7 dates until I found her inner b i t c h


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Wow, it took 7 dates but I met the ***** inside this girl. Actually I had a hint of it on an earlier date, but it was in full force last night

1) I can take some responsibility for this, but I showed up a bit too early to her house (traffic was a bit lighter). She wasn't ready for me and was extremely pissed about it.

2) I was tired as hell during the movie and fell asleep during parts of it. She understood but wasn't too happy about it

3) Another little event happened that is almost too trivial to mention. She *****ed at me about that. In any event she got up from her bed and slept on the couch. Have to admit I slept better.

4) I woke her up because I needed to go. She was really pissed about that too. But I'm sure she would have been pissed had I just left too.

I'm not too interested her anymore, but wanted to know for future reference what the best way to handle a girl when she's extremely pissed over something trivial.

I apologized but also let her know I thought she was being petty over some of the things.

I don't really plan on calling for a few days, maybe I'll e-mail her Monday, but I may wait for her response. We did have Christmas and New Years plans.

I am alot more interested in another girl that I have hooked up with now. I think I'll get her Christmas present first. The other girl does know I had New Years plans with the first girl.



Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
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Ya if yer really into the girl find out what days of the month that they get like this and don't call them if you can go 4 days without seeing a girl.

90% of the time a girl is being petty and stupid over small stuff its just that time of month man nothing you can do about it.


Jul 30, 2003
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have you banged her?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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You know what I was wondering that myself. The only thing is I thought it was only a few weeks ago that she had her period. Now I'm not sure.

Dumb question but the cycle is like 28 days right? I don't think she was due for it.

I tell you what though. I'm supposed to be with her on Christmas. It would be crappy of me if I let my reaction to her *****y reaction stop me from going. But I kind of don't want to go. Pretty tacky but I don't have a gift yet and don't feel like getting her one. We've been dating for two months. Of course I will get one.

I talked to one of my friends and he told me not to cancel my Christmas and New Years plans with her yet. I want to, but since this girl is one of my other friends wifes sister I won't do it because I don't want to look like the bad guy. On the other hand if she decides to call it off then I'm in the clear!

Interesting, but I still havent learned to handle *****iness in a woman. You would think my last LTR would have taught me, but it didn't.

I guess the big thing is when a girl is pissed you don't want to keep provoking it, but you don't want to be walked all over either. I gave her a bit of a hard time, but did apologize for some things as well, while letting her know I thought she was overreacting.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
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Don't blame her "bad moods" on PMS, that is a poor excuse. Think of PMS as the female window in experiencing a spike of testosterone which guys get all the time.

Seems like she has something up her butt and it always stem from how you're treating her. You mention another girl you are interested in, perhaps this answers the love drama in your life?
Apr 3, 2003
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1. You have just been bytch tested and failed. With her first episode you shoulda shut her down right away. YOu will of noticed that she got worse after the first one.

2. Now you will never be able to have a sucessful relationship with her. Dump this ho like a trash can on fire...cause all your gonna get now is trash...I mean how dare she be mad the you were early. This also tells me how you handle your game....I can guarantee that she would not of started that shyt with me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Player how would you have handled it?

This is one area I've always had trouble with, any girl that I've dated has started being *****y and I don't know how best to end it.

One thing would be to tell her to shut the F up, but that isn't normally my style.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
When someone gets all pissy with me for no reason I usually remove myself from their company because I can't stand negativity.

You should have just told her that in light of her obviously very bad mood that you felt it best if you postponed your date until a time when she was in a good mood and would be better company. Then you should have left and gone out by yourself and had a good time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Wyldfire, that is a good idea and I did offer to leave early in the night. She wouldn't have that either. She said "You're already here now" or something like that.

I can't see myself contacting her for a few days. She should really make the first move as I've already apologized.

Needless to say my interest in her has dropped dramatically. One of the few reasons I am going to let this play out is that we've already made Christmas and New Years plans. It would look kind of bad for me to dump her then. But on the other hand, if she decides to back out on it, no complaints here.

I don't want to look like the bad guy because she is the sister of my friends wife.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
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Originally posted by Ricky
Player how would you have handled it?

This is one area I've always had trouble with, any girl that I've dated has started being *****y and I don't know how best to end it.

One thing would be to tell her to shut the F up, but that isn't normally my style.

a) laugh at her (being a bratty, moody little girl)


b) leave

Do not apologize.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DeathDealer
Don't blame her "bad moods" on PMS, that is a poor excuse. Think of PMS as the female window in experiencing a spike of testosterone which guys get all the time.

Seems like she has something up her butt and it always stem from how you're treating her. You mention another girl you are interested in, perhaps this answers the love drama in your life?
PMS actually does have an impact on a woman's/girl's mood. How much of an impact varies from person to person, though. I get a tiny bit edgy a couple of days before my period starts, but it's hardly noticeable. My daughter, on the other hand, gets absolutely miserable. She is normally extremely sweet, good natured and so easy to get along with...but for two days each month I seriously want to duct tape her mouth, tie her up and stick her in a closet until it passes. It's such an extreme difference from her usual mood and always lasts two days right before she gets her period. Until I noticed this about my own kid I used to think PMS was just a convenient excuse for biotchiness because I don't really get it myself. However, when a genuinely sweet, kind, easy going and mild mannered girl turns into an evil screeching banshee each month for the two days right before her period starts consistently for 5 years, I gotta say...I'm a believer now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Thanks Wyldfire.

What do you think of my plan to wait a few days and see if she contacts me first?

The bad date was Friday and I was thinking of waiting at least until Tuesday to contact her again. Hopefully she will have the courtesy to at least e-mail me tomorrow.

Kind of funny in that I haven't gotten her much in the way of a Christmas present yet (I do have a few small things but I don't necessarily need to give them to her!!!)
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Ricky
Player how would you have handled it?

This is one area I've always had trouble with, any girl that I've dated has started being *****y and I don't know how best to end it.

One thing would be to tell her to shut the F up, but that isn't normally my style.
This is an area where the men from the boys get seperated. On the first sign of a ***** test I will call a woman out on it.

I tell em I don't play that game, Flat out. "Tanya I don't do that bytch test game you women play" Then they girl will play dumb and pretend to not know what I'm talking about.

Then I will say. If you ever disrespect me again I'm outta here. You know how valuable and precious my time is Tanya. We are adults here not kids and I don't play with my time.

Most women will try to interupt you as you say this and I will interject "Hold up I'm talking right now, you will get your turn when I'm done"

Then I will go into my church surmon about how a woman is to respect her man or a man and it's unnatural for a woman to show disrespect...and then on and on about the situation of todays society how gays and women are fawking up the world and on and on...until her eyes glaze over.

You gotta put em to sleep to implant your suggestions into her head. By the time I finish she has forgotten her argument and has understood that next time their will not be one.

In otherwords you must make em understand how serious of an issue this shyt is to you. Then stick by it.

Make a promise to yourself to walk from any disrespectful female. And start respecting yourself. This is why you take it. You don't respect YOU.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ricky
Wyldfire, that is a good idea and I did offer to leave early in the night.
Your mistake here is that you "offered" to leave. If someone is being miserable to you, you don't "offer" to go, you just go, period. You do it in a mature, adult way, but you don't have to tolerate crappy behavior, nor should you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Playah thanks for your comments. I have to admit I've never had the balls to do what you've said and part of that is a remnant of my AFC days.

However the other part of it is that I could be considered sensitive. Not that I'm sensitive to others comments, but I have always really worried about what I say or how I act will impact others. I don't know why I've been overly concerned with others peoples feelings but I have and it's been a problem throughout life.

Yeah it ensures that I am always considered a really nice guy, but we know what that means when it comes to women.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
This is an area where the men from the boys get seperated. On the first sign of a ***** test I will call a woman out on it.

I tell em I don't play that game, Flat out. "Tanya I don't do that bytch test game you women play" Then they girl will play dumb and pretend to not know what I'm talking about.

Then I will say. If you ever disrespect me again I'm outta here. You know how valuable and precious my time is Tanya. We are adults here not kids and I don't play with my time.

Most women will try to interupt you as you say this and I will interject "Hold up I'm talking right now, you will get your turn when I'm done"

Then I will go into my church surmon about how a woman is to respect her man or a man and it's unnatural for a woman to show disrespect...and then on and on about the situation of todays society how gays and women are fawking up the world and on and on...until her eyes glaze over.

You gotta put em to sleep to implant your suggestions into her head. By the time I finish she has forgotten her argument and has understood that next time their will not be one.

In otherwords you must make em understand how serious of an issue this shyt is to you. Then stick by it.

Make a promise to yourself to walk from any disrespectful female. And start respecting yourself. This is why you take it. You don't respect YOU.
That's an awful lot of work and sort of inconsistent with the "my time is valuable" thing.

All you have to do is just say "If you're going to be unpleasant to be around I'm not going to be around you. Call me when you're over your bad spell." Then you leave. I guarantee that this will work quite well.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
That's an awful lot of work and sort of inconsistent with the "my time is valuable" thing.

All you have to do is just say "If you're going to be unpleasant to be around I'm not going to be around you. Call me when you're over your bad spell." Then you leave. I guarantee that this will work quite well.
My style actually does come from the pimp game chicken little. She learns:

1. to avoid a lecture
2. to learn respect
3. what ever I put in her head after her eyes glaze over.

It's called mental programming Kada de ahh.

The way you start is the way you will finish. If a man starts out a certain way that is the way it will continue to the end.

I consider the mental programming time an investment. I will put in the time to create a good woman by my side instead of a nasty bytch stabbing me in the back later on.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
My style actually does come from the pimp game chicken little. She learns:

1. to avoid a lecture
2. to learn respect
3. what ever I put in her head after her eyes glaze over.

It's called mental programming Kada de ahh.

The way you start is the way you will finish. If a man starts out a certain way that is the way it will continue to the end.

I consider the mental programming time an investment. I will put in the time to create a good woman by my side instead of a nasty bytch stabbing me in the back later on.
Well, how successful that method is will depend on the woman, I suppose. Whenever anyone lectures me I make a bee-line for the exit. No one has ever complained about me being biotchy in a relationship, though. In fact, I find that the men I've been involved with are far biotchier than I am. I don't lecture, though. If they're that bad I just dump 'em.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Well, how successful that method is will depend on the woman, I suppose. Whenever anyone lectures me I make a bee-line for the exit. No one has ever complained about me being biotchy in a relationship, though. In fact, I find that the men I've been involved with are far biotchier than I am. I don't lecture, though. If they're that bad I just dump 'em.
Which is why your on a mens dating site looking for answers to fix what's wrong in your own personal life right!

Maybe, Maybe not my way wouldn't work on you because you hang out here and your exposed to mens game level now. But you and I have never met. My energy tends to be over powering.

Abnoxious girls I don't put up with...as I did with the Pathologist last night. She had the nerve to ask me to buy her a drink...so I said to her:

What? You buy me a drink...you make more money than I do.

She responded with:

You know what that's rude and insulting.

I interupted her with:

Well consider yourself insulted then.

She bought her own drink and proceeded to give me her life story....boyfriend bought her a $75,000.00 ingagement ring and she rejected it... cause she isn't in love with him and he thinks materialistic just cause he owns a very large company...blah blah blah...

Until I got rid of her. If your anything half as Chicago type as she was you wouldn't last a minute either...lol@ya


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
This happens

Often when a gal starts to get comfortable with you, she starts to "open up," which could sometimes be ugly.

For example, I was dating this one gal, and thigs were really hot. She was absolutely nuts about me. Then one Sunday morning -- after being out with her the night before, her sleeping over, yada, yada -- she wanted to go across the river to Windsor, but I was a bit knackered, and moving slowly. She didn't make too big a deal of it at the time, but the next weekend I went to visit (she lived about 1 1/2 hours away), and on the drive to my place, she was just haranguing me like hell for this nothing deal. I hadn't done anything wrong, so I refused to apologize, and just told her I have a right to relax on a Sunday morning, and if it meant all that much to her, she should have communicated better, and offered to do the driving.

I handled that bit OK. That's the way one should respond if you did nothing wrong. But the weekend was not as good as before, and was cut short. So I just stopped calling her. When she called me I told her she was really being unreasonable, and I won't deal with that. She sent me an email saying the convo was "sad," and I comntinued to contact her less. Before long she was leving messages to say she "missed me." Anyhow, though my immediate response was good, I punished her for it too long, and ultimately drove her away. I was pretty much the RAFC who never experienced anything quite like that, but later found this sort of thing happens.

So stand your ground, distance yourself a bit, perhaps, but don't slam the door. At least not yet. That's all I can say. It may just mean she's starting to get more comfortable with you, and is starting to release things she had been holding in on account of trying to puit on a good face, so to speak.