdy and borderline creepy. I realize that not everyone shares my view, but the idea that someone would have to use a special "pattern" of words to try to get a girl to fall for them, or to use a particular "technique" or "method" to get a girl... I'm just not into that. Now, there are plenty of mistakes that guys make in the natural course of dating and trying to meet women, and there are certain things that guys can do to increase their likelihood of success. I'm more than happy to discuss those things. And LTRs
are a whole different ball game than these STRs and ONSs, as I'm sure Bungo will attest to. Again, I'm more than happy to discuss the dynamics of LTRs and how they differ from STRs. The problem is, I just don't see the demand for it. Again, so many people on this site see getting into an LTR to be the ultimate DJ failure. I don't know where they're getting that idea, but there is a bias against LTRs on this site such that I don't particularly feel like getting into it.
Now, let me not rag too much on Gio. He seems like a nice guy. He is a tremendous wit. He does add some great theoretical information such as his list of rules and all. In earnest, I'd compare him to a fine sports coach who never really played the game. It certainly doesn't make him any less of a great coach. He also is the board's self-proclaimed morality policeman and barometer. I think that is useful although to some of us it's white noise.
In short, the site is better for having him.
Actually, I'd say I'm more like a good hockey coach when most of the guys here are playing soccer. You can take what I know about hockey, and some of it will still apply to soccer, but at the end of the day, we're playing different games.
As far as being the morality policeman and barometer (which I
never self-proclaimed), I'd like to quote Jerry Garcia: "We figured somebody had to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it had to be us."