5th annual Anti Approach Anxiety competition


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
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My friend talked me into registering just for this.

I would like in if you have room.

Thank you.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score

Blind one

We will only have 10 participants this year which is our lowest turnout ever, but it is what it is. Alright, sorry for my lateness in getting first task up,b ut this is what you guys will be doing:

Remember that failing to complete a task 9on time gets you a strike and the rule is two strikes and you're out.

What gets you a strike?

1. Not completing a challenge on time.

2. Failing to do the challenge at all.

3. Complaining about the challenge being too easy/hard. (This wasn't a problem last year or the year before or the year before that but we had an incident of this back in the 2012 comp, that person received a much more difficult challenge like he requested, failed to even make a post about it and was subsequently booted from the competition. Don't be that guy.)

This first week's task is recycled from last year's competition since it went so well.

Approach seven people regardless of gender and strike up a conversation or at the very least say hello/good morning/evening/afternoon/your shoes are untied/I don't give a damn what you say/whatever. However at least three of them must be HBs. This can be randoms, a girl in class, anywhere. You do not have to get a number this week. What I'm looking for here is small talk and eye contact.

You have until 11:59 pm Sunday, February 15 to post your results


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Ummm...ok...ill start.

I spoke with 3 hbs today cuz they were skinny cute asians, not my general hb girls. One was on the train. Two were getting some food in line. All smiled and gave eye contact.

I was out in gym clothes... Nothibg major.

So i can still go out friday night and pull club chicks?


New Member
Feb 5, 2015
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Lets gooo guys!

Yo0! I got started yesterday :woo: Was walking to get some pages of my textbook photocopied ( xeroxed). Noticed a HB7 getting the copies from the same book so I just went up to her and said something to the effect of " hi , what pages ? " and we got to talking and turns out she's a junior in my college. Met her a couple times later on campus. Nice girl.

Hmm a doubt at this point - I'm a med student and I see a lotta patients and their relatives on a daily basis. They are all strangers technically ;)
Do I count em?

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
Ummm...ok...ill start.

I spoke with 3 hbs today cuz they were skinny cute asians, not my general hb girls. One was on the train. Two were getting some food in line. All smiled and gave eye contact.

I was out in gym clothes... Nothibg major.

So i can still go out friday night and pull club chicks?


Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
moarrplizz said:
Yo0! I got started yesterday :woo: Was walking to get some pages of my textbook photocopied ( xeroxed). Noticed a HB7 getting the copies from the same book so I just went up to her and said something to the effect of " hi , what pages ? " and we got to talking and turns out she's a junior in my college. Met her a couple times later on campus. Nice girl.

Hmm a doubt at this point - I'm a med student and I see a lotta patients and their relatives on a daily basis. They are all strangers technically ;)
Do I count em?

Only if you want to.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Talked to two guys in my dance class. I initiated. Still won't consider them as approaches. Only girls will be counted.

Though there are lots of girls and some are giving me IoIs I had mo courage to talk. Had some inner game issues. Feeling better now and ready to approach!


Don Juan
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
Approach seven people regardless of gender and strike up a conversation or at the very least say hello/good morning/evening/afternoon/your shoes are untied/I don't give a damn what you say/whatever. However at least three of them must be HBs. This can be randoms, a girl in class, anywhere. You do not have to get a number this week. What I'm looking for here is small talk and eye contact.
Honestly, I cannot recall the last time I talked to a stranger. Feels like forever but probably isn't.
As I went out today and started looking at people I realized how much I've let AA get the better of me.
When I do talk to strangers it just becomes normal and I forget about it :)

Chatted with random people at the supermarket, nothing relevant and not long enough to be a conversation so I'll pass on that. Still pleasant.

Afterwards I went to a park, parks are awesome to small talk with just anyone if you live in a populated area, and saw some middle aged guy reading a book. I know guys

Surprisingly this was great practice at choosing which subject to talk about. Once you decide on a subject they are knowledgeable about or that interests them, everyone opens up. So we discussed art, and traveling.

Actually, it was more like he spoke and I was listening while deciding what the next topic will be. Still have to work on keeping my mouth shut and not interrupting others to spit out my own opinion.

Update: Barely had time for this challenge.

Yesterday, went to buy some fruits. Enter the shop and small talk with an employee. After about 5 minutes I go on and see a cute girl with her mom. As I figure what to talk about the mom goes away. Asked her what she was going to buy, bla bla...

In the evening I met a neighbor, I'd never seen before. Apparently she moved in a couple months ago, we just start talked about where she lived before and boring things like that.

A set of two girls who passed by as my bicycle failed. Very brief chat, not even a minute.

Another neighbor, old man this time,who was checking the mail. Asked him what he thought about my new haircut.

It's amazing how people react differently depending on what your voice sounds like.
I've got reactions such as "What the hell do you want from me?" to "You've got my undivided attention".
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Challenge #1 - Complete


1) A girl at the front desk at the gym. She has always sent me little signals, smiling and such so I just randomly struck up a convo with her for the first time and she was receptive. About 2 minutes of talking.

2) Some girl in one of my classes. I helped her with a concept she had trouble on and after the exam we took I asked her if she understood it. She did and we talked for a bit. It ended with "we HAVE to study together sometime".

3) This girl was waiting for this other class to get out, I asked her what she thought of our professor and classes and such. Talked for a few minutes before class. SHe was cool.

4) This was a bonus, some girl who got on the elevator with me, I asked her what floor she was going to and boom instant convo out of no where.


1) struck up a convo with some dude at the gym about weight and such.
2) talked to a group of fellas who were discussing some topic, I cant remember wtf it was , but it intrigued me enough to start talking to the whole group
3 + 4 + others ) I just went on a spree of saying "Hi" to everyone on campus who passed by.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Heres a tip for small talking people...

Act as if youre going places. It erases all anxiety.

Some of you just need to engage life and women in general...none of us needs this site. We like it cuz its fun to think and discuss, but if youre here, you already read the bible and at this point its just fun b.s. things to do with women.

Go get married if you want to. Or have multiple friends, whatever it is.

We have to start believing in our collective ideas and theories and practice them.

We all can pass these challenges....dont be that skinny guy telling himself untruths about him in his head.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
So after that -

1. I went back to the city where I went to study for 6 months - especially to meet my teacher and celebrate valentine. So I for the first time in all the time there actually talked for long time; I used to just try to escape such situations.

2. On valentine's day I opened a two set by asking them if they would have liked to help my friend buying something for his girl. Not sure if I looked them in the eye

3. Later that night I opened a guy and had a very small talk.

4. Had a really small talk with another guy today.

So will all this be counted?

If not I would like to apologize - ask for help(or would it need creation of a new thread by itself?) -

How do I gain emotional control? I feel way too weak inside. I had so much strength before I went back to that city. I couldn't meet my girl as she said she had troubles----blah blah blah. It's long distance - I am back in home town with no friends. This challenge might get me few friends idk but I need emotional control first. I have already watched RSDBrad's video and now implementing it.

I guess I didn't need to mention all that?


New Member
Feb 5, 2015
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#1- Mentioned in post above
#2- Local food court. Found a HB8 I'd seen a few times before but hadn't really spoken to. Went up to her and asked if I could join her at her table and started having my lunch. She got up and left in a couple of minutes without saying a word -.-
#3- I went to a local police officer and asked him how his day was. Nice guy, started complaining about his senior officers and his " horrible " working hours lol.
#4- HB6 at local pharmacy. She was buying toothpaste of a brand I've never heard of. Asked her how she liked it. She said it's really sweet tasting and she likes it @.@
#5- Food court again! I was at Subway getting a salad. Stranger HB7 orders a sandwich with only lettuce and sweet onion sauce. I asked her if she always gets that or she's on some weird diet. She laughed and said she likes it that way.
#6- For work related reasons I asked a local cab driver if he had health insurance. He does apparently, good for him.( to clarify, I wasn't actually in the cab )
#7- At gym: Twas raining when I was leaving gym. HB8 stranded as she had no transport or umbrella. I said hi and offered to drop her wherever. She... umm... politely refused. Her loss lol.