4 great dates + kissing + touching / rejected + LJBF?


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2014
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me: 27,
her: 24, 8/10, being picked-up by males very often, has a lot of male-buddies, has been on 3-4 real dates in her life though (she dismissed many guys), had 3.5 year relationship (first and only) that finished year before (quit because of boredom), working in event agency (a lot of traveling, parties, events, especially in the summer), being busy, however likes domesticity too (well-balanced girl). She is young and cheerful, sometimes a little bit childish (collecting pics of handsome actors, models etc. like girls sometimes does) but has responsible job duties (being mature and confident in that matter).

Description of situation (short version):
- met online, couple of days of online great small talking/joking
- 1st date walking in the park, talking, glass of wine
- 2nd date great raquet playing in the park + biking + lunch
- 3rd date - wine drinking in the park, talking, kino, kissing a lot, intimacy touching (= i slowly massaged all her body with panties included, she agreed and felt great, we were not drunk)
- 4rd date - ice creams, talking, another park, kissing, holding hands, touching, laughing, just great.

- a lot of online chating between dates (80% initiated by her)
- 1st date on monday, 4th date on saturday (=1 week relationship)

- Then she went off for funeral (3 days, a lot of chating, calling, initiated by her, proposal of the next date, watching movies together etc.)
- Come back for 3 days before next travel (job related event) - little contact, no meeting, she met with friends instead, didn't tell she wanna meet, excuses (I'm tired, I can't make it).

- Went for 4-day job related event - no contact from me, nor her.

- Her return and text message: we should meet and talk.
- Next day we met, she was nervous, no "hello cheek kiss", no touching at all, told me she was thinking about the whole situation all the time during being away, told me i'm great, make her laugh, make her fun, have enormous amount of common interests and activities, BUT she just does't feel "wow effect" somewhere inside and "we can do this thing all together but NOT AS A COUPLE".
Also added "I don't know what I really want", "I know I gave you GREAT signs of interest, I had to kiss you to check if this is it, and it's not", "I have so small experience with males", "No one has ever chased after me so great as you", "your intelligence amaze me", "you didn't deserve to tell you THIS via online chat so we met". When talking, had tears in her eyes. When finished, had great relief, being relaxed again, smiling etc.

- My reaction: I was smiling, tried to kiss her immediately (refused nervously, said NO), than when she was emotionally "open" I took her hand, listening and saying "it's OK, relax, I know what you mean bla bla bla", DIDN'T admit directly "OK LJBF", but didn't also said "No sex? Goodbye forever or change your mind".

- Then the rain drops, we hide under the tree, it was cold, we were hugging very strong for 20 minutes, I did some kino with her hair etc., she also had (sniffing my perfumes, playing with hair), than we had some lunch, talk about future fun activities (she was very enthusiastic like: "take me to the theater!", "yes, i wanna do this!", "this is great idea, may i come with you?" etc).

- After that, there's almost 2 weeks - and almost no contact. I moved into shadow, she texted me once "how are you, are you ok?", I reply "I'm fine, thanks". That's it. Now she is on another "job event trip", no contact. I have a lot of activities (including with other girls, friends, family), posting about it on FB, having fun, not putting all the eggs in one basket, but still being crushed and thinking about her.

Is it over? What really happened?
Should I invite her on next activities/fun dates as we spoke?

OK, now my analysis of the situation (please read it before you reply):
I'm quite experienced DJ, always had nice game, mainly thanks to creative negs, high IQ, sense of humor, sarcasm, being mysterious, having unusual complements and dates ideas, interesting life (nice job, sports, music, a lot of activities), and so on.

When I was dating other girls it was "blah,OK" but when i met her, it was instant crush - such a chemistry I've never had before plus her physical attributes which fulfill my requirements, a lot of common things and interests, same view on things.

We had great talking and I started the game perfectly, but then make this mistake - I trusted her to quickly, I've opened, sometimes being her adviser and therapist (the funeral stuff), TOO MUCH online chating (it was great, indeed). I never did that way with a women I dated (DJ rules!), but this one I've seen "special" and started being too nice, too open, too avaiable. I've also said things sth like "I like you", "will you be missing me?", "Do you like me?" etc (damn me, it's so lame!). I showed her a lot of signs of interest, a lot of physical compliments and sexual tension.

On the other hand I wasn't needy, she was the one to initiate 80% of the chats. She liked me, she cannot stop kissing me back then, showed up on dates despite "funeral feelings", job duties etc. Told about me to her mum and friends. We had also great erotic "electricity" and tension when talking and touching (a lot of allusions).

However, she rarely asked about my personal life from the beginning, wasn't curious too much (other girls typically kill me with questions), mainly being focused how my day was, to tell her sth interesting etc (no questions about family, my place, my plans). She rather was talking A LOT about herself, her job, events, plans, emotions, friends etc. (which I was keeping alive by asking interesting questions). The only thing she asked a lot was my previous relationships (she couldn't believe I've never had LTR, has such a high demands, and waiting for someone special). I ignored that "little signs of disinterest" thinking "she is just that type of girl".

So I started to think that the deal is almost close, and next time we will hit the bed together with great passion and chemistry.


She changed her mind and it confuses me like hell. :cuss: I'm almost sure she had A LOT OF FUN, she was attracted, kissing&touching turned her HOT. I am also sure, she will not find quickly any other male that give her such a great time and compatibility. But I also know it's not logic that woman speaks, it's her emotions. And the emotions changed 180 degrees in a couple of days when she was off.
I also know what mistakes I've made that may kill her sexual attraction (challenge ended to quick for her or I was too hasty).
For 90% she didn't meet anyone else.

What do you think about that, bros?
How do you feel? Is there any chance to rebuild the attraction through "friends like" fun meetings, slowly incorporated kino, showing no neediness etc?

Should I speak her or not?

It's like almost 2 weeks without any contact (and now she has another 1 week vacation with friends so it'll be almost 1 month). Is there any chance she is still interested but things went too quick, she freaked out, need more time?

Needles to say, I'm still thinking about her and her behavior, and can't move on easily like with other girls previously.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Am inclined to agree with TicTac. But let's break this down, very briefly.

"-1st date walking in the park, talking, glass of wine
-2nd date great raquet playing in the park + biking + lunch
-3rd date - wine drinking in the park, talking, kino, kissing a lot, intimacy touching (= i slowly massaged all her body with panties included, she agreed and felt great, we were not drunk)
-4rd date - ice creams, talking, another park, kissing, holding hands, touching, laughing, just great."

TMK says, shoulda f*cked her.

You had it in the palm of your hand, but you didn't oblige her. Therefore she's gone elsewhere and the new guy is revelling in all your hard work.

Two things:

1) Next. This one's something of a lost cause.
2) Learn from this mistake.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2014
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Oneitis. You've made her extraordinary, which she is not, because like everyone else, she's got bright and dark elements in her. The event agency makes her a kind of a vagabond, jumping from one project and location, to a completely different one, lives in an air of constant made up hype, meets loads of new people...

Have you watched 500 Days of Summer? They too had great relationship, they seemed to have great chemistry, everything seemed sweet and lovely, but he knew something was amiss, couldn't quite identify it, and ignored it. Then we find out the truth and it's the same as with you and your 8/10, except this happened way sooner.

I'd like to believe that there can be hope, but you really shouldn't agonize yourself. I'm thinking, maybe you met the right person at the wrong time, and there is nothing you can do about it. What she said makes it very unlikely that you will change her mind willingly. It may happen, but only if you dismiss her altogether. No contact, no nothing. And move some plates. She is NOT unique.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
There's an other guy in the picture.
Let it go.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
Am inclined to agree with TicTac. But let's break this down, very briefly.

"-1st date walking in the park, talking, glass of wine
-2nd date great raquet playing in the park + biking + lunch
-3rd date - wine drinking in the park, talking, kino, kissing a lot, intimacy touching (= i slowly massaged all her body with panties included, she agreed and felt great, we were not drunk)
-4rd date - ice creams, talking, another park, kissing, holding hands, touching, laughing, just great."

TMK says, shoulda f*cked her.

You had it in the palm of your hand, but you didn't oblige her. Therefore she's gone elsewhere and the new guy is revelling in all your hard work.

Two things:

1) Next. This one's something of a lost cause.
2) Learn from this mistake.

**** her in the park? If I had a accommodation, I would do, believe me. I didn't have one that night.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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xyz987 said:

me: 27,
her: 24, 8/10, being picked-up by males very often, has a lot of male-buddies, has been on 3-4 real dates in her life though (she dismissed many guys), had 3.5 year relationship (first and only) that finished year before (quit because of boredom), working in event agency (a lot of traveling, parties, events, especially in the summer), being busy, however likes domesticity too (well-balanced girl). She is young and cheerful, sometimes a little bit childish (collecting pics of handsome actors, models etc. like girls sometimes does) but has responsible job duties (being mature and confident in that matter).

Description of situation (short version):
- met online, couple of days of online great small talking/joking
- 1st date walking in the park, talking, glass of wine
- 2nd date great raquet playing in the park + biking + lunch

- 3rd date - wine drinking in the park, talking, kino, kissing a lot, intimacy touching (= i slowly massaged all her body with panties included, she agreed and felt great, we were not drunk)
- 4rd date - ice creams, talking, another park, kissing, holding hands, touching, laughing, just great.

- a lot of online chating between dates (80% initiated by her)
- 1st date on monday, 4th date on saturday (=1 week relationship)

- Then she went off for funeral (3 days, a lot of chating, calling, initiated by her, proposal of the next date, watching movies together etc.)
- Come back for 3 days before next travel (job related event) - little contact, no meeting, she met with friends instead, didn't tell she wanna meet, excuses (I'm tired, I can't make it).

- Went for 4-day job related event - no contact from me, nor her.

- Her return and text message: we should meet and talk.
- Next day we met, she was nervous, no "hello cheek kiss", no touching at all, told me she was thinking about the whole situation all the time during being away, told me i'm great, make her laugh, make her fun, have enormous amount of common interests and activities, BUT she just does't feel "wow effect" somewhere inside and "we can do this thing all together but NOT AS A COUPLE".
Also added "I don't know what I really want", "I know I gave you GREAT signs of interest, I had to kiss you to check if this is it, and it's not", "I have so small experience with males", "No one has ever chased after me so great as you", "your intelligence amaze me", "you didn't deserve to tell you THIS via online chat so we met". When talking, had tears in her eyes. When finished, had great relief, being relaxed again, smiling etc.

- My reaction: I was smiling, tried to kiss her immediately (refused nervously, said NO), than when she was emotionally "open" I took her hand, listening and saying "it's OK, relax, I know what you mean bla bla bla", DIDN'T admit directly "OK LJBF", but didn't also said "No sex? Goodbye forever or change your mind".

- Then the rain drops, we hide under the tree, it was cold, we were hugging very strong for 20 minutes, I did some kino with her hair etc., she also had (sniffing my perfumes, playing with hair), than we had some lunch, talk about future fun activities (she was very enthusiastic like: "take me to the theater!", "yes, i wanna do this!", "this is great idea, may i come with you?" etc).

- After that, there's almost 2 weeks - and almost no contact. I moved into shadow, she texted me once "how are you, are you ok?", I reply "I'm fine, thanks". That's it. Now she is on another "job event trip", no contact. I have a lot of activities (including with other girls, friends, family), posting about it on FB, having fun, not putting all the eggs in one basket, but still being crushed and thinking about her.

Is it over? What really happened?
Should I invite her on next activities/fun dates as we spoke?
In bold what you did wrong, and in red what she is trying to make you understand, in other words, she is not interested anymore but you can be her teddybear friend.

I dont know why you waited three dates to kiss her...really...
You killed the attraction by being super over eager. I mean, you say you had four dates in a week. WTF??? You should have had one or two, and you should have kept them to 2 hours max. How the heck is she gonna miss you if you're contacting her everyday??? because if you had four dates in a week, you probably had some kind of contact almost everyday that's for sure.

You say you told her you liked her, and if she was gonna miss you etc etc, WTF???
and all this within A DAMN WEEK.

Yes, you say that she initiated contact 80% of the time. Ok, nice, but...so what? does that mean that you have to talk to her everytime she texts you? NO, you dont.
Keep this in mind, there are some girls that ruin the relationship even if they are not aware of it. She initiating so much contact in just one week will make her feel bored, and the overall feeling will be of too much too soon.

Anyway, I suspect that she may be seing another guy. It is clear that you killed her attraction towards you, but it is also pretty clear that she may be interested in someone else. Your part + her part = bye bye.

what do you do now? nothing, you go ghost forever unless she wants to meet and makes out with you.


For the record, it always gives you a better result when dealing with a woman if you act more aloof and dont treat her so well. I mean, you dont have to treat her bad, but things like having a great date and then going silent for three or four days, and then repeat will make her more interested in you and more willing to fu-ck you, than if you text her everyday, wait several dates to kiss her etc.
She should be unsure about whether you just want her for sexs or for something more, and if you go on FOUR 'nice' dates in a week, and contact her everyday... no good.



Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
xyz987 said:
**** her in the park? If I had a accommodation, I would do, believe me. I didn't have one that night.
Ah. The plot thickens.... you're a homeless? ;)

Again, she's not gonna be impressed if you don't have anywhere to take her back to. Seriously man, this is the exact problem. You're getting her all riled up in the park with no option of follow-through..... women like to be teased, but not over the course of 4 f*cking dates! Unless your one of those tantric sex freaks... in the nicest possible way, sort yer f*cking sh!t out dude.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score

yeap, I know I blew it... But it was so natural I couldn't resist...

Assuming she is not seeing anyone else. Is there ANY chance to re-establish any attraction?


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
Ah. The plot thickens.... you're a homeless? ;)

Again, she's not gonna be impressed if you don't have anywhere to take her back to. Seriously man, this is the exact problem. You're getting her all riled up in the park with no option of follow-through..... women like to be teased, but not over the course of 4 f*cking dates! Unless your one of those tantric sex freaks... in the nicest possible way, sort yer f*cking sh!t out dude.

Right now I am living with dying grandpa, which is weak location for sex, I guess.

BTW: the first date was short and we just got to know each other, second was some activity date + lunch (2h), third was kissing date. She wasn't ready before (not attracted enough) and in my opinion "kiss timing" was OK.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
told you already.

If you contact her, again, she will classify you as a stalker and a creep.
Now your just the nice guy, what do you prefer to be?

Now, if you go silent forever, she might ....might...might...contact you again in the future, but I dont think so.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score

she just texted me, bought me something i always wanted to have.. (on her "event-trip"). She said she'll give it to me when we'll finally meet after her return (10 days from now).

BUT THEN she added something that pissed me off:
"I hope at least this one (the present) will cheer you up a little bit"

which in my opinion means: "I pity you Mr. nice guy and have some remorse I kicked your ass, but there is no return, and you are so sad and weak that i bought you some present. Don't cry! You will find another girl"


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
xyz987 said:

she just texted me, bought me something i always wanted to have.. (on her "event-trip"). She said she'll give it to me when we'll finally meet after her return (10 days from now).

BUT THEN she added something that pissed me off:
"I hope at least this one (the present) will cheer you up a little bit"

which in my opinion means: "I pity you Mr. nice guy and have some remorse I kicked your ass, but there is no return, and you are so sad and weak that i bought you some present. Don't cry! You will find another girl"

OK dude. That's quite fair enough. Genuine apologies for the insensitivity.

Just play cool man. Allow her to initiate and do the chasing. If you wanna get out the friendzone, you gotta not be a friend to her. With actions rather than words, you need to tell her 'I don't wanna be friends, I wanna be lovers'. It doesn't actually sound like she's over the whole thing any way.

"I hope at least this one (the present) will cheer you up a little bit"

Don't read too much in to these things. Leave the drama for the women. Nine times out of ten, there is no hidden meaning. We just invent one for ourselves. Face value is often the best option


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:
OK dude. That's quite fair enough. Genuine apologies for the insensitivity.

Just play cool man. Allow her to initiate and do the chasing. If you wanna get out the friendzone, you gotta not be a friend to her. With actions rather than words, you need to tell her 'I don't wanna be friends, I wanna be lovers'. It doesn't actually sound like she's over the whole thing any way.

"I hope at least this one (the present) will cheer you up a little bit"

Don't read too much in to these things. Leave the drama for the women. Nine times out of ten, there is no hidden meaning. We just invent one for ourselves. Face value is often the best option
"With actions rather than words, you need to tell her 'I don't wanna be friends, I wanna be lovers'"

But how to do this IN ACTIONS to not to scare her away again... I think I need certain amount of time to initiate some kino again. First focus on pull-push, having GREAT TIME-disappear-repeat to show her what she's losing.

Or maybe should I tell her directly: "You know me, i'm not "teddybear friend" type of guy, and I'll still be flirting with you. If you're not OK with that, let's not meet again...." ?? Some guys used that strategy...

IMO it's also good to show her that challenge is not over, and i'm not so much into her as she thought initially. And this time time some effort is needed from her side to get my attention....


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
xyz987 said:

she just texted me, bought me something i always wanted to have.. (on her "event-trip"). She said she'll give it to me when we'll finally meet after her return (10 days from now).

BUT THEN she added something that pissed me off:
"I hope at least this one (the present) will cheer you up a little bit"

which in my opinion means: "I pity you Mr. nice guy and have some remorse I kicked your ass, but there is no return, and you are so sad and weak that i bought you some present. Don't cry! You will find another girl"

sorry to be harsh but, she has -5.000 sexual interest in you now. Besides, she is kind of manipulative cause first she told you to **** off and be just her friend, and now she wants you to be her little puppy.

I do not like your strategy, I would reply something like:
me: Im not interested in being just friends, but thanks for the souvenir. If you want to resume what we had, let me know. take care.

And you forget about her. See? you told her 'no friends, thanks' and you gave her the option to contact you once she wants to fu-ck you. No need to get that souvenir and meet her for that, unless you want to be her super nice friend of course.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
But how to do this IN ACTIONS to not to scare her away again... I think I need certain amount of time to initiate some kino again. First focus on pull-push, having GREAT TIME-disappear-repeat to show her what she's losing.

Yes. This. With the kino, you've already got so far anyway, so it's not like it's going to be anything out of the blue. Get her looking at you straight in the face again, like long, lingering gazing. Then you know it's time to kiss her.

Or maybe should I tell her directly: "You know me, i'm not "teddybear friend" type of guy, and I'll still be flirting with you. If you're not OK with that, let's not meet again...." ?? Some guys used that strategy...

No. Not this. Ultimatums are not particularly cool. It's a last resort and should usually be accompanied with no-contact. Generally not my tack. If interest level falls, I just reciprocate.... it usually works a treat.

IMO it's also good to show her that challenge is not over, and i'm not so much into her as she thought initially. And this time time some effort is needed from her side to get my attention....

Yes, this attitude will win the game. But you gotta follow through with it. And for as long as you want this or any other chick, you gotta maintain it.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
idk man. gurus here telling you that u screwed up, killed her attraction (wtf, u had nice dates based on what you said, she has been responding nicely, showing interest and so on.)
I dont agree with them, it seems to me that you did everything fine. she just has her own problems, just be patient..

i have pretty much identical case, had like 7 dates, kissed her, hugged her and etc. Everything seemed to be nice, but then she left for vacation, contacted me first once she arrived, but then last weekend she flaked my dates, now she left for another vacation.. talked to her yesterday, she didnt reply for like 4 hours so i decided it's really over and deleted her number and so on, she apologized big time for a delay telling that she was packing her stuff, we had some chat and she agreed to go out on 23rd of august.. not sure if she will flake again, but w/e
what is actually similar in my case to your is that she didnt talk/ask me too much questions, she rather been talking about herself during our dates...

once again, i dont think you havent really screwed up, i do believe she likes you/has interest in you. She just has some stupid sh1t in her head and has to get over it. just be patient and dont overcomplicate stuff, that's my take, that's what i am currently doing... as my case is so similar to yours.