Firstly. Cut all contact. Don't meet her, don't call her, don't answer her calls/
text. If you have to respond, respond with only this. "Look, we both know it's over and I think it's time to move on, there is nothing else left to say. I wish you all the best and good luck" and hang up the phone. But honestly I don't suggest even doing that...she will try to suck you back in with conversation. Her goal is not to get you back, but to come out on top mentally. To feel she is better than you and to belittle you. Trust me on this.
The hardest thing to do as a man is to just accept the situation. It's passive and we are men who tend to want to fix things and want a clean resolution. That anger you feel is really at yourself. If you look deeply enough you will see it's anger at your own weakness, not at her, not at women in general. Your projecting.
Go out with your friends this weekend, focus on having fun and wanting nothing from females. I know that is probably contrary to most advice you would get here (go **** 10 other girls, find some new poon). But you need some time to get back to yourself. If you meet someone, cool. If you see someone checking you out, go for it. But don't worry about it.
If your feeling down, make a list of all the things that are good in your life and take a moment to feel honest appreciation for them. You have your health, your family, your friends, your job, your life! So much to appreciate. Enjoy the things that make you you and have some fun this weekend! Good luck!