5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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the overwhelming majority of these high earners, as in people making well north of 100k, are going to be living in very high cost of living areas (LA, NYC, Boston, San Francisco, etc.). Making 200k/year in these metros, particularly NYC and CA, is probably the equivalent of making high 5 figures/year in places like Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, etc. These once affordable/very cheap metros have exploded in regards to cost of housing/rent, real estate, etc.
So, how much do you think you need to live in Amsterdam?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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At some point the government will be in charge of reproduction and education of the kids.

Kids grown in a lab sounds heresy to us now as much a government sponsored third world mass migration and gay marriages sounded to someone 40 yrs ago.
People might laugh about this, but it's totally in the cards. If the technology were available, I could see China doing something like this, especially given their abysmal demographics right now.

The concept of designer babies, like choosing for certain hair/eye colors or things like height or IQ, I also could see becoming a thing for the rich.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I don't have the exact numbers to cite, but the overwhelming majority of these high earners, as in people making well north of 100k, are going to be living in very high cost of living areas (LA, NYC, Boston, San Francisco, etc.). Making 200k/year in these metros, particularly NYC and CA, is probably the equivalent of making high 5 figures/year in places like Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, etc. These once affordable/very cheap metros have exploded in regards to cost of housing/rent, real estate, etc.

I've discussed this with @SW15 before, unless you are willing to spend a lot of money OR actually very high wealth it really doesn't make a difference what you make, so long as you aren't incredibly broke. I blame this mostly on social media, but unless you are able to take a girl on a nice trip, like to Hawaii or the Caribbean, or buy her expensive clothes, bags, etc. it's not really going to impress her. It doesn't matter if you are an electrician or an electrical engineer, both make relatively similar incomes btw.

I will add though that these "career women" are incredibly fussy and have very high standards that most men would struggle to live up to. We currently are living in a culture where women are more narcissistic and materialistic than probably ever, and in combination of this they often look down upon men.
Making a certain income does not guarantee that you will get laid or a girlfriend. You're still gonna need to be in decent shape and have charisma, social circle in some cases etc. If a guy is taking some chick he just met on trips. He's missing the plot. Most guy's aren't taking girls on trips they just met at the bar or off Tinder unless they are desperate. IMO money should be used to enhance your lifestyle. Money does not make the coochie wet(I'm talking non-hookers and Golddiggers of course) unless you are a guy with status to boot, or looks. Most guys that talk about money are talking nonsense. Most guys in 90% of the country(USA) can do just fine making 60K a year if they know how to budget it right (decent apartment, car, etc). 30% Of New York households make a 100K or more, and only 11.5% make over 200K a year. I do agree with you that LA/NYC cost are different, regardless you still need game/good shape to pull. LA/NYC are very hypercompetitive. If you're living in an expensive area and your rent costs 35% or more of your income then you need to move!

Most women if they don't know you. Don't even know you have money unless you lead with that. It blows my mind that guys keep bringing up money. Guys really need to stop watching these RP podcast where girls are talking out of their ass about wanting guys making 6 or 7 figures. We know statistically speaking there aren't that many single guys to go around and once you start adding other preferences (height, weight, race, no kids, don't do drugs etc) the number of single men that qualify dwindles down to 0.01% (Just a guess) From personal experience, money should be utilized in these 3 ways regarding women

  • Logistics-nice apartment, house, being in a great area in your city or town, close to the center, being able to go to nice places
  • Access-Nice car, high earning social circles, house parties, expensive or exclusive events, nice restaurants
  • Retention-A woman is likely to stick around if you ain't stressing about money, number 1 reason for divorce is lack of finances

On another note who the hell would wanna date a career woman? I'm currently seeing a 21 year old who is a banker (not the teller) a 38 year old who is a social worker. If you're making 100K or more. Why would you want to date a boss babe when you can have other/better options? I rather date a femine, fun, submissive barista who is broke than a boss babe making 200K grand a year whose a *****, thanks but no thanks ha ha.
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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It's simple math right here, but it would take at least a few decades to fully play out.
We’re going to see a massive die-off of women who were in barren “relationships” from ages 13 to to 35 over several decades and then traditional marriage will reassert itself. For now, there should be a temporary marriage ban.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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I don't know if this would be a trend, but after 25 its really hard to have a social life and get into social events or just be exposed to someone (in a genuine way) and know them outside your primary family, circle, job, hobbies.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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We’re going to see a massive die-off of women who were in barren “relationships” from ages 13 to to 35 over several decades and then traditional marriage will reassert itself. For now, there should be a temporary marriage ban.
What is a barren relationship exactly?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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What is a barren relationship exactly?
Sterile, no offspring. The women who wasted their most fertile and prettiest years “dating” and in relationSHlTS will have their genetic lineage die. More family oriented people will live.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I don't have the exact numbers to cite, but the overwhelming majority of these high earners, as in people making well north of 100k, are going to be living in very high cost of living areas (LA, NYC, Boston, San Francisco, etc.). Making 200k/year in these metros, particularly NYC and CA, is probably the equivalent of making high 5 figures/year in places like Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, etc. These once affordable/very cheap metros have exploded in regards to cost of housing/rent, real estate, etc.

I've discussed this with @SW15 before, unless you are willing to spend a lot of money OR actually very high wealth it really doesn't make a difference what you make, so long as you aren't incredibly broke. I blame this mostly on social media, but unless you are able to take a girl on a nice trip, like to Hawaii or the Caribbean, or buy her expensive clothes, bags, etc. it's not really going to impress her. It doesn't matter if you are an electrician or an electrical engineer, both make relatively similar incomes btw.

I will add though that these "career women" are incredibly fussy and have very high standards that most men would struggle to live up to. We currently are living in a culture where women are more narcissistic and materialistic than probably ever, and in combination of this they often look down upon men.
Now that my investments are starting to pan out very nicely :), I feel like I can afford to take a chick on vacations. The thing is, I only feel motivated to do this if she is hot.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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AI/tech- I think a lot of people underestimate how quickly something like this could take off. I've cited this before, but I think the best comparison we can make to this is in Japanese culture with their "herbivore men". I've also seen some bizarre stuff of men "marrying" anime characters and stuff like that, it sounds comical as hell to us reading this but it's really not all that far off from this AI stuff. It's basically men that for whatever reason have had issues with real world interactions, both with friends and dating/mating, and they dive into a fantasy realm as a replacement. The scary thing about the AI and virtual world stuff is that it will be incredibly advanced to where it could be almost real. With ease of access to this technology I could totally see many people basically addicted to it.
@Solomon asserts in his posts that women would also use AI or get into 'Chad"-like sex robots, etc.... however, you raised one key point that he missed there. Women don't have the same problems or issues with real world interactions and there wouldn't be as much of a demand for women to access any fantasy realm or go into these things. When women try these experiments and find out how it's like to be an decent average guy in society, and try out profiles on Tinder, dress and act as a guy or do an actual sex change, the results are often extremely depressing and devestating for them and lead some to even suicide. Therefore, there is a gulf of experience which would more likely drive guys to tech rather than women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Now that my investments are starting to pan out very nicely :), I feel like I can afford to take a chick on vacations. The thing is, I only feel motivated to do this if she is hot.
Well, in that case you would need money, because you yourself are not exactly attractive.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Guys really need to stop watching these RP podcast where girls are talking out of their ass about wanting guys making 6 or 7 figures.
Imagine being a middle-aged, unhinged, greying and balding Red Piller in his late 40s to 50s telling men to become gazillionaires to get women when fifteen year old broccoli heads with high social status in high school are getting laid for free with females RPers couldn’t attract when they were that age. Haha!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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Imagine being a middle-aged, unhinged, greying and balding Red Piller in his late 40s to 50s telling men to become gazillionaires to get women when fifteen year old broccoli heads with high social status in high school are getting laid for free with females RPers couldn’t attract when they were that age. Haha!
That's the point, no amount of wealth or status can give an adult men what those high status broccoli teenagers are getting for free.

Men always felt that way but nowadays are starting to accept it...and this is the reason for most of the hate coming as post wall women demanding sh1t.

The "alpha man" that "runs a business", has savings, dresses well, is confident and all the rest when it comes of women would gladly trade places with that poor teenager living with his parents that however bang some 19yrs old brand new wet Mary Jane cause she genuinely like him.

The biggest thread to future adult marriages is men coming to this conclusion even before than women economical expectations.

This is all connect to the "husband material" talks we read on twitter.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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unless you are willing to spend a lot of money OR actually very high wealth it really doesn't make a difference what you make, so long as you aren't incredibly broke. I blame this mostly on social media, but unless you are able to take a girl on a nice trip, like to Hawaii or the Caribbean, or buy her expensive clothes, bags, etc. it's not really going to impress her. It doesn't matter if you are an electrician or an electrical engineer, both make relatively similar incomes btw.
In conventional dating, having an above average annual salary isn't going to mean much. While money tends to matter more in the seduction effort for men 35+ (either pursuing younger women or similarly aged women), it's only around the 95th percentile where the effect becomes more evident. This is because of the long term effects of Second Wave Feminism (1960s-1980s feminism). Millennial and Gen Z women (18-43 year old women as of 2024) had their formative years after the biggest year of Second Wave Feminism. Millennial women were raised by their Boomer parents to be self-sufficient. What did that mean? More and more Millennial women went to college, completed a bachelor's degree +, and then got jobs. DEI/affirmative action initiatives helped both white females and non-white females in the white collar workplace. As a result, Millennial women (who I have primarily interacted with since I am an older Millennial myself) have essentially become the beta male providers of past times. They are making enough money to not be that concerned about what a man can do economically for her.

As an example, let's consider a single man living in Dallas who makes $125,000 as an annual salary. That's an above average salary but it's not exceptional for Dallas or anywhere in the USA. He's in his 30s/early 40s. Let's say he's 39 to be precise. He's childless too. At that salary and as a childless man, he has either an above average apartment or a decent condominium in a central city neighborhood. These are nice bachelor pads but not exceptional.

Unless his looks are absolutely elite, this 39 year old man is likely dating women 32-39. He's more likely meeting them on swipe apps but it's possible he's doing some real life approaching. He's either doing real life approaching at bars or through some events he attends. He's unlikely to be doing typical daygame. At most, he might do an occasional approach in his gym. I think more of his interactions are swipe app ones because it's difficult to meet 32-39 year old women (especially childless women) in real life in that age range.

The typical 32-39 year old woman he's meeting from his swipe app interactions are women with bachelor's degrees + who are making something like $75,000 - $125,000 from their jobs. These women aren't going to be that impressed with his $125,000 annual salary because he's not going to offer enough money to substantially change her life. He will be looked at as a very much average prospect for them.

As for your point about taking women on trips, one 7-10 day Hawaii or Caribbean trip isn't going to make that much of a different long time. The effect of those trips has a limited shelf life. Additionally, it's not advisable to take a woman on a trip until the relationship has matured a bit (6 months +), so the ability to take her on a trip doesn't mean much. A trip sooner than that seems like something from a sugar type relationship and not conventional dating.

Most childless men 10+ years out of college aren't going to be broke either.

It's possible to be broke and succeed with women if you are on the younger side and very good looking. It's difficult to pull that off after 35.

who the hell would wanna date a career woman?
I will add though that these "career women" are incredibly fussy and have very high standards that most men would struggle to live up to. We currently are living in a culture where women are more narcissistic and materialistic than probably ever, and in combination of this they often look down upon men.
Career women are not lacking for options. Many of them generate a lot of interest if they use swipe apps. These women are also getting DMs across social media platforms, including on LinkedIn. I regularly see updates in my LinkedIn Newsfeed about woman complaining about getting unwanted romantic DMs on LinkedIn.

The types of men pursuing career women are men with blue pilled ideologies. These are the Average Frustrated Chump/beta male types. The types of men that typically don't participate on forums like SoSuave.

Career women do tend to be incredibly fussy in the dating market. They are difficult to date in general. It's easier to date a woman who has a less demanding job whose mind isn't consumed by her job. There are sometimes women with lower paying jobs with less impressive titles who are career focused too, so a lower paying job doesn't mean not careerist. There are women under 30 with lower paying white collar jobs now who are seeking to move up and will be rather ambitious/career centered. Not only does salary/title have to be considered, but also her level of ambition for the future. Less ambitious women with less demanding jobs are generally more dateable, both in shorter and longer term arrangements.

If you're making 100K or more. Why would you want to date a boss babe when you can have other/better options? I rather date a femine, fun, submissive barista who is broke than a boss babe making 200K grand a year
Men making $100,000+ have the opportunity to find other/better options than a similarly earning careerist female. There are a lot of $100,000+ earning men with both blue pilled and lazy approaches to dating who end up with some Boss Babe from a swipe app interaction for some mediocre relationship.

Men making $100,000+ are better off having the idea to date someone less ambitious with a less demanding job if they want to be happy in a longer term relationship.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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We have huge numbers of women that are single and childless well past 30, it's clearly a result of a failed social experiment. The other day I was at Costco and this woman had one of those pouches you carry over your chest for a baby to be in, except she had a small dog in there lol. These leftist type women are not reproducing and those that have more "trad" type values are significantly more likely to marry, have children, etc. I also believe that young women may see these unhappy older women, with no kids or man, and actively try to avoid becoming like that. It's simple math right here, but it would take at least a few decades to fully play out.
The majority of 30-43 year old Millennials now have children, even though there's a lot of hype out there about older childless Millennials.

Your example from Costco isn't that unusual. There have been times I've been in Dallas parks/on Dallas walking paths and seen women putting small dogs in baby strollers. If you go to an area with high enough foot traffic, you will see this. On the "Observations on Dallas' Scene" thread, I profiled The Katy Trail in Post #274 in December 2023. The Katy Trail is the walking path in Dallas with the most foot traffic.

Trad types are more likely to marry and have children within a conventional marriage. A lot of careerist females either unintentionally or intentionally end up childless. There are lower class females that have children out of wedlock. In the USA, this is common in Black and Hispanic communities. Lower class Whites in trailer park type places do it too.

Poly relationships- I think this is actually already fairly common now, it would explain the massive gap between male vs. female singles, sexlessness, etc. The dating apps are a huge part of this, it's basically lead to an environment where a female 5 is getting a male 7, but the male 7 is fooling around with 2 other 5s at the same time lol. Meanwhile, you have fairly large numbers of low-average tier males, like 3-5, that are basically left struggling or left out completely. Well below average guys don't even have a chance to begin with. I knew a guy in his mid 20s, now late 20s, that was like this, he was probably a 7-8 for his age but had rotations of women that were honestly fairly average.

I think there could be poly relationships with one female and multiple males, but I feel this will not be all that common and more an outlier. With that said, I've seen a few examples of this over the years, but in the big picture it's unusual.
The only men that can pull off poly type relationships are upper tier men. Sometimes these men would be called Chads or Chad Lights. It seems reasonable to think about a man who is a 7-8 (a Chad Light) to have 2-3 women on rotation who are fairly average looking.

In far left US metros (San Francisco, Seattle, Portland), it's becoming more common for mediocre to subpar looking women to have a rotation of multiple betas who sometimes look rather soy in a poly style rotation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
On another note who the hell would wanna date a career woman?
A stable man with an attractive & masculine mindset can easily date a career woman. I have never had any issues dating them and they bring a lot of benefits to the relationship. If you are a broken man with a broken mindset then career women will not match well with you. Likes attract likes, if you are a broken man then you should be sticking to broken unambitious women in low level service work or lower career ladders. I have dated both spectrums and my worst relationships came from these types of women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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This thread is inspired by @sangheilios , I was thinking about things that will affect dating within the next 10, 20 years or even longer. These are based of things I see as well as my research this is merely my opinion

AI/Tech Dating
This is a no-brainer, as we discussed before. AI girlfriend apps are already very popular with men. Many red-pill (RP) men are waiting for AI love robots, believing it will punish women. However, the truth is, that women will also use these technologies. Obviously, not all women will, but the allure of having the "perfect" man—one who lasts for hours in bed and acts as the ideal boyfriend—will be too tempting for some to pass up. Now, a woman could have her own "Chad" and set him to be faithful, as part of his core settings! While I think there will be resistance to this, I don’t see AI Love robots becoming mainstream for another 10-25 years. However, AI girlfriends, similar to the concept in the movie Her, could become very popular within the next 10 years. Virtual reality (VR) dating will also become a reality, but not all that glitters is gold. That hot girl you're making out with in the metaverse could actually be a 50-year-old fruity man from Idaho. Just food for thought.

Things have been getting more and more expensive. A new trend is emerging with Gen Z, known as "Underconsumption Core," which is similar to the minimalist trend that gained popularity in recent years. There are already articles discussing how Gen Z and Millennials are struggling to date due to financial constraints. This issue will only get worse as people become more selective about whom they date, particularly men. Frivolous dating doesn’t make sense in hard times (we saw a bit of this during the 2008 recession, but it will be far worse soon). Even fast food is becoming expensive, as workers demand $20 or more per hour—guess who’s paying for that? You are! There's also a looming famine predicted to hit its peak in 2025(summer). For the farmers here, you know this is true. I foresee more people growing their food in the next 10 years, which is a trend also that started due to covid19. Additionally, I’ve noticed many Millennial and Gen Z women picking up skills like sewing, knitting, and crocheting. Over the next five years, money will likely become a more important factor for women seeking long-term relationships or marriage.

Return of Third Spaces
This one is tricky. As technology evolves, I can see more people engaging with it, but I also think many will seek out human connection. You can already see this with the rise of single-running clubs since COVID-19. Dating apps are declining in popularity because, let's face it, they aren’t great. In my opinion, the next big breakthrough for dating apps will be VR dating, but that’s still 5-10 years away, at the earliest. With the rise of loneliness in both men and women, people will want to meet others in person again.

Poly Relationships
We’ve seen an increase in poly relationships over the last 10 years, and I think they will become more mainstream as economic struggles worsen. However, it won’t look the way you might imagine (e.g., two women and one man, or one man with five women). Instead, it will be something like three men sharing one woman in a small 1 bedroom apartment. There will be a push to normalize this, and it won’t be seen as simping or being a cuck. The men who can have multiple women will either be very handsome or wealthy. You can already see this being discussed in RP narratives about the "high-value man" who can have more than one woman. The reality is that 90% of men won’t be able to pull this off—unless we’re talking about two "hogs."

Back to Traditionalism
Not all is doom and gloom. Over the past 70 years, there’s been a huge push due to the sexual revolution, feminism, and hookup culture for women to disregard marriage and traditional gender roles. It's louder today than it's ever been. However, many women are dissatisfied with this. I foresee a strong push back towards traditional dating and even marriage. You can already see the beginning of this in the popularity of "trad wife" and "trad girlfriend" content. While some of it may be a grift, however there are women who genuinely want to get married. There are 8,000 marriages every day in the USA, after all. I also see a return to Christian values in both dating and marriage. Gen Z is the generation with the lowest rates of sex and hookups in the past 70 years! Many people are searching for something deeper than what phones, tech, or drugs can provide—and that something is God.
Will everyone follow this path? Of course not. As I mentioned earlier, some people will engage in poly relationships or other types of relationships. While Gen Z might not be eager to get married, I think Gen Alpha will set the trend, and we’ll likely see more of this within the next 10-20 years as Gen Alpha is far more intelligent than we are currently giving them credit for (I mean their only 14 years of age tops)
Don't take this the wrong way, but anyone can make a thread about how things are or will be. Now my question for you, what is the solution? Cause obviously men and women will keep existing, you've been in this forum for over 16 years, you must have seen a lot, so what is the solution?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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How many guys are making 150K or even 90K a year? If you're making 130K+ a year that puts you in the top 20% for income as a man(149K puts you in the top 5%-10 % depending on the state that you live in). If you are still struggling with women at that point the problem isn't women but you
So that's the solution? Get money so you can get women? It sounds to me what an old ugly guy would say to be honest. Men who lead with money get used as ATMs.

The "alpha man" that "runs a business", has savings, dresses well, is confident and all the rest when it comes of women would gladly trade places with that poor teenager living with his parents that however bang some 19yrs old brand new wet Mary Jane cause she genuinely like him.
Hahahaha this is the most moronic statement I've read in a long time, now I understand why @CornbreadFed say what he says about red pill men
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
That's the point, no amount of wealth or status can give an adult men what those high status broccoli teenagers are getting for free.

Men always felt that way but nowadays are starting to accept it...and this is the reason for most of the hate coming as post wall women demanding sh1t.

The "alpha man" that "runs a business", has savings, dresses well, is confident and all the rest when it comes of women would gladly trade places with that poor teenager living with his parents that however bang some 19yrs old brand new wet Mary Jane cause she genuinely like him.

The biggest thread to future adult marriages is men coming to this conclusion even before than women economical expectations.

This is all connect to the "husband material" talks we read on twitter.
Resentment, anxiousness, and bitterness ooze from the mouths and faces of Michael Sartain, Rollo Tomassi, John Anthony Lifestyle, and Richard Cooper.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
So that's the solution? Get money so you can get women? It sounds to me what an old ugly guy would say to be honest. Men who lead with money get used as ATMs.

Hahahaha this is the most moronic statement I've read in a long time, now I understand why @CornbreadFed say what he says about red pill men
I think what he said was in opposition of RP.