Good post about sales, but couple of points of my own:
This is also nice to comment to from behind the veil of anonymity, but in my experience this is not always so:
If the target audience of influencing and selling is bunch of AFC guys then a cute blonde girl has advantage.
If on the other hand target audience is women.. then it's totally different ballgame..
Although extroversion is considered as natural salesperson trait and it indeed makes selling more comfortable, the introverts can be really, really awesome salesguys because they tend to listen more.
And once you gather enough experience and learn, it doeen't matter wether you are introvert or not, you words and nonverbal communication is just what works anyway, not what used to came to you naturally in the beginnig. Kind of like the seduction game.
In the field of influencing and selling, as in the world of seduction, experience and learning will make a really huge difference.
I would again really emphasize
internal locus of control,
growth mindset and extreme
ownership here. Those are the things that really do the work.