A gentleman who has enough self-respect to walk away is the "bad boy"?


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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It is a horrible reading but on the other hand it is somewhat appeasing...
No matter what you do or what you are....sometimes you just can do fvck all.

Whatever he would do would be just wrong. She decided she wants to suffer and she will do anything to make it that way.

I strongly believe there is lots of these cases of women out there....negative emotion junkies. They are more happy being hurt in some way. Victim-hood.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
When women say they "think a guy is a player", that means he seems to be able to get her itching "down there" very quickly and she doesn't know how.

Remember, women FEEL first and then fabricate thoughts to explain the feelings later. If you can turn her on, she will make things up in her head that sound like REASONS why she likes you.

Half the stuff she says about him probably isn't true except in her head.

Women these days have a hard time mastering "the chase". You don't pull back enough, the male loses interest. You pull back too much, the male loses interest. A woman who can work "the chase" just right is a rare find, because they're really ENJOYABLE women to seduce.

It really is a lost art among women. I think too many of them get so wrapped up in the chase, they forget that THEY WANT to be caught, and end up stringing the dude along so long that he loses interest and finds it somewhere else.

Then they write to crap advice columns like these. :p


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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squirrels said:
I think too many of them get so wrapped up in the chase, they forget that THEY WANT to be caught, and end up stringing the dude along so long that he loses interest and finds it somewhere else.

Then they write to crap advice columns like these. :p
Very true or at least I'd like to believe it is.
When I see crowds of bitter men hating women(girls) I don't even wonder why the chase turned to power game. They don't know if they want to get fvcked or fvck you over. Old habits die hard even if they have an itch down there.
If you want an evidence of this bitterness, try to go to clubs....simple striking a conversation attempt will get you the Finger time to time. It may be the top of iceberg but the iceberg is floating there.

I remember reading The Godfather where Frank Sinatra character(based on him) talks about women he tries to seduce....some women sleep with me so they can tell "I slept with Frank Sinatra" but others don't so they can boast "I turned down Frank Sinatra."

This all Girl Power movement really messes with their heads.

On the other hand the PUA community or whatever the term is does not help here much. Ego boosting pump 'em and dump 'em bed notches collectors are stirring some bad blood out there. Well, I guess, they have to try harder then to keep 'em playa guys. Just being in demand with nice guys, independent and artistic don't do it for girls anymore. I suppose some feminine qualities might help.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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I have come to learn that one of the keys to "the game" is to not play games! This applies for both guys and girls. If you have an interest in a girl, go after her! Don't beat around the bush. Talk to her. Escalate. It's better to find out sooner rather than wasting time and effort only to get shot down later. Likewise, if a girl has an interest in a guy, she should help him move things along.

Women's minds have been so screwed up as to think that insulting a guy and pushing him away will attract him! It might not be the best idea to throw yourself at a guy you might like, but a woman can at least send cues that she is interested. These silly sh*t tests and absurd games work on desperate men, but a man with options will just say "fvck it" and move on.