I'm already doing the gym for 1 hour. I do the stairmaster for 30 minutes, then 100 sit-ups,100 push-ups and do 30 heavy lifts. I don't know if that's enough. On the alternate day, I do the stairmaster for an entire hour, but not do the lifts. I still do the sit-ups and push-ups all the same. They do stay on a 300-400? calorie deficit, I don't remember the exact numbers.
You dont need a gym for what you are achieving with that training regimen.
If you are physicaly able to run, forget stairmasters and the likes. Running is a lot more time efficient and its a lot more masculine. Only women, fags and old farts use stairmasters. If you have problems with your knees go cycling.
Where do you live?
If you are in a gym, use it, meaning lift actual weights, instead of spending most of the time on feminin cardio machines. There is a TON of solid youtube channels that can point you in the right direction on how to grow a decent body. Go inform yourself and do the work!
In general, start developing masculinity and self-confidence, you seem to lack it a lot. There is no easy solution to your problem like change glasses-shave-done, you will need to work hard on yourself physicaly and mentaly.
Make no mistake, it might take you years to become a man amongst the top 20% (which will give you a solid chance on 80% of women).
You also need to get rid of this "im a virgin"-mindset, it seems to drag you down a lot. If it helps you mentaly to not be a virgin anymore, pay a hooker once and be done with it. Seriously! You dont need to keep your virginity for your one true love.
Also, get your finances in order. Living with another dude is a nogo, no woman is going to take you serious if you dont have your own place. Again, DO THE WORK, get a better job or work your way up to a better income. There is no way around this!
So, start NOW ......
* Start taking your gym time serious. Build up your body to a point where women start complimenting you on it.
* Get a decent income and your own place to live.
* Become socially adapt with women and learn "game" (again, tons of info on this forum to read!) DO THE WORK!
If all of this takes years, so be it. You will still have the other half of your life to enjoy what you work for.
Embrace the suck man!