5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Don't take this the wrong way, but anyone can make a thread about how things are or will be. Now my question for you, what is the solution? Cause obviously men and women will keep existing, you've been in this forum for over 16 years, you must have seen a lot, so what is the solution?
The solution is simple read the "Book Of Pook" and read the writings of Fingz yes they are old but all of those things still apply, Once you read them than execute and act upon what you read. Field test it and utlize what works dicard what doesn't. This is what helped me improved with women when I first got here. When you understand that your success with women is based on your mindset and then willing to execute (by execute meaning putting the work in to improve on your weakness or lack of strength from how you dress, gym, how you talk approach, meet women etc)
It's a numbers game but a guy who is doing the work and it shows will eventually come up unless he has some major hurdles to get over i.e. disability, severe mental illness etc

Now applying the solution is the difficult part and this is where 70% of men fail or give up

A stable man with an attractive & masculine mindset can easily date a career woman. I have never had any issues dating them and they bring a lot of benefits to the relationship. If you are a broken man with a broken mindset then career women will not match well with you. Likes attract likes, if you are a broken man then you should be sticking to broken unambitious women in low level service work or lower career ladders. I have dated both spectrums and my worst relationships came from these types of women.
This is too black&white sprinkled with a lot of shaming language, what's your definition of a career woman? is it a woman working an entry-level job at Amazon headquarters making $20 an hour on a laptop? or a C-Level exec making 300K or more? when we talk about "Career" women we first have to put a definition on it, because I have seen guys call girls that make $20 "Career" women. Heck you can make that now flipping burgers. I have dated both types IMO I rather deal with a feminine, kind woman I could give a ****less what her career is as long as she is following my program and is able to take care of herself when it comes to the basics (paying her bills, car, rent etc)

The reason why a lot of guys here don't like the "Boss Babe" is because of her masculine energy, A chick making $30 an hour working a corporate job at Amazon IMO is not a boss babe but some may consider them career women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
@Solomon asserts in his posts that women would also use AI or get into 'Chad"-like sex robots, etc.... however, you raised one key point that he missed there. Women don't have the same problems or issues with real world interactions and there wouldn't be as much of a demand for women to access any fantasy realm or go into these things. When women try these experiments and find out how it's like to be an decent average guy in society, and try out profiles on Tinder, dress and act as a guy or do an actual sex change, the results are often extremely depressing and devestating for them and lead some to even suicide. Therefore, there is a gulf of experience which would more likely drive guys to tech rather than women.
It annoys me that I have to explain the simplest things but then I understand Asperger's and autism are real things online. Let me clarify and add context when I say women will utilize it as it's not all women obviously but you will have a group of women using them. How many women who knows? but even if it's 10% of women that's still women using it (robots)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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A stable man with an attractive & masculine mindset can easily date a career woman.
That is possible. He can date a career woman, but why would he want to do that?

I think a man who is stable with that mindset is better off trying to date someone who isn't as career focused. She's likely to be a more supportive girlfriend in a longer term relationship or eventually a marriage. She's more likely to be present in the moment. She's less likely to be spending her Thanksgiving holiday working on contractual law for a client.

It is also worth pointing out that many stable men don't have an attractive or masculine mindset. Stable men tend to be average frustrated chumps/beta males. If they have bachelor's degree + and work in white collar, these are the individual contributors or middle manager type males (if older).

If you are a broken man with a broken mindset then career women will not match well with you. Likes attract likes, if you are a broken man then you should be sticking to broken unambitious women in low level service work or lower career ladders.
One of the more challenging parts about dating women in lower career ladders is finding a stable women. As an example, most 30+ paralegals, medical assistants, and dental hygienists who are single are single moms.

A lot of men who can't attract young women because they are in middle age or beyond end up relegated to dating 30+ women. A lot of 30+ women are damaged. A childless older man might end up with some 30+ careerist female because that's his only option for dating a childless woman 30+.

These aren't necessarily broken men but sometimes there are men who have been dealt a bad hand in the mating marketplace for any number of reasons.

The "alpha man" that "runs a business", has savings, dresses well, is confident and all the rest when it comes of women would gladly trade places with that poor teenager living with his parents that however bang some 19yrs old brand new wet Mary Jane cause she genuinely like him.
A lot of those "alpha males" aren't actually alpha. A lot of corporate management (both middle and higher levels) are beta males. A middle to upper management male who is middle aged and more beta might not be able to attract the substantially younger woman that he actually wants. If he's 45 and making $150,000 a year (generally good), he's still not going to have enough to attract 19 year olds in most cases. He might be interested in being some 19 year old living with his parents to bang some 19 year old female who has genuine burning desire for him. This 45 year old making $150,000 is often either a lifelong pussie beggar single or a pussie beggar divorced guy. The typical married manager guy has a wife who has lost sexual desire for him while living in their single family house with 2 kids. The similarly aged wife would have plenty of sexual desire for a 22 year old pool boy but not her 45 year old husband who she has been with over the last 20 years.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
It annoys me that I have to explain the simplest things but then I understand Asperger's and autism are real things online. Let me clarify and add context when I say women will utilize it as it's not all women obviously but you will have a group of women using them. How many women who knows? but even if it's 10% of women that's still women using it (robots)
I know you said "not ALL women", but it strongly implied you saying "most or the vast majority of" women. If you say a small subset of women then it becomes a moot argument to raise that makes no sense at all for raising it in the first place as we are talking about trends. Next time, say "a very small subset of women"....but the you would not do that because then it would just sound too anemic to make sense.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
As an example, let's consider a single man living in Dallas who makes $125,000 as an annual salary. That's an above average salary but it's not exceptional for Dallas or anywhere in the USA. He's in his 30s/early 40s. Let's say he's 39 to be precise. He's childless too. At that salary and as a childless man, he has either an above average apartment or a decent condominium in a central city neighborhood. These are nice bachelor pads but not exceptional.

Unless his looks are absolutely elite, this 39 year old man is likely dating women 32-39. He's more likely meeting them on swipe apps but it's possible he's doing some real life approaching. He's either doing real life approaching at bars or through some events he attends. He's unlikely to be doing typical daygame. At most, he might do an occasional approach in his gym. I think more of his interactions are swipe app ones because it's difficult to meet 32-39 year old women (especially childless women) in real life in that age range.

The typical 32-39 year old woman he's meeting from his swipe app interactions are women with bachelor's degrees + who are making something like $75,000 - $125,000 from their jobs. These women aren't going to be that impressed with his $125,000 annual salary because he's not going to offer enough money to substantially change her life. He will be looked at as a very much average prospect for them.

As for your point about taking women on trips, one 7-10 day Hawaii or Caribbean trip isn't going to make that much of a different long time. The effect of those trips has a limited shelf life. Additionally, it's not advisable to take a woman on a trip until the relationship has matured a bit (6 months +), so the ability to take her on a trip doesn't mean much. A trip sooner than that seems like something from a sugar type relationship and not conventional dating.

Most childless men 10+ years out of college aren't going to be broke either.

It's possible to be broke and succeed with women if you are on the younger side and very good looking. It's difficult to pull that off after 35.
EEEH wrong let's look at the numbers (I cite my sources so you can see I'm not talking out of my ass even though I make 6 figures)

125K places you at the top 5%-25% in America depending on the state(Dallas although is a city is in America so you can include it). The average salary for an American male is $45,902 a year The average American woman makes $54,924 with a bachelor's degree. Where the heck are you getting 75K-125K from??

If you look at the Top 10 Jobs American women do, only 2 of those jobs make 75K or more

Are you getting these numbers from your friends and family? Or reputable sources. If So I would love to see the data you're looking at


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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what's your definition of a career woman?
Here are criteria I use to define a career woman in the United States market. The more of these she meets, the more of a career woman she is.

1. She has a bachelor's or an advanced degree. Any woman with an advanced degree is automatically a career woman. It takes a lot of effort to get into MA/MS/PhD/MD type programs. After completing an advanced degree, a woman is going to want to make use of that advanced degree.

Plenty of women with only bachelor's degrees are career women. With these women, it can sometimes be relevant where she went to school. A woman who went to a basic state level public university is less likely to be careerist than a woman who went to an elite private college/university. The academic reputation of the university matters. With that said, there are plenty of graduates from public universities who are career women.

2. She works a white collar job and she's not direct support staff to an executive. Human Resources is exempt from this. They could be considered support staff, but it is its own department and has career women in it.
3. If in a business role, she is either a middle manager + or an ambitious younger individual contributor looking for her next promotion.
4. If she works in medicine or law, she's automatically a career woman because of the advanced degree.
5. If she's a professor in academia, she's automatically a career woman.
6. If she's a mom, how quickly does she return to work after giving birth? Has she downshifted her career at all since she became a mom? These are more relevant to married moms not in the mating marketplace but could be relevant to men thinking about dating single moms.
7. Her work in general is high pressure and requires more than 40 hours per week, often 50+.
8. Her work takes priority over her personal life. She might work through major holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas to deal with business or law demands (see #7).


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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How many guys are making 150K or even 90K a year? If you're making 130K+ a year that puts you in the top 20% for income as a man(149K puts you in the top 5%-10 % depending on the state that you live in). If you are still struggling with women at that point the problem isn't women but you
I think what he said was in opposition of RP.
This is what he said "flash money and you'll get women"

It's possible to be broke and succeed with women if you are on the younger side and very good looking. It's difficult to pull that off after 35.
Typical victim mindset, women want a man not a whinny b!tch who complains about his height or lack of money. If you can't get women by being genuine and an entertaining guy, what makes you think you'll get women with money? Maybe you will but will be the wrong woman. I'm successful in my career, I don't flash my money or get expensive $hit so people know
The solution is simple read the "Book Of Pook"
Actually, there is not simple solution, the solution is very complicated, the solution is to strengthen your intelligence, emotional and physical pillars. Not getting money to get women

The book of pook is great for starters, like training wheels, but eventually you have to have something going on for you, tu fulfill you as a man, women should is the icing.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
125K places you at the top 5%-25% in America depending on the state(Dallas although is a city is in America so you can include it). The average salary for an American male is $45,902 a year The average American woman makes $54,924 with a bachelor's degree. Where the heck are you getting 75K-125K from??
Plenty of women with bachelor's degrees have jobs that are not using their BA/BS degree, like barista at Starbucks. That affects the average. Younger women who recently completed their bachelor's are making lower salaries and bringing down the average.

The typical 27-37 year childless woman on a swipe app with an office job is making more than the average. She's probably worked her way up to at least $75,000 by her 30s.

Most of the women I'm interacting with aren't in any of those Top 10 jobs. It's very difficult to meet a dental hygienist, paralegal, phlebotomist, or other medical assistant at a bar or in daygame. Most of the women I've cold approached or had swipe app dates with were office worker women. I have met a speech language pathologist on a cold approach at my gym and it was an unpleasant interaction.

More of my interactions have been with office worker women who met many of the criteria I listed above.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Typical victim mindset, women want a man not a whinny b!tch who complains about his height or lack of money. If you can't get women by being genuine and an entertaining guy, what makes you think you'll get women with money? Maybe you will but will be the wrong woman. I'm successful in my career, I don't flash my money or get expensive $hit so people know
It would make you feel more comfortable if you had money. You have logistics at least covered. If you don't have enough money to fund logistics then you have the right to complain about money, lol!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
So that's the solution? Get money so you can get women? It sounds to me what an old ugly guy would say to be honest. Men who lead with money get used as ATMs.
I never said that and clearly, you're arguing in bad faith. All I said is that if a man is making 149K and struggling with women than he's the problem, but you're saying that I'm stating it as a solution this is a disingenuous argument.

This is what he said "flash money and you'll get women"
Typical victim mindset, women want a man not a whinny b!tch who complains about his height or lack of money. If you can't get women by being genuine and an entertaining guy, what makes you think you'll get women with money? Maybe you will but will be the wrong woman. I'm successful in my career, I don't flash my money or get expensive $hit so people know
I have said this plenty of times, the guys that tend to think money will save them are guys who are not there yet. If you can't get women when you're broke the only thing being rich will do is turn you into a glorified trick. Money should enhance your lifestyle and not be looked as a cheat code to get women. It's delusional thinking if you think a 10 is gonna love you for you just because you have money all of a sudden lmfao.

Actually, there is not simple solution, the solution is very complicated, the solution is to strengthen your intelligence, emotional and physical pillars. Not getting money to get women.

The book of pook is great for starters, like training wheels, but eventually you have to have something going on for you, tu fulfill you as a man, women should is the icing.
The solution is only complicated if you make it so. We are talking about women sir, not quantum physics. Let's not be disingenuous yes you should improve for yourself but if you want to improve to get women then both go hand in hand. You should always place yourself first however if you wanna get women or hotter women I personally don't see anything wrong with improving. As long as other priorities are first. Once again let's not be disingenuous most guys don't come on this forum to self-improve they come on this forum cause they have a problem related to women and then they tend to stick around for discussions or other reasons sadly some guys never improve with women and it becomes obvious afterwhile.

It's like guys who get jacked saying "I don't do it for the hoes just me" mmh ok, let's be honest when you get jacked you certainly get more attention from women. When I was 30 I got in the best shape of my life I did it for health reasons but I would be a liar if I didn't say I also didn't get a thrill from having smokeshow's check me out and compliment me when before that wasn't the case.

The thing is this everyone wants an easy fit-all prescription the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all even with Game. When I was 24 I Field tested the **** out of Pook, Fingz, Snowplowman among various others and I mixed all those guys' philosophies with my style. I discarded what didn't work for me and kept what did. The solution can be easily identified individually now as a society you're right it is a complicated problem. However, as an individual you should be able to identify your weakness(es) and turn it into strength(s). This is where self-awareness and self-introspection are key, but it has to be at an honest brutal level. This may take some time and guess what in life you may have to delay gratification to get the results that you want. For 90% of us men there is no cheat code so we gotta roll up ourselves and put in the ****ng work. Once again we are talking about women, not quantum physics

The problem with men and women is deeper than even red pill can fix it's a problem beyond etiquette, economics, technology, and culture it's a spiritual&moral problem but most people on this forum don't want to have that conversation. So I will let it be

Plenty of women with bachelor's degrees have jobs that are not using their BA/BS degree, like barista at Starbucks. That affects the average. Younger women who recently completed their bachelor's are making lower salaries and bringing down the average.

The typical 27-37 year childless woman on a swipe app with an office job is making more than the average. She's probably worked her way up to at least $75,000 by her 30s.
Do you have the data for the swipe apps? of course not as this data isn't available!
You're either going of anecdotal experience(which is fine cause I do this all the time as well) or just guessing at best. You have said in the past you don't use swipe apps so I'm assuming that you're guessing and I gotta tell you you're wrong. I showed you the stat's cited my sources if you don't want to belive them that's fine but I backed it up but to me it sounds like you're suffering from "Miami Syndrome"(a syndrome where you see beautiful women gravitate to only men with money and an area where there is a lot of money so you assume it's like that everywhere) which is "Dallas Syndrome" for you, if that's the case you might wanna get the **** outta Dallas.

Most of the women I'm interacting with aren't in any of those Top 10 jobs. It's very difficult to meet a dental hygienist, paralegal, phlebotomist, or other medical assistant at a bar or in daygame. Most of the women I've cold approached or had swipe app dates with were office worker women. I have met a speech language pathologist on a cold approach at my gym and it was an unpleasant interaction.

More of my interactions have been with office worker women who met many of the criteria I listed above.
This is ancedoal and I will give you that since I don't see a reason for you to lie or make it up. However, if you used swipe app in the past how many of those women made 75K or more? From my experience the women that made 75K or more where not girlfriend material as our personalities didn't mesh they were amazing in the sack though.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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A lot of those "alpha males" aren't actually alpha. A lot of corporate management (both middle and higher levels) are beta males. A middle to upper management male who is middle aged and more beta might not be able to attract the substantially younger woman that he actually wants. If he's 45 and making $150,000 a year (generally good), he's still not going to have enough to attract 19 year olds in most cases. He might be interested in being some 19 year old living with his parents to bang some 19 year old female who has genuine burning desire for him. This 45 year old making $150,000 is often either a lifelong pussie beggar single or a pussie beggar divorced guy. The typical married manager guy has a wife who has lost sexual desire for him while living in their single family house with 2 kids. The similarly aged wife would have plenty of sexual desire for a 22 year old pool boy but not her 45 year old husband who she has been with over the last 20 years.
At this point I believe it's not even about the sex but more about feeling wanted, desired and validated FROM someone fresh, new that has choices.

Mediocre sex with an inexperienced girl that craves you is much better than pro sex with a woman that is putting a performance just to make sure she gets to be around in your wealthy life style.

Given the choice I would rather get back myself when I was in my early 20s unemployed living in a shared house but getting bad BJs from 19 yrs old girls that wanted me for myself rather than now where I'm getting more skilled and more attractive hotties whos end game is getting me into a relationship and would move within a week if they find out a wealthier guys willing to commit.

In my opinion the best ground to get women is at the gym, they see me in a tank top, I see them in leggins and mutual physical attraction comes even before knowing each other social position and wealth.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
That is possible. He can date a career woman, but why would he want to do that?

I think a man who is stable with that mindset is better off trying to date someone who isn't as career focused. She's likely to be a more supportive girlfriend in a longer term relationship or eventually a marriage. She's more likely to be present in the moment. She's less likely to be spending her Thanksgiving holiday working on contractual law for a client.

It is also worth pointing out that many stable men don't have an attractive or masculine mindset. Stable men tend to be average frustrated chumps/beta males. If they have bachelor's degree + and work in white collar, these are the individual contributors or middle manager type males (if older).

One of the more challenging parts about dating women in lower career ladders is finding a stable women. As an example, most 30+ paralegals, medical assistants, and dental hygienists who are single are single moms.

A lot of men who can't attract young women because they are in middle age or beyond end up relegated to dating 30+ women. A lot of 30+ women are damaged. A childless older man might end up with some 30+ careerist female because that's his only option for dating a childless woman 30+.

These aren't necessarily broken men but sometimes there are men who have been dealt a bad hand in the mating marketplace for any number of reasons.

A lot of those "alpha males" aren't actually alpha. A lot of corporate management (both middle and higher levels) are beta males. A middle to upper management male who is middle aged and more beta might not be able to attract the substantially younger woman that he actually wants. If he's 45 and making $150,000 a year (generally good), he's still not going to have enough to attract 19 year olds in most cases. He might be interested in being some 19 year old living with his parents to bang some 19 year old female who has genuine burning desire for him. This 45 year old making $150,000 is often either a lifelong pussie beggar single or a pussie beggar divorced guy. The typical married manager guy has a wife who has lost sexual desire for him while living in their single family house with 2 kids. The similarly aged wife would have plenty of sexual desire for a 22 year old pool boy but not her 45 year old husband who she has been with over the last 20 years.
So it’s over for 99.9% of men!


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
A lot of those "alpha males" aren't actually alpha. A lot of corporate management (both middle and higher levels) are beta males. A middle to upper management male who is middle aged and more beta might not be able to attract the substantially younger woman that he actually wants. If he's 45 and making $150,000 a year (generally good), he's still not going to have enough to attract 19 year olds in most cases. He might be interested in being some 19 year old living with his parents to bang some 19 year old female who has genuine burning desire for him. This 45 year old making $150,000 is often either a lifelong pussie beggar single or a pussie beggar divorced guy. The typical married manager guy has a wife who has lost sexual desire for him while living in their single family house with 2 kids. The similarly aged wife would have plenty of sexual desire for a 22 year old pool boy but not her 45 year old husband who she has been with over the last 20 years.
Still sounds like you are promoting 'leading with your wallet'.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
An example of a self-improved, 40-something, catcher-upper RP madman late to the game. “In my 40s…” JFL.



Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
All I said is that if a man is making 149K and struggling with women than he's the problem
Bro are you for real or you just lack reading comprehension?

If guy makes XX amount of money and he doesn't get women then he's the problem. Pretty much you're saying get money and you should be able to get women, that's how guys get used as ATMs, with advice like the ones you presented, that's how guys instead of developing their pillars, go for the easy route, escorts, gold diggers, shallow women. That's how nice guy incels behave, they work their a$$es off just to show off their money, get women, then they're sent to gutters in divorce, I've known many guys like those.

Self improvement is masturbation. You wanna self improve to what end? Get women? Pfftt


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Still sounds like you are promoting 'leading with your wallet'.
A lot of men (especially young and or older guys who want young women)have been duped by these RP podcasts/Youtubers that money will get them their dream girl, they watch these RP podcasts with club thots, only fans chicks and Bimbos confirming their own biased and think it's true. Money will only enhance your lifestyle and game in that aspect yes it will help if you utilize it properly however a lot of guys who don't have money view money as thinking they will get their dream girl, which is folly. There is no honor in being a trick!


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
It's like guys who get jacked saying "I don't do it for the hoes just me" mmh ok
- If you're jacked and you don't get women, there is something wrong with you.
- If you make 149k and you don't get women, there is something wrong with you.

That's called the Dancing Monkey Attraction Improvement Program.

I'll do X to get Y. Then when that covert contract doesn't work, guys get frustrated and asking "Wow I have all that $hit but I don't have women" When the advice is wrong.

However, it is true that money and muscles attract women, but it should by a byproduct, not doing it for you, but in the back of my mind its for women.

You should do all of that $hit, so you in your heart of hearts, in your core, you see yourself as a catch, you'll feel you have no competition, and you'll know you're better than 90% of men, therefore increasing ypur confidence, not for women, but for you, and that will manifest in every aspect of life.

But again, that's just my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Bro are you for real or you just lack reading comprehension?

If guy makes XX amount of money and he doesn't get women then he's the problem. Pretty much you're saying get money and you should be able to get women, that's how guys get used as ATMs, with advice like the ones you presented, that's how guys instead of developing their pillars, go for the easy route, escorts, gold diggers, shallow women. That's how nice guy incels behave, they work their a$$es off just to show off their money, get women, then they're sent to gutters in divorce, I've known many guys like those.

Self improvement is masturbation. You wanna self improve to what end? Get women? Pfftt

I have said so many times before in different threads I feel like a broken record so I will just leave this here...from Page 1

Most women if they don't know you. Don't even know you have money unless you lead with that. It blows my mind that guys keep bringing up money. Guys really need to stop watching these RP podcast where girls are talking out of their ass about wanting guys making 6 or 7 figures. We know statistically speaking there aren't that many single guys to go around and once you start adding other preferences (height, weight, race, no kids, don't do drugs etc) the number of single men that qualify dwindles down to 0.01% (Just a guess) From personal experience, money should be utilized in these 3 ways regarding women

  • Logistics-nice apartment, house, being in a great area in your city or town, close to the center, being able to go to nice places
  • Access-Nice car, high-earning social circles, house parties, expensive or exclusive events, nice restaurants to network
  • Retention-A woman is likely to stick around if you ain't stressing about money, number 1 reason for divorce is lack of finances

^^^^how do you not grasp this? THESE ARE ENHANCERS. READ MY OLD POSTS FROM HERE. You do not need money to get women I got laid more when I was broke then now that I have money. When I was 24 years old making 30K a year broke as a joke. I took two girls home had a 3some. Was I rich? nope? am I Tyrone? nope I was in a flowstate and pulled the best game in my lif that night. I don't say this as an insult but for guys who aren't making 6/7 figures, you guys only view money as black and white(if a guy has money he must be a trick or buying escorts) and don't understand there is nuance outside of tricking and escorting. This may be true for some tricks and simps but if you are RP aware and understand that money can create opportunities you will realize this.

I'm done arguing with you because I realize you will continue to argue in bad faith.

P.s. a guy making 150K a year has enough resources to hit the gym, get in shape get a personal trainer, learn game, dress these are all enhancers. If a guy is still struggling it's his fault unless he's disabled, mentally ill or some other circumstance that hinders him
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Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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  • Logistics-nice apartment, house, being in a great area in your city or town, close to the center, being able to go to nice places
  • Access-Nice car, high-earning social circles, house parties, expensive or exclusive events, nice restaurants to network
  • Retention-A woman is likely to stick around if you ain't stressing about money, number 1 reason for divorce is lack of finances
Many guys dont understand what a game changer such thing is.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
That is possible. He can date a career woman, but why would he want to do that?

I think a man who is stable with that mindset is better off trying to date someone who isn't as career focused. She's likely to be a more supportive girlfriend in a longer term relationship or eventually a marriage. She's more likely to be present in the moment. She's less likely to be spending her Thanksgiving holiday working on contractual law for a client.

It is also worth pointing out that many stable men don't have an attractive or masculine mindset. Stable men tend to be average frustrated chumps/beta males. If they have bachelor's degree + and work in white collar, these are the individual contributors or middle manager type males (if older).
I think this is more generated towards the type of woman you want to date than her having a career or being a dead beat. There are plenty of women with careers that will perform a more traditional role and there’s plenty of dead beat women that won’t even cook a box of Kraft Mac and cheese. All of these factors are going to depend on yourself at the end of the day. It is your responsibility to qualify/vet these women, maintain a masculine and attractive frame, and be able to support these women. I have dated doctors that were feminine and traditional with me and I have dated NEET women that couldn’t even warm up Chinese leftovers to save her life.