A Few Things I've Learned


Apr 19, 2005
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Originally posted by BigWillyStyle
- You must bang her within 2-3 weeks of dating her.

- You must always be on the get go.

- You must always space out your points.
"You must bang her within 2-3 weeks of dating her" This is very true. In my last serious relationship, I hooked up with a woman on a Saturday, dirty danced, got a number, ect. Called her on the following Monday for a Saturday date. It was a green light until Saturday, literally as I am on my way to pick her up, I check messages and it is her "flaking" on me. I didnt call back. On Monday, she calles, apologizing, and wanting to see me, so I asked her to lunch, which she agreed to. We then made plans during the lunch for Saturday again. Good chemistry, and a small kiss at the end. That Wednesday, I spot her at a nightclub, and basically "c0ckblock some idiot who was hitting on her, and she starts to flirt VERY heavily with me, and we end the night with a kiss, and I even got her to agree to be with me the Sunday after the Saturday date. The Saturday date went as picture perfect as possible, and we ended up in bed after the movie. 2 weeks after meeting her, and she was beneath me, at 5am getting her brains fukked out, and calling God's name.

Now that lasted over a year, and produced some of the best sex of my life. But it ended.

Now I am after a different woman. I met her two weeks ago, and one week ago was our last date. It was one of the best first dates of my life. She KNOWS I want her badly. I am pretty sure she wants me just as badly. Unless she is saving herself for her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and is about to enter a convent, there is no reason for her to "hold out"...She is no spring chicken, and by her accounts, has been having sex since she was a young teen. She wants it, I want it. I am calling her tonite, to set something up. I am even willing to give it an extra week or so, I like her so much. But by the end of the third week/third date, the promise of sex had better Goddamned be in the air, or I will drop her like a bad habit.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
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Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by RKTek
- The right girl for you will make it very obvious she wants you.
- The right girl for you will soon prove easy to talk to. She will surprise you with how interested in you she really can be.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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Definately DJ bible material. I'm saving it and keeping it around anyhow..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
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I been in the field myself and made mistakes and learning from them. It seems to me success is like a puzzle board. You must make mistakes in order to understand the puzzle and to put it together correctly. The idea is to fail and make mistakes so you know what dosen't work. Therefore you know what to do. Another problem comes into mind with women. We all learn how to get women into bed and how to attacted them. GOod but what about losing some crazy bimbo or women to avoid. Or To enjoy THe mastery of being a DJ.

I notice how alot of men like those hot chicks. I have a hot chick in 1 of my classes. Alot of guys check her out but when I looked at her and though to myself. Why she is that good looking?? because people want what other people want. This other cute girl told me this guy asked her out and she said no. I see how he acts around her trying to get her attention, trying to get her to notice him. Dosen't he see she not interested in him ??? Dosen't he see that she dosen't know what she wants ?? He is lost when it comes to women.

A few things I learn is: apporach 2 or 3 girls at a time it can be fun and tons of laughing. I have had many great experince appoarching 2 girls at 1 time.
If you make a girl mad don't say sorry. Unless you said something like I hope your grandmother dies when her grandmother has carner then you should. I have been quick to say sorry alot of times. 1 time I said something to this drama queen and she got mad and I allmost said sry but I didn't. The next day while I was standing outside she told me to come here and she was smiling at me as if nothing happen and told me about how she got in a fight with this 1 chick.

Never will I kiss a drama queen's ass.

Another lesson.
I have had 2 insurce chicks try to make fun of me and bring me down. I beat both of them and know they leave me alone. Did I do it by telling on them ?? No
I did it by Not giving them the power to hurt me
People can only hurt you if you give them the power to do so.
People can only put you down if you give them the power to do so.
Evil will win if good men do nothing.
Life will be boring and dull if you take no risk.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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I dont think girls will pursue a guy. They will give the hints but its up to the guy to grab it. Thats what I think. Your post was great!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2009
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RKTek said:
A Few Things I've Learned

- You must have something going for you. You must have at least one of the following: a solid hobby that challenges you physically and mentally, a musical talent that you enjoy, a good job, a good major in school that reflects your true life ambition, a super charismatic personality, etc. Something. If you are nothing, you will attract nothing. All of these things must come from within you. It must be your core personality. You cannot have a certain hobby because you think it will attract girls. You do not choose a major in school because you think girls will be impressed. You do not affect an outgoing personality just to pick up girls. You must BE someone/something.

- You must like yourself. You must like your own company. It should not matter to you very much if you are alone. You should be able to entertain yourself and be happy with your own pursuits.

- At the same time that you are happy with being alone, to a small degree you should like the company of others. A man is supposed to be a bit of a loner but knows how to socialize.

- The less emotions you show, the better. Always keep something in reserve. Always have a bit of mystery. Always be slightly unpredictable. With experience you’ll learn how to be mysterious without being weird or unpredictable without being unstable or flighty.

- You should not pursue women. If you have the mindset that you are pursuing women, or are trying to get into a particular woman’s pants, you will lose. Rather, you should have the attitude that a woman will be a drain on your life, she will be a lying cheating heartbreaking shrew, and she will lie, cheat and break your heart until proven otherwise. Note the word proven. Women don’t realize they lie. A woman can break up with you, be walking out the door with her new boyfriend, look you square in the eyes and say “I really do love you” and many men will not only believe her, but rest secure in the belief that she will come back to them.

- To repeat: you should not pursue women. Read the first paragraph above. You must have your own life through which you find happiness regardless of whether you have a woman or not. In today’s world society, when a woman is ready, really ready, to be settled, sexy, and loyal, she will pursue you. There will be no mistake. When she is ready, she will cling you you like a sprung bear trap. Just because you ‘fancy’ her or think she’s attractive means nothing to her, in fact, it can spell doom for you.

- Again, you should not pursue women. When she (whoever she is) finds you attractive, she will pursue, yet a person cannot pursue something unless it is retreating. You must appear to retreat. Advance very slightly, then retreat. When a woman sees you and likes what she sees, very often because you don’t seem to notice her, she will find a way to meet you. She will find a way to talk to you. She will find a way to get into your life. A woman in today’s society will pursue.

- You should consider every woman you see as a potential, and take them all on casual dates. Do it by the rules. Specific time/place/activity dates on weeknights. Kiss close by the second date. Be mysterious. Be a gentleman, spelled gentle-MAN. Learn the subtle tactic of making all the right moves, yet remaining emotionally flat. Have NO expectations. If a woman sees you, and likes what she sees, she will imagine being in a relationship/sex/marriage soon enough. In other words, women make plans. It is therefore woman’s work to calculate and make future relationship plans. It is woman’s work. So let them do it. In the meantime, let the world be your oyster. All women are potential, and if any of them want you, let them prove themselves to you. It is a numbers game.

- Experience is the best teacher. The only ‘mistake’ is one from which you learn nothing, but you must make those mistakes. There are no shortcuts, you must pay your dues, you must make life mistakes. Fortunately you have this site and whatever ‘method’ you like to help you learn from those mistakes, but again, there are no real shortcuts, you must make mistakes. You must make a fool of yourself at least once, perhaps more, in your life. You must have your heart seriously broken at least once in your life, perhaps more. You must date many women. You must date very many women. You must try to be smooth, you must try to be a ‘player’, you must try to get her to start the process of trying to catch you. If she doesn’t, you must dump her and move on very quickly.

- You must read the DJ Bible. You must continue to read this site. Personally, I also purchased and read Doc Love’s “System-(part 1)” numerous times over a 2-year period. Whatever works for you, but you must combine theoretical, debated and field experience at the same time.

- You cannot “be yourself” unless you’ve thoroughly learned from your mistakes and have internalized all the male “rules” and “yourself” is the new you.

- Most men in today’s world, are chumps. Hollywood movies, literature, art, the media, all will be working against you. If you do it correctly, your friends will call you a woman hater or that you’re too demanding. If you break it off with a woman because she’s a self-centered b*tch, but she looks like Kylie Minogue, they’ll say you’re nuts. If you do it correctly women will initially seem to scorn you. But if you do it correctly, women will have a little voice inside that piques their curiosity and find you irresistible in spite of themselves, and they’ll pursue, but they’ll also test you relentlessly to see if yours is just an act. If you do it right, you’ll find yourself doing things your way and seeming to swim against the popular culture and current. See the second and third paragraph, above.

- Insecure men date beautiful women mainly to impress their friends. Insecure men want trophy women mainly to make themselves look better. Insecure men want to drive hot sports cars to impress their friends or solely to pick up chicks, even though they may not know what kind of engine it has. Insecure men want swoopy motorcycles to impress their friends or pick up chicks. Insecure men want “Paris Hilton” type women mainly so that their friends will be jealous. Real men on the other hand, date women who are good companions, who really turn them because they’re interesting and attractive. Looks are very important, but not the most important. Real men have sports cars because they enjoy tinkering with them on the weekends in addition to being fun with a woman. Real men have swoopy motorcycles because they belong to a motorcycle club, love working on them or race them in addition to occasionally giving a girl a joyride. Real men know that Paris Hilton is very likely to be a spoiled demanding brat. Finding a Paris Hilton lookalike who loves you and is completely loyal to you is like winning the Pennsylvania Power Ball Lottery. It can and does happen, but don’t give up your day job just because you bought one ticket. Note: if you inherited 5 million dollars, and your sole activity is driving around in your new Ferrari, getting sun on your Donzi, checking the time on your Rolex President and jetting to Ibiza only because there’s a beach bar that makes the best Mai-Tais, you WILL get a girl. But the possibility that she really likes you for you will be small. If you really do have money and show it up front, you’re an idiot, and this little opinion letter doesn’t apply to you anyway.

Part 2 below


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
RKTek said:
- The best girl for you is could be called ‘cute’ with a decent body and generally happy personality, and be open to her arriving in your life. Many guys are so intent looking for that fabulous diamond, they don’t see the basket of pearls at their feet. The healthiest mindset for you to have is that the prettier the girl, the worse she will be, only so that you will not be blinded when someone adorable but less glamorous comes along. Girls that appear on the cover or pages of Maxim, FHM and Stuff do not exist. You may see them in public, but it is an illusion.

- It is possible that one day a Paris Hilton or Tara Reid look-alike may pursue you, but do not live for that day. If in the meantime an Alyson Hannigan, Selma Blair or Kirsten Dunst type pursues you, and she ultimately proves to you that she genuinely loves you and is most importantly loyal to you alone, it is a treasure above gold. Occasionally you’ll see geeky high school photos of people like Paris Hilton,or Tara Reid, and this should be an education to you. The most beautiful woman today could look like a toad tomorrow, and vice-versa.

- After you’ve dated using the DJ methods, made all the mistakes, learned from those mistakes and finally gotten confidence in yourself along with things mentioned in the first paragraph above, you will start to see yourself, women and the world around you in a new light. This process may take at least one year, probably more. Give yourself time, make the mistakes and be gentle on yourself during this process.

- You will know what “games” mean, and they will bore you. Know when a girl loves games, romance for romance’s sake, and flakiness. Know when to run. Some women, and men too, are addicted to drama. If you are this type, and like to stir things up in a relationship similar to a Jerry Springer show, then you don’t really want a normal relationship.

- If a girl ever “disses” you, call her on it immediately. Be tactful but let her know you’ve just heard or seen something that you dislike and it will not be tolerated. If she continues, dump her. If you’re driving in your car, pull over, and ask if she wants to get out now. Do not, under any circumstances tolerate dissing, games, put-downs or the like. If she’s a b*tch and walks away because you called her on it, all the better for you. You’re rid of her. If she’s just testing you, she might walk away, but she’ll be back. In either case you must let her go and do not look back. If she leaves, good. If she does come back, she will have even more respect for you. Either way, stand up for yourself, and either way in the long run you win.

- At all times, a woman must believe that you can walk away from the relationship and not look back. She must believe that you care for the relationship less than her. If you are in a relationship right now and your woman thinks she’s got you by the short curlies, you need to dump her and get a new girl. It is imperative to start out correctly otherwise it will never be in your favor. The one who cares less, has the most power. Always.

- Listen to your gut. If something, even if it is the slightest thing, bothers you, stop and notice this. It is not important that you identify exactly what is bothering you at that point, but notice that the girl just did or said something that seemed odd, and make note of it for later evaluation. Most men suppress their intuition. Learn to listen to your gut. It is your important first line of defense.

- Pay attention to red flags. A red flag need not necessarily be a relationship killer, but ONLY if the two of you can talk it out to your complete satisfaction. If something bothers you, talk it out as soon as possible. If after talking something over a couple of times it still seems odd, dump her and don’t look back.

- Going back to previous jobs or girlfriends is a losing proposition.

- The girl of your dreams may not be the girl you dreamed of. “Love at first sight” is dangerous.

- The girl of your dreams may not have appealed to you at first.

- The girl of your dreams may not be the girl you wanted, but you find that she is the girl that you needed.

- The girl of your dreams will pursue you and there will be no mistake about it, even if you at first seemed uninterested.

- The right girl for you will make it very obvious she wants you.

- The right girl for you will soon prove easy to talk to. She will surprise you with how interested in you she really can be. It will gradually, very gradually dawn on you that you don’t have to be on your best behavior all the time.

- If you’re really paying attention, you will notice she has minor imperfections.

- The best girl for you will also fit the description of paragraph 1 and 2, above.

- But to think of these things at this point, you’d be getting ahead of yourself.

- The way to be is: wise (because you have internalized and now know the DJ Bible’s message), knowing (because you’ve “been down this road” before), experienced (because you’ve made every stupid mistake and broken every relationship rule in the book and have had your heart destroyed at least twice), a bit distrustful (because you know women seem to easily lie), a bit standoffish (because you know to ignore what she says, rather to wait for repeated and valid proof of her truthfulness and loyalty via her actions) calm (because only fools rush in) happy (because you have a life; see the first paragraph) fun to be around, yet uncaring as to whether you will ever see her again (because you live for today and besides, have your own life and can be a bit of a loner)

- If all of this seems too much for you to remember, you’re not there yet but take comfort in the fact that you are on the right track, you’re visiting the right site, reading the correct material and are simply in the process. It is a process.
That's better.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
