a Brutal Cop commits suicide! Hooray justice!

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Oct 1, 2006
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God_of_getting_layed said:
1. "were all humans" is not an excuse to escape justice.

2. This is not a 'fvck da police' thread. This is a 'celebrate becuase justice has been served' thread. THeres a difference. Id just as soon make such a thread after Saddam was hanged, but this board bans political threads.

3. oh, and Ive never been arrested. Dont know what its like to be in the back of a cop car, or be in hang cuffs etc. Just minor traffic violations. I hate police becuase of the many cases of injustice and abuse of power IVe seen. And the neglect they give on victims who need them. COPS ARE CLEARLY NOT YOUR FRIEND.

4. Cops are not here to protect us, theyre here to get payed by the government. They will do as little as possible to keep getting payed unless its an abuse of their power.

5. This isnt about Rodney king, this is about LAnce Schilling, and the justice he served for us with a gunshot to his head.

6. Yes, its perfectly fine to celebrate when someone kills themself if that act is the serving of justice. Which it is in this case.

7. Family is not an excuse to escape justice. If the children have to go on fatherless or go to a foster home, or get deported. OH WELL! The criminal should have thought about his children before he commit the crime, he knw the consequences Just as Lance Schilling should have thought about that before he started to senslesly beat the poor man and then force himself into a situation where he can serve justice by either killing himself or letting a an inmate do it when hes in prison.

8. The American Justice System may not have sentenced Lance Schilling the death penalty, but justice itself has sentenced Lance Schilling the death penalty with the option of how he dies.

The second Lance started striking that poor man with the video camera rolling, Justice itself was sentencing him the death penalty right there as he punched! After that incident, he was put in a situation where he would be forced to die; either by self infliction or the inevitable inmate killing. He chose the former. Justice was served, and the death sentence carried out!! :) :rockon:
Do you actually celebrate when the police serve and protect the people everyday?

God_of_getting_layed said:
4. Cops are not here to protect us, theyre here to get payed by the government. They will do as little as possible to keep getting payed unless its an abuse of their power.
Who says so? Hahahaha. That statement is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. First of all, let me write it in correct grammar for you:

"They're here to get paid by the government."

Maybe where you live, the government didn't pay enough to get you educated in the first place, who knows. Apparently you harbor some resentment towards the government, and you choose to take it out on police officers. "Clearly"? How is that clear, when all you've seen is on the television set.

You stated that all you have received are parking/traffic violations, yet you seem to act like you're an expert on police violence. Maybe you just listen to too much 'gangsta rap' or something.

You have too much hate inside. Wow, just wow. I cannot believe your statements. Police officers ARE HERE TO PROTECT US. You are very very ignorant. Have you ever even met a police officer? Or talked to one?

They have difficult jobs. They are humans. Postal workers have gone on shooting sprees. Students in their schools have killed their classmates. You're telling me that police officers, with all the stress they go through, have no right to even make small mistakes? Are you kidding me?

You think police officers like being treated like crap by people like you? Then next time you have a car accident, or someone threatens to kill you, they still are obligated to helping you out. And you come on this board and write crap about them. They put their lives on the line for a job they don't have to do.

You act like police officers are getting lots of money to do their job. They get paid almost as little as US soldiers, and their jobs are similarly as dangerous, especially in big cities.

God_of_getting_layed said:
so yeah, theres a reason. Plus it just feels good to hear about a monster getting what he deserves.
Did you actually know the guy? No. So you're judging his entire character by some tiny video. It's really sad that you are happy that someone killed themselves. I am very glad that you are not in charge of our justice system, because you're advocating that hate and revenge are the correct way of doing things.

You can call them a monster if it makes you happy, but at the end of the day, that monster was probably a great father and a husband, and a very good person. He was probably very stressed out. But you wouldn't know that because you have never experienced stress before. You probably don't know what it feels like to be in a life-and-death situation. You have probably never needed to call the police for anything other than your measely traffic violations.

Right, hating becomes action. You better watch yourself before you actually take that action - action that may lead to killing cops or hating police that are putting their lives on the line to save your ass. You're disgusting.

Go watch the movie "Crash" it should open your mind a little.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
~attrACTION~ said:
...Go watch the movie "Crash" it should open your mind a little.
:yes: Damn good movie.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Yes, Crash was an excellent movie.

The only thing I ask, is do your research before you through hateful criticism around. Go for a ride along, talk to a police officer, learn more.

My first day as a sworn officer, my first call, was to respond to a baby not breathing. We hauled a$$ to get there fast. We beat the EMT's/ambulance by a few minutes and got the child breathing before they arrived. Later that same day, I almost had to shoot someone. I found myself facing a 300lb multiple felony warrant suspect at gunpoint, who had a loaded gun in his waistband. Thankfully, he did not draw down on me and we arrested him. It is a very tough, stressful job.

Yes, there are bad cops that abuse their power, but criticizing all law enforcement is weakminded. Police officers do not write the laws, and must follow them just like everyone else.

My two bits..


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Mr.Positive said:
Police officers do not write the laws, and must follow them just like everyone else..
The cops involved in beating Robert Davis claimed he had been drinking. Davis, who maintains he hasn’t had a drink in 25 years, pleaded not guilty on Wednesday morning to charges of public intoxication and resisting arrest. He was released on bond and a January 18 trial date has been set.
Mr.Positive said:
This thread makes me very sad actually. Not because an innocent man was beaten, or a cop took his own life.

Beating the guy is bad enough, but to fabricate some crap and actually CHARGE the guy to cover their azzes?

Imagine, you see Mr. Friendly Police Officer and have a question. So, you approach and ask. Next, you're getting beat and have charges against you. Suddenly, witnesses approach and want to report what they've just witnessed... they're handcuffed and forced to lie face down on the asphalt.

It's not ONE officer, either, it's 7 that I saw. And they all got together afterwards, got their stories straight, and tried to cover each other's azzes by justifying themselves with false charges.

It wasn't Mr. Friendly Police Officer that did the right thing, either. It was a civillian, and the video. And THAT is the sad part.

It's no wonder where the hate comes from. How can a public trust a force that makes up stuff to cover and justify abuse?

The saddest part?

If noone caught that on video, in addition to the beating, that guy would have been successfully convicted of public intoxication and resisting arrest: The word of 7 police officers versus the word of one man? A black man, no less?


And this stuff happens EVERY DAY. Officers just bend their versions of "what really happened" to get the conviction. The word of one officer trumps the word of the accused. Well, duh, of course, right?

Of course.

And so it continues...

Then again, media does spin stuff, doesn't it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
In a related matter, charges against a third officer accused of a misdemeanor charge of simple battery against APTN producer Richard Matthews were dismissed on June 1, according to Eric Hessler, the officer's lawyer. Stuart Smith was suspended for 120 days and remains on the police force. He had been accused of roughing up Matthews at the Bourbon Street scene in October 2005 after Matthews identified himself as working for the AP.

State District Judge Frank Marullo threw out the charge against Smith because prosecutors improperly used a statement Smith made to the police department, Hessler said.

"The police department asks him to come in, and compels him to give a statement and promises him that it will not be used in a criminal proceeding, and then turns around and gives it to the DA's office," Hessler said. "This Bourbon Street case was not handled properly from day one."

Hessler said the district attorney's office has filed notice it intends to appeal. A district attorney's spokesman did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment Monday.
Was not handled properly according to whom? According to the masses who would like to see justice served?

Why would the police department give the statement to the DA's office?


To get the officer's case thrown out.


So is the judge *wink, wink* throwing out the case because the statement wasn't handled properly *wink, wink*?

There we go... now the Judge is covering the cops' azz, too.

"This Bourbon Street case was not handled properly from day one."

Right, and the Judge throwing out the case only helped it along.


So, it is perfectly fine for an officer to rough up bystanders? I'm confused. That's the message I'm getting.

What's the DA's office going to do now? Appeal? It was thrown out on a technicality before. Is that technicality going to go away?

I personally think the officer and department should face additional charges for obstructing justice.

Perhaps a little contempt tossed in there, too.

The thing is, it is against the law to make promises of leniency in exchange for information, which the department did... here:

"The police department asks him to come in, and compels him to give a statement and promises him that it will not be used in a criminal proceeding..."
That is why, when arrested, you are read your rights: "You have the right to remain silent: anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

If the officer was never arrested, then he doesn't get those rights.

Wait, he doesn't have to be arrested to get those rights? He's a cop?

Oh, man, now I'm really confused.



Don Juan
Aug 18, 2006
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Stormbringer said:
I remember reading about a 1972 study in which a large group of university students were split into two groups, with one group assigned prison guard roles, complete with uniforms, and the other group assigned a prisoner/criminal role. Both groups were put to act out their respective roles in a prison situation, and at the end of the study, the group assigned the officer role was found to have demonstrated increased use of their authority throughout the course of the study, along with having developed AND having demonstrated an increased sense of cronyism. Power is a very thin razor to walk on.
This study you speak of was done by a sociologist named Stanley Milgram. Just some helpful FYI.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Stormbringer said:
I'll give you the first two, but forget the "very good person" part. He pi$$ed that away when he participated in the beating of an innocent, unarmed, non-threatening ELDERLY MAN.

It doesn't matter how "stressed out" he might have been, just like it doesn't matter how bad a rag a woman's on when she kills her husband or seriously beats her children. Abuse is abuse, UNJUSTIFIED. ZERO tolerance for abusive pig power.

I'm sure Frank Serpico was "stressed out" often, too; especially after his own colleagues tried to take him out for blowing the whistle on their corrupt practices; you know...one of the main violations in the corrupt pig code of conduct.

Imagine the subhuman-level brutal pig history that NOLA pig would've had under his belt by age 50 had he not done society a favor and offed himself at 30. Furthermore, if just being "stressed out" was his true motive for what he did and his conscience was truly clean about it, going to the extreme of committing suicide when facing trial seems a bit extreme, dontcha think? A clean conscience would have at least given him the confidence to make it to trial, knowing that truth would be on his side. Right?

But let's face it. His fellow abusive pig on horseback trying to obstruct the videotaping of the brutal beating didn't exactly help his "stress" argument his (presumably clean) conscience somehow didn't allow him to muster up. LOL.

Police corruption and brutality is one of the MOST dangerous cancers that can plague and spread throughout ANY society, and ANY instance of it must be eradicated. Not doing so and letting the corrupt slide through with the legit sets a very dangerous precedent.
Well said!!!

There is no excuse for corrupt inhumane treatment of others. I dont care how good a father you are, or how stressed out you are. ITS NOT RIGHT.

So when someone treats another human being inhumanely, he deserves harsh punishment, and his death can be celebrated with no shame. This thread was about on of those monsters that got served, he just happened to be a cop. ITs too bad theres a lot of cops like him.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Vulpine said:
Was not handled properly according to whom? According to the masses who would like to see justice served?

Why would the police department give the statement to the DA's office?


To get the officer's case thrown out.


So is the judge *wink, wink* throwing out the case because the statement wasn't handled properly *wink, wink*?

There we go... now the Judge is covering the cops' azz, too.

"This Bourbon Street case was not handled properly from day one."

Right, and the Judge throwing out the case only helped it along.


So, it is perfectly fine for an officer to rough up bystanders? I'm confused. That's the message I'm getting.

What's the DA's office going to do now? Appeal? It was thrown out on a technicality before. Is that technicality going to go away?

I personally think the officer and department should face additional charges for obstructing justice.

Perhaps a little contempt tossed in there, too.

The thing is, it is against the law to make promises of leniency in exchange for information, which the department did... here:

That is why, when arrested, you are read your rights: "You have the right to remain silent: anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

If the officer was never arrested, then he doesn't get those rights.

Wait, he doesn't have to be arrested to get those rights? He's a cop?

Oh, man, now I'm really confused.

I'm not going to comment on this case, because I don't know the facts, and I do know that the media does not give all the facts.

Again...same theme. One cop makes a bad mistake, conclusion: all law enforcement is out to get you.

Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes...then you are a mile away, and you have his shoes. :D

Unfortunately, for me, a learning issue (I won't say disablity) cut my career short. But law enforcement can be a very rewarding career, if you are up for the challenge. If you want any specifics, feel free to PM me. I'll answer your questions straight up as best as I can.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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It makes me sick to hear people back up corrupt police officers. Its one thing to back up the police force in general with "well, theres only some bad cops, but not all", I could deal with that. But its another to try and back up monsters like Lance Schilling and try to defend him. That is just disgusting. DJslvt et al. is guilty of this.

Trying to back up cops who abuse their power is like trying to back up al-qaida for why the flew those planes into the world trade centers. Basically, your trying to defend Evil and corruption.

When I heard the news about that piece of sh!t commiting suicide watching the news, I instantly stood up and started clapping and appluading his death. Justice was served. Its just sad others cant see that either. others are trying to defend this monster.

Absolutely disgusting. Just watching the video alone makes it clear that this was no innocent beating. This was a clear cas of police brutality. The police knew they were doing something wrong, that is why they tried to abstruct the camera's view with the horse.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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I'll say it once again...I've done worse to my little brother on MANY occasions. I suppose you'd all be happy if I commited suicide tomorrow? This dude got punched in the face a couple of times (and you don't even know what for). Big deal! What about the kid who was walking home from school and got shot and KILLED by a dousch sack for wearing the wrong color? I don't see anybody posting a thread about that...and it happens every damn day. Once again, 95% of you don't know s.hit about cops so STFU!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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ValleyDJing said:
I'll say it once again...I've done worse to my little brother on MANY occasions. I suppose you'd all be happy if I commited suicide tomorrow? This dude got punched in the face a couple of times (and you don't even know what for). Big deal! What about the kid who was walking home from school and got shot and KILLED by a dousch sack for wearing the wrong color? I don't see anybody posting a thread about that...and it happens every damn day. Once again, 95% of you don't know s.hit about cops so STFU!!
somebody's daddy is a cop...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
I don't know the details of this story, and am in most cases a strong supporter of our police, but I do have this to add: no crime is worse than one involving abuse of power.
Mar 18, 2006
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America is on the road to fascism - once the police start killing white people, en masse,then we will be in total fascism and not just racial non-white fascsm!, whicjh has been allowed for the last few hundred years!!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Stormbringer said:
You authoritarian types are so blurred by your support for a fascist police state that you honestly CANNOT distinguish between someone condemning cops in general and specifically condemning abusive pigs...EVEN WHEN the person specifies the latter. LOL
OK, this thread needs to be put to bed.

Condemning cops who abuse their power is justified, however you are not doing that. 99% of the beefs with police actually has nothing to do with police.

Fascist police state? Your beef is with the law, period. You have federal law, state law, and city ordinances. If you have a problem with fed law, take it to the governent, state law - your governor, and city ordinances, your local mayor. The police officer you see every day DOES NOT write laws. He/she is just doing their job. 99% of police just want to do their job the best that they can and go home to their families every night, but they are the ones that end up taking it on the chin.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Stormbringer said:
I know cops don't write laws. But let's face it...if abusive cops could have their way, it would be PERFECTLY LEGAL for any cop to intimidate and rough up anyone they felt like, as much as they'd like, with little or no reason. They wouldn't have to keep monitoring and intimidating whistle blowers within their ranks. Though (I hope) our government never gives way to a fascist police state, it is that same fascist police state that corrupt pigs secretly pine for with their fascist practices. That said, the beef remains with abusive cops; not with legit cops, and not with the government (although given today's Big Brother climate, I wouldn't put it past the govmn't - but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now).
I agree with you Stormbringer, and I guess I wasn't challenging your posts directly as you have some very valid points. There is definitely issues with corruption in the police force, and usually it's associated with certain city departments. The whole "abuse cop" mentality breeds fear though, when people see cases like this, it festers a fear of police that isn't healthy.

I'll add that as citizens we have every right to question actions taken against us, however most do not know how. If you get a traffic ticket for example, you have every right to fight it and plead your case. You will force the officer issuing the ticket to show up in traffic court, possibly on their day off, to justify why they gave you the ticket. If they can't, your ticket gets thrown out and you're off the hook.

Also, as citizens, we have every right to file a compliant against an officer with their local department, even for something small like an officer that treats you with disrespect, or rudely. The complain will go to IA (internal affairs) and will be investigated internally, usually very thoroughly by an IA investigator. This is a very powerful "check and balance" available to the public, because it goes on the officers permanent record. Most complaints I'll add are investigated and deemed unfounded, because people get upset, take it out on the officer who happens to be there. However, if you have a valid complaint definitely do this. This is one way YOU as a CITIZEN can make a difference.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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I'll share something to give a diffent perspective on this issue, and provoke some thought.

The department I was on, was in a state of confusion over corruption. The city lost millions of dollars in lawsuits and several officers, while having the right intentions, lost their jobs. These officers were trying to clean up a crime-ridden area using unethical unlawful practices, ie planting evidence and such, bullying tactics, etc. The end result, crime went down, people started walking their dogs in the evening again, bars came off of windows, people upkept their lawns and painted their houses, there was less bullets flying around the neighborhood. These cops were heros to the public, everyone loved them. Were their unethical practices justified? Does the end justify the means? While these cops had their "hearts in the right place", they were wrong with what they did. There is a flip side to every coin. This neighborhood is back in the sh!t again unfortunately.

That's the challenge of law enforcement.

I remember, during my short-lived career there was one street corner I wanted to clean up. Oh, I desperately wanted to. An old lady lived on the corner and never left her home, because there was a pack of dope dealers on the corner. I wanted to get these turds. I would drive by every shift just looking for a reason to stop them and find drugs on them. But becuase I knew every action I took would be analyzed by a microscope, I knew it was going to be a challenge keeping my ethics, and not using vigilante techniques. Everytime I'd drive by, they would laugh at me, cuss me, and give me the finger. And everytime, I'd pull over and go talk to them. I'd be nice and friendly, and stop for a chat. I'd say, "nice evening eh?" and they would respond with every cussword on the planet. They hated me. :D But, I'd still hang out with them. Drug dealers do not want to be seen talking to the police (they will get viewed as rats), so they would leave the corner eventually. But don't think that 20 minutes after I left, they weren't back out on that corner selling dope again. I was never able to get those guys unfortunately, because they knew the law probably even better then me (a new officer).

Anyway, enough rant. If anyone is interested in pursuing law enforment, again, feel free to PM me. It really can be a rewarding career, especially when you successfully "get the bad guy". If it wasn't for one stupid thing (I won't go into details) I never would have had to leave the career. So, now I'm in a career transition trying to get into a new, although similar, type field.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Good post, Mr. Positive. Definitely food for thought.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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ValleyDJing said:
I'll say it once again...I've done worse to my little brother on MANY occasions. I suppose you'd all be happy if I commited suicide tomorrow? This dude got punched in the face a couple of times (and you don't even know what for). Big deal! What about the kid who was walking home from school and got shot and KILLED by a dousch sack for wearing the wrong color? I don't see anybody posting a thread about that...and it happens every damn day. Once again, 95% of you don't know s.hit about cops so STFU!!
The cop was a piece of sh*t that beat an innocent man for no reason.


his suicide was justice

oh, and I would be happy if you commited suicide tomarrow, becuase you are supporting and defending a monster, this makes you yourself a monster as well. Your stooping down to the same level as that piece of sh*t cop when you try and defend him, therefore are just as bad as him.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Nah. Punishment doesn't fit the crime. Is abusing a position of power wrong? Yes. Is assault and battery wrong? Yes. Is execution an appropriate punishment? Get real.
Yes, the punishment does fit the crime. He didnt just beat an innocent man, he and a group of other pigs tried to cover it up. This shows thats its more than just a beating...its an act of evil. Death was a perfect punishment for him.

He sentenced himself to death the moment he started punching that man. And his death sentence was successfully carried out. Thank you justice!!:cheer:

You see a few bad apples and condemn an entire occupation because of them. What's worse, we all know what number you'll be calling if you are ever faced with a situation where you or your loved ones lives are in danger. Pathetic.
I guess you have reading comprehension problems becuase this thread of mine is about that one piece of **** cop, not other cops. So please stop distorting things by saying Im looking at one situation and then saying all cops are bad. THis is about that piece of sh*t New Orleans cop okay?

All you cop-haters are laughable. I know the mindset. I used to be one...back when I was a teenager, before I smartened up. You people even when so far as to forego the constitution and convict him before his trial! "Innocent until proven guilty" goes out the window. Not even going to wait for his trial, as that would be fair and just. Wouldn't want that, since that would deprive you of your mindless cop-hating rants.

The justice system is seriously flawed. Its not really fair. I mean your conviction is based on how well one side does at convincing a jury. Having 2 polarized sides try and convince some jury is hardly a good way to get the objective truth. This is why scientists would never dream of using such a tactic when it comes to figuring out the truth about the laws of the universe. Its a really sh*ty way to "get the truth out", and come to a conclusion on his guilt. Lets not forget that the more money you have, the better lawyer you can get. This only adds even further to the problem. Rich criminals can get off becuase their expensive lawyer is more persuasive than the cheap one poor low income victim is using.

So please, lets not talk about fair trials okay?

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

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