Thanks. I made it clear I definitely wouldn't adopt, but if we do try and are unsuccessful then the pressure may mount.All kidding aside, you care for her, it evident, and that is fine. However, if you have no interest in bringing in a child in this world, walk away. It's painful, I am sure, but no reason in going through even more pain when she some how gets you to try and she's still unsuccessful. It's very unlikely that she has any viable eggs left at 45/46 without any frozen eggs. It's a lost cause for her, as that ship has sailed. Be careful she doesn't try to rope you into adopting one.
I also made it clear that as we are both fertile (tested two weeks ago) then IVF won't have any better odds than trying naturally (<1%) - but she still says she would try IVF if natural doesn't work (she would be 47 after a year of trying). That seems like a waste of $15,000 if you ask me.