Jayer said:
This is exactly true and what I've been doing. I know this is not right when its looked at objectively... however I'm a veteran in this game and on this site... its taught me to keep my feelings in check and not get sucked into false notions such as "true love" or "soul mates" etc.... I've dated countless women and have gone through all kinds of experiences both positive and negative..... if I am to get married to someone shouldn't I do it based on the most data available? Yes I am being egocentric... but that's what I've inferred as a theme from this site and it's preachings... I'm the prize do what's best for me... I realize I am running a risk of getting caught by cheating and if I do get caught then I deserve to get dumped... but if I can get away with it and buy time to make my decision why shouldn't I do this? Wouldn't this be the best business move so to speak?
Here's the problem with getting caught and getting dumped.
It's so much more financially viable when you are single... rather than being discovered after being married. Like I said, she's slowly closing in for the kill with you. She's going to push as hard as she can in order to make you pop the question and if you don't "break"... she'll break it off for you.
The problem with "getting away with it" is that you are doing it to someone with "marriage potential". She clearly is on a whole other level than you are.
And the problem with calling it a business move is that business moves are cold and calculating and most businesses would screw others in a heartbeat for a better deal... but we're talking about people here.
The other problem with trying to find a potential "someone else" while being in an LTR is that the other options seem a little more attractice than they should because there is the excitement of "not getting caught", plus you haven't spent enough time with these women to correctly assess whether they are right for you or not.
Right now, your biggest fight is within yourself... whether to determine if it's worth settling or settling down... or ultimately breaking up and risking the unfamiliar. Right now... it doesn't seem like you would be settling down, but moreso, settling for someone.
Every woman we'll meet on this planet has her share of good and bad, no matter what. Stay in a relationship long enough with what you might deem the "perfect woman" and I guarantee that a year from now, you'll find the flaws in her as well.
She has some great qualities that are hard to find today (again I've been in the dating scene and still am.. actually went out with a girl from the UK yesterday hehe) but she also has some negative qualities as well. But aside from all that I'm honestly bored with her at times..... Seriously.... having sex with the same girl over and over again does become insipid after a while... Its funny cause if I don't see her for a while, I like having sex with her... but when she's in my presence for like a week straight I don't lust for it.... Couldn't this happen with any girl though? The same thing happend to me with my ex..... If the notion of a soul mate is false why shouldn't I treat this pragmatically?
It's natural. At least with me, it happened. I actually lived with my LTR for over a year, so I know exactly what you are talking about. And guess what, Jayer, it only gets worse when you move on. You start thinking it's a chore and then cheating seems even MORE exciting.
Jayer, if you are feeling like this about her ALREADY, trust me, marriage is not going to make those feelings disappear. They won't be replaced with a newfound love for her. At some point, we all become bored of the same person, which is why we try to keep hobbies going, a social life going, busy worklife going, to keep the mix going.
After some time, there's only so much spontaneity a relationship can have, and then routine kicks in. And it's this routine that bores people.
If sex with her is boring, spice it up. Try new things. Try new locations. Try SOMETHING. If you really feel something for her, you'll try to do something for her just as much as she'll do it for you.
Yes I did hesitate when I thought of the answers to this. But let me ask you this.. and this is the burning question I have that really is going to make or break this for me...... If I decided to break it off with her.... What would I be looking for??? I can't even answer that.... I feel like any woman woud eventually land me in comfort zone... thats why I go back to maybe I need to change my philosophy internally to be satisfied with what I have rather than what I don't....? Again though the big question is... What am I looking for in a different girl that I would choose to marry her rather than who I am with? What is your answer to that question since you broke it off with your ex?
The bolded part.
I asked myself the SAME question over a year ago.
Hell, I even made a list of Pros and Cons of dropping my LTR, and it led me to believe that I have absolutely NO idea what I might be looking for afterwards.
Know what the beauty of it is?
That we DON'T know what we are looking for. And the greatness in that is the excitement of discovery. Just think about it... if you don't know what you would be looking for... then it means that you haven't found it yet within your current relationship. You don't have an archetype set within your mind yet of what you want, which means that your current LTR... probably isn't it.
The only answer I've come up with for what I am looking for is: Someone who can add value to my life.
Someone said it here and yet, it's so true. Someone who ADDS to your life is someone worth keeping around. Does your current LTR add that much value to your life? I would think not, since you're looking for SOMETHING to fill that void within other women... and you know what that void is... you can't explain WHAT it is, but I know that you know what it feels like.
Ever caught yourself looking at your girlfriend, wondering how you could probably be doing better than just settling for her?
Is marriage and children a goal for you in life or are you just after having as many interactions with women as possible for the rest of your life? At my age I feel like I have to think of my future which is another reason I am holding onto this girl....
Marriage and children are a goal for me.
But I can't determine whether that'd be soon or in a few years. But the only way I can get to that point is by trying to have as many interactions as possible. So my answer to that question is... I'll do a little bit of both.
But if I'm going to get married and have children, I'd definitely want to do it with someone who I knew would last, add value to my life and wouldn't screw me into a divorce.
So, here's the thing, do you see yourself having a child with this woman? Let's say five years pass by, and you both have a child, but you are still bored with the relationship... and you cheat, and you divorce...
Are you willing to deal with all of that?
I know I am painting a grim picture, but it's only because it seems like you are only 25% sure that you want to stay with her and every reason you have mentioned has been for convinience and nothing else. How long will this last though? How long will convinience cut it for you after the marriage certificate is signed? And that's the gist of your whole thread... you aren't HAPPY to marry her, you're just considering it as an OPTION. That alone means you are settling for her.
And are you sure that if you get married, you can stay faithful to that relationship? And committed?