Now to answer some of the questions you guys posted.
Pimp-sicle - Yes, as I approached more girls it was just getting easier and easier from an emotional point of view. It was easy, and I think girls were subtley picking up on the extra confidence because more were willing to talk to me after I'd got used to the approaching. I agree with you now, the line 'are you single?' isn't the best one to opener with, since as you say it gives her a chance to immediately reject you, stopping the conversation dead. But it CAN work.
Starman - I agree that most lines will work if you try them enough times, but then if the line is bad then your success rate will be low. Apparently the line, 'wanna fuvk' work if you try it enough times, but probably only on 1 out of 100 girls! So as I said earlier, get a decent indirect opener and make sure you come across well non verbally and you'll have more success.
Rick and MrBond007 - Thanks for seeing the positive side, the progress I made, and pointing it out to the other DJs here
Kineti[C]harm - Only 4 numbers out of 77. Why was this? Well, several reasons. I think the opener in itself wasn't great, allowing rejections on the spot. The other thing, though, is that I have to work on my closing. I could've got 15 or more numbers if I'd been a little more persuasive and made a point to close each time.
jakethasnake - Looks wise, I'd actually class myself as fairly attractive (sorry, don't mean to get bigheaded, it's just the impresson I get from most girls), so looks obviously aren't the issue. It's just my closing I need to work on.
Blurred Elevens and gentleman193 - Yes, you're probably wondering what happened with the numbers I got. Well, 1 number was constantly ringing and I couldn't get hold of the girl, so I eventually gave up on her. Another number, of a girl who was supposably called Sarah, answered her phone and when I asked for Sarah, she was like 'who?', so I explained who I was and she said 'Oh...Sarah....' . Once she remembered me, you see SHE was pretending to be called Sarah and I'd just caught her out! I asked her for coffee, she sounded flaky, asked her to meet me in town but she never turned up. I knew she wouln't anyway from the way she sounded on the phone. I have since seen her around town and o the bus, she often says hi to me, but I just ignore her knowing she has disproved herself in my eyes. Hehe, it's great to have some power over women!
Another girl, Katie, well I saw her in town a few times and I thought she was interested because she actually offered me her number, but when I called, she seemed more interested in trying to sell me her old phone than agree to meet up with me.
The final number was a girl called Emily, but I only got to talk to her VERY briefly after asking if she was single. She said she was, then she soon had to get into her taxi, so I asked her number and she told me to write mine down on her notepad (which I did, there was nothing to lose). I sensed there was something not quite right about her, but I wasn't totally sure until she called me the next day asking to meet me and sounding very nervous and not quite with it. When I met up with her, her sister and her sister's bf were also there, and they explained that Emily suffered from learning difficulties and that was why she acted so immature. I felt stupid, but get this...the family invited me to their house for dinner, met the parents, had some beers...all for free and they were cool about it, saying it wasn't my fault. But Jeez!!! The lesson there is, make sure you get some idea what a girl is like before asking for the digits!
So not quite the success I aimed for, but things since have improved.
Ol'BlueEyes - I only live in a relatively small town, with a population of about 60,000 people. I've lived here about 18 months, and I must say that I've seen lots of girls that I've previously DJ'd, and if I walk through town I recognise a lot of faces (even if I don't know the person). So you have to be careful living in smaller places, though it's not always bad because if girls see you as popular their interest goes up! Just be sure to get a good rep and you'll be fine. Nowadays though, I go out of town to do my pickups, since there's more choice, less chnce of seeing a girl I've previously DJ'd, and generally I just like a change.
As for the looks of the girls I approched, yes, generally I did only approach ones I regarded as good looking or reasonable enough looking. No point in approaching the ugly ones, because I'd only be leading them on if anything happened.
Golden Arms - People can ask me whatever questions they like, I don't mind! I don't come on this site so much these days though (hence the time it's taken to reply), because I am out in the REAL WORLD living my life, putting these DJ tactics to work and slowly becoming the DJ I know is in me. I used to be on here every day, but it's less frequent now. In fact, if it wasn't for a fellow DJ friend of mine telling me that this post was up again, I doubt I'd have seen it for several weeks!
Neptunes - This stuff sounded impossible to me before 2002. I was a BIG afc, trust me. But I steadily put the things from this site into practice, learned from my experience and got better. You can do the same.
My internet time is up, so see you guys again soon.