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A message to the woman-haters...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
It looks like there's a lot of misogynistic or anti-female sentiment around this forum lately, so I figured it might be a good idea to share another revelation I had recently about my relationships with women.

I've been doing well lately pulling numbers and such, going on dates, even hooking up with women. But any woman who spent any amount of time with me, if I didn't get tired of her, she would eventually stop returning calls and disappear out of my life.

It took one woman in particular who just persistently hung around and wanted to spend time with me to get me to see that the real source of the problem was ME.

For some reason, I had developed the same adversarial/love-hate relationship with women that many people have on this forum. I started viewing the women I seduced as weak, suckers, or conquests. Women who were into me had told me that they felt like I saw them as being "not worthy" of me. And in essence they were right. And the women who rejected me, as they began to reject me, I started to prize them even more, pursue even harder.

I finally realized that there was a significant subconscious reason for all this...I actually DID hate these women, and I hated them because they LIKED me...and I didn't like MYSELF.

Back in my grade-school days, I somehow got singled out as the kid to make fun of. My peers all mocked me and even my so-called "friends" badmouthed me behind my back. It got to a point where any gesture of friendship, I was waiting for them to stick the knife in my back. I shut myself off from EVERYONE for the longest time, finally starting to tentatively accept friendship from people by my senior year of high school.

I wanted to tell myself that it never affected me, that I "survived" it, but unbeknownst to me, it left a pretty heavy mark on me. I had somehow become convinced that I didn't DESERVE to be anyone's friend, much less anyone's lover. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but subconsciously I started to believe that I wasn't good enough to be around other people.

These thoughts, although they were subconscious, attracted negativity into my life by the way I acted and carried myself. And I projected those feelings onto others. Because I didn't feel worthy, because I held disdain for myself, I began to expect others to feel the same way. Even though I didn't want these women to leave me or reject me, I felt that that's what they SHOULD do. The ones who did, I prized them for their keen insight. The ones who didn't, who actually liked me and wanted to be around me, I figured it was one of three things: either they didn't have anyone else at the moment, they were just too nice to tell me off, or it was a sign of weakness or foolishness on their part. Subconsciously, I would start acting in ways which pushed them away from me, in some cases becoming derisive or mocking or acting "too good" for them because secretly I felt that they were "too stupid to see how worthless I was and too weak to leave me".

I started to HATE these women for loving me even though I hated myself. And inevitably, through acting with a lack of self-respect, I managed to eventually convince every girl I've been with that I was right...in essence, I convinced them to validate my lack of self-esteem...by leaving and/or rejecting me.

Dating became a game of vengeance. I would punish those who weren't good enough to reject me. If I managed to game a particularly desirable woman, I got satisfaction out of that feeling..."Ha-ha, look at what happened to you. You got tricked into falling for a loser like me. I win the 'DJ war'. "

I see now that that kind of thought has done nothing but destroy me socially and emotionally. I've personally wrecked relationships left and right to get women to validate my feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence. Finally, though, I had found someone who stuck it out long enough without validating those feelings of inner worthlessness that I started to see how baseless and stupid they were...and how they were attracting failure and inadequacy and unhappiness into my life.

Do you hate women? Do you hate people in general? Does the world seem like a place full of mindless cretins whose purpose it is to tick you off? Does socializing or dating seem like a hassle for you because you can't find anyone worthy of you? Ask yourself...how do you feel about YOU?

If you want to find "true love"...not the addictive, self-deprecating obsession everyone mistakes for love, but REAL, MEANINGFUL relationships with women, you must, must, MUST love yourself. If you have love for yourself and respect yourself, others will feel that energy and follow suit. If you hate or disrespect yourself, others will feel that energy as well. And if they don't, you will act and carry yourself in a way that MAKES them feel that energy, good or bad.

We are all creators of our own reality by nature, so if negativity in relationships is what you are getting, over and over again, YOU are most likely the one responsible for attracting it into your life. If you experience rejection again and again, then YOU have probably drawn it. If you experience love and joy, then again, YOU have drawn this into your life. All by virtue of the way you think...consciously or unconsciously. Your thoughts will manifest themselves as reality. If you respect yourself, you will act toward yourself in a way that shows you really love who you are. Not arrogantly, but truly respecting yourself and holding yourself in high esteem.

Think about the term for a minute..."self-esteem". It isn't some voodoo magic term, some kind of mysterious chi-energy you are either full of or empty of. It's a thought. You hold yourSELF in high or low ESTEEM. When you hold something in high esteem, you respect those people who see its value. If you hold something in low esteem, you will lack respect for those who value it. If you hold yourself in low esteem, you will hate everyone who likes you for who you are.

However, if you truly respect yourself, if you see yourself for the power and ability you REALLY have in this world and treat yourself with respect that you truly believe you DESERVE, then you will respect and admire those who love YOU, and will act in THEIR best interests. This is what "self-esteem" is all about...not some magic juice to get ladies, but truly understanding YOU and what YOU are capable of. When you truly reach that level, you won't have TIME to sit around hating.

You'll be too busy loving life. And others will love you for it. ESPECIALLY the ladies. :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
If the shoe fits...

While there is some merit to this post, we also have to be careful not to let the victim blame himself entirely. For one of my most liberating realizations within the past decade of dating was that...I wasn't the problem anymore - but dysfunctional American divas were!

I've been steadily working at self-improvement for decades now and am now fairly functional. But, most women aren't. And you can't fix other people, only they can fix themselves.

This is a critical awakening. We've been taught for a generation by the Matriarx that men are always bad and at fault. When in fact, these days the opposite is often true! At some point, when you are no longer the problem, you can no longer continue that delusional thinking!

Because, no matter how much more YOU do and give, it still won't be enough and fix a damn thing! Because YOU are not what's BROKEN here! Take a lesson from Travis Barker - he played Ward AND June Cleaver! He tried to be super daddy/mommy. He did everything humanly possible into the wee hours every night for his wife and family. He gave his wife free reign - who did nothing. And look where it got him...cheated on and now about to be divorced with half his worth.

What more could he do? Well, sometimes the answer is LESS, not MORE. And, the problem truly is not YOU, but the other person. Guys reallly need to quit backbending to accommo-date American byches. It's ridiculous, doesn't work and only further enables the problem! Can I get an A-F'N-MEN?!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
A man who respects and loves himself would not get into a relationship with someone who does not respect him. I'm not denying that other people have problems. All I'm saying is if those people's problems are part of YOUR life, then YOU are the one who brought them there. No one's that good at deception that they can get by completely on your intuition...unless you just rush into marriage and don't give them time to develop.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
squirrels said:
All I'm saying is if those people's problems are part of YOUR life, then YOU are the one who brought them there.
I agree...but dating is choosing the lesser of evils. And if I really held out for a really functional girl, I simply could not date in this country. When there's that much piss in the dating pool, you just can't avoid getting dirty if you wanna get in.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Espi said:
Men over-blaming themselves for the slightest flaws these days is like a woman blaming herself decades ago for her meatloaf not being good enough. :rolleyes:

Where does it end? It's just gotten ridiculous...and it's high time we placed the blame WHERE IT REALLY BELONGS. Quit being matriarchal fanny packs, MEN.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Squirrels its good that you got all that off your chest. But, bad women can cause a lot damage in this world. The theory that men should be kind to women operated in a time when women had no protection. Now they have a lot of legislation looking out for their interests, and political power, so there is no reason for kid gloves any more.

You started to prize women who rejected you? Sounds like classic theory as taught here. I think that most of the time it is better to unlearn everything society has ever taught you about women. Goddesses or *****s. You fell for the lower end of the spectrum of that theory. But they are not either. You should not assume that this is all about hatred. Every group trying to seize entitlements has always accused its enemies of hating them. We don't hate them, but they won't be getting any unfair entitlements either.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
One bad woman, yeah, it's probably that woman. But there are a lot of people on here complaining about women in GENERAL, which means they've had SEVERAL bad experiences. A sh!tty relationship can happen in anyone's life, but if you keep getting involved in them, you have to ask yourself what YOU are doing to draw this particular kind of person.

Honestly...if you truly believe in yourself and in your potential, the inferior women will reject YOU.

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
Great post. We can't change women but we can change ourselves for the better. I always hear guys complaining about the way women act or how women treat men but that's like saying I hate the rain because it makes me wet. Instead of complaining about the way women act it's better to embrace it and make situations with women work for you.

I think any guy who has found this site and are learning good things from it are extremely lucky. I was reading one of David D's newsletters I got recently and this guy said something like "Thanks for your advice, I would have thrown a lifetime away." Well I think that applies to everything we're learning here. We're learning the truth that it's the MEN not the WOMEN that are the problem. It's time for men to take responsibility for their actions in dealing with women and in life.

Again this is a great post, thanks for sharing with us squirrels.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Thank you squirrels, for this post.

So much hating, what a waste of time. And personally, so much self-destruction... why?!?!


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
I'll use Dr Warren Farrell's technique here Squirrels. Now you've got FM3321 saying men are the problem.

Men should blame themselves for attracting bad women. Rape victims should blame themselves for attracting rapists. Sounds dumb when the feminists put it that way doesn't it. Ludicrous. Victims of child molesters are known to blame themselves for letting it happen.

Now you want men to blame themselves for what bad women do to them. You can think about my favourite theory. It goes like this. The training given to children makes them into the adults they become. Most children are raised by women. The evil men and evil women of this world, were in all probability in most cases, raised by women. So who is doing a bad job then?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
At this moment. I hate women because I have no success or lasting success with them. They still end up playing me. Will things get better? don't know, and right now I'm trying not to care. Either way. Good post. Good 4 you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
BxPrince24 said:
At this moment. I hate women because I have no success or lasting success with them. They still end up playing me. Will things get better? don't know, and right now I'm trying not to care. Either way. Good post. Good 4 you.
There is a difference between getting played, and allowing yourself to get played. Draw the line somewhere.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
KillaCam said:
There is a difference between getting played, and allowing yourself to get played. Draw the line somewhere.
I think I need to be more verbal. The way I deal with getting played is usually cutting off all contact and moving on with my life. But the fact that it occurs with almost every girl I try to get with frustrates me to the point that I say to hell with them. And it pisses me off when I see attractive girls because in my mind I know a road of bull**** lays ahead of me if i try to get with her. So i'm like fvck it right now.

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
BxPrince24 said:
At this moment. I hate women because I have no success or lasting success with them. They still end up playing me. Will things get better? don't know, and right now I'm trying not to care. Either way. Good post. Good 4 you.
What I'm about to write here might not be directly related to dealing with women but in the way we're learning it does relate to what we're trying to accomplish.

I love airplanes so I decided to get MS Flight Simulator and a $45 add-on for a "realistic" ERJ-145 (like an American Eagle/Continental Express plane). I set it up, kept on trying to fly, got all these warning messages before I could get the thing up in the air. I was upset, it was too hard to fly. I read the manual and was able to take off and fly reasonably well.

Next I needed to learn the nagivation and learn how to find my way to the next airport and land. That was hell and I kept on crashing. It felt like the program didn't even work right. I'd move the stick a little bit and the plane moved alot. When I wanted the plane to move quickly and I jerked the joystick the plane hardly budged.

Again I was upset but did I give up? No. I kept on practicing and flying and actually read the manuals and went through the training. Now I can take off, land and it's been a while since I've crashed the plane in good weather. I'm not perfect since sometimes I need to do a go-around, land too hard or land too close to the grass but it's much, much better than before.

How does this relate to how we're trying to deal with women? Well I was at a point where I hated women and their games. Just like I hated Microsoft and it's Flight Simulator game. Hell, I really wanted to play and have fun but I really lacked the skill, experience and attitude(I was impatient). There were some women I wanted to play with but I lacked the skill, experience and attitude to attract them to me. I was upset and started asking for advice and looking online. It actually took me 3 years to find this site but that's starting from my first "real" attempt at improving my skills with women by reading "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".....:down: :down: :down:

So anyway women are gonna keep playing as long as you interact with them. It's in thier nature and for a very good reason too. They are looking for a man that has the attributes that we are all trying to develop here. You can lessen the negative effects by playing along with them and enhancing your skills, experience and attitude in becoming an attractive, solid man. You go into a poker game hoping to win with no skills and you're gonna get fukked. You go into an interview without preparing and you're probably gonna get fukked as well. You approach women with the wrong attitude and lack of skills and she ain't gonna fukk you.

To end this little rant it's time to stop hating women for what the games they play. There's a reason they play these games and they play them even more with guys that are less of a man. I'm no expert with women (I had an HB9 tell me she'd call me right back tonight and she didn't) but you gotta step back, take a look at yourself and improve yourself so you can win at the game more than you lose.


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
FM 3321...
WTF are you talking about? Flight simulators :crackup: ? I bought one of those. I could never find the f***** airport that I was supposed to land my plane at :cuss: . I had one of those cool sidewinder joysticks to boot. It was a Christmas present from Hell.

Actually, FM 3321's post was terrible. How sad and depressing. Thank God I escaped all of that. I swear I would go gay if I stayed in America for long :cheer: . I would have to find myself a nice young stud in uniform. Problem is, he would probably reject me. In the end I would end up with some old married guy who would force me to keep our romance a secret. That is, until his wife's friend saw us smooching in the car outside of his country club. Ugh :crazy: .

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
squirrels said:
FM 3321...what?!

Sparky....what?! x10

Maybe I did go overboard trying to compare dealing with women with learning Flight Simulator....:eek:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
FM 3321 said:
Maybe I did go overboard trying to compare dealing with women with learning Flight Simulator....:eek:
I get what you're saying but losing in a video game is nothing compared to being played. When you've been flaked on or forgot about, you're left there knowing that you've just wasted your time.

I can take rejection and believe me, I prefer it over being played. When you're rejected, that's it. move on. But when you're there actually wasting away your time not knowing that this girl doesn't give a sh*t until she plays you it makes you not want to bother anymore.

Right now I feel like I may be single for the rest of my life or end up with one of the fat sloppy girls that wanna be with me. Nah, I'd rather stay single. But things just suck for me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Bottom Line...... Great Post Squirrels.

A man should take total responsibility for his life, and everything in it.
What you've illiuminated here, is directly connected to this way of being.
I enjoyed the full-circle clarity, and realness of heart.
