Oxide said:
My college keeps saying I need to be 25 to be self sufficient. If I convince my parents not to put me on taxes, I can get away with this? (I am already paying for my own school as it is)
What grants to I apply to then? What scholarships?
That's just plain BS, leave it to a college in Minnesota to tell you that.

What if your parents are dead, what would your options be? This is not a loop hole. Every US citizen has the right to get an education, it doesn't matter who pays for it. There are more opportunities given to people who need help to establish themselves. Ever wonder why immigrants seem to do so well here?
The problem with Americans not being wealthy is because they are learning from institutions who have no idea on how to make money outside of pulling the coattails of alumni and big business (trust me, I know). Trust me, learning what's truly available to students will expand your opportunities exponentially!
Now, as for taxes, as long as you submit
your own 1040 you are claiming yourself as an exemption and NO ONE ELSE can claim you on their forms. To seal the deal, if your primary residence was not their house, they can't claim you.
Now understand what that could mean to you, no more support (free meals, lodging, car and/or insurance) provided by your folks. They can choose to cut you off if they can't claim you as a dependent.