30 Years Old and Not Clear on The Right Path in Life - Need Feedback


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
In this case, marriage=children, so I can understand why it is a big decision for you. Your kids who don't exist yet will be dragged into your relationship problems. They will also sense whatever resentment you have towards her, and internalize it as resentment of their existence. Then you end up with a kid with issues, who ends up being just like all of those flaky trashy girls that you are still mad at. However you feel toward the mother of your kids is how your kids will think you feel about them.

If you're cheating now, it is only going to get much worse. There's no point in dragging a family through all of that. It will be twenty years of hell for everybody involved.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
I think her asking you to marry her (and your admission that she's clingy) is an overall bad sign. Those are traits of desperation, and I agree with what someone else said; the natural order of things is for you to ask her only.

The only reason I can think of for her to be desperate is because she wants what she perceives to be a better deal for her, than for you. I'm referring to the marriage. So.... I'd probably take her (unspoken) word for it, assume that she's right, and try to find a girl who's more in parity with you.

I sense by your own words you can do even better. So why not? Ideally, you only marry once, so why not do an overall outstanding job on that very important decision, than some ho-hum choice that you have to resort to asking us here whether it's a good idea.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Thissucks03 thanks for the response. I feel that the girl I am with has most of the important qualities I need. I think I just may be a little immature and need some more time to get out my superficial desires. However I would never trade those superficial desires for the good qualities my LTR has.

Bible Belt

I don't really have relationship problems or at least major ones. Whatever problems or issues there are are my own... she knows nothing about them and have little to do with her. Heck I could be with a different girl and still feel the need to fornicate with air head bimbos.... Basically what it is I have to fix myself..... I feel like I didn't get it all out of my system yet.. other times I am satisfied.

FWIW my father was always negative towards my mother but I never felt he thought negatively about me (at least from a paternal love standpoint)


No way did she ever ask me to marry her. She would never do that based on pride alone let alone tradition.... She is just vocal that she wants me to ask her that...


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Jayer said:

No way did she ever ask me to marry her. She would never do that based on pride alone let alone tradition.... She is just vocal that she wants me to ask her that...

I don't see a difference. Her wanting you to ask her is no different than her just asking you.

If my (now) wife would have done that, I'd probably would have been a deal-breaker for me. Her pride, as you say, would have prevented her from both asking me, and her asking me to ask her. Again, semantics, AFAIK.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Semantics again then.. cause all she is saying is that she would like to get married to me..... is that so horrid that an LTR girl say that to her boyfriend?

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Jayer said:
Thissucks03 thanks for the response. I feel that the girl I am with has most of the important qualities I need. I think I just may be a little immature and need some more time to get out my superficial desires. However I would never trade those superficial desires for the good qualities my LTR has.
Your Welcome Jayer!

There is nothing wrong with being immature at 30. I know I wouldn't have been ready to get married at 30 either. In some ways I am glad I waited, but on the other hand, if I had all of my stuff together (which I didn't) and had met my wife at 30, I probably would have.

I glad you have your core values that are important to you in you future wife be it your current GF or a future girl. If you haven't given her your answer yet, I would be prepared on how you will answer why not and be honest about it. She will at least respect your answer even though she may not like it!

Good Luck,



Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
thissucks003 said:
Your Welcome Jayer!

There is nothing wrong with being immature at 30. I know I wouldn't have been ready to get married at 30 either. In some ways I am glad I waited, but on the other hand, if I had all of my stuff together (which I didn't) and had met my wife at 30, I probably would have.

I glad you have your core values that are important to you in you future wife be it your current GF or a future girl. If you haven't given her your answer yet, I would be prepared on how you will answer why not and be honest about it. She will at least respect your answer even though she may not like it!

Good Luck,

I basically told her I'm not ready. She basically counters with "what does that mean.. I know I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, do you know feel the same?"

I have to answer that like a politician obviously lol... I told her I need to be more financially stable and be ready to live that lifestyle which is totally different than being single.

I'm just confused about life in general. I'm not sure if I should be devoting my life to finding God. Finding financial freedom. Finding something I'm passionate about.... or just relaxing and not being stressed.

Since about 21 I kept hoping I'd wake up 1 day and have a clear path in mind. It hasn't happend yet :(


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
thissucks003 said:
Your Welcome Jayer!

There is nothing wrong with being immature at 30. I know I wouldn't have been ready to get married at 30 either. In some ways I am glad I waited, but on the other hand, if I had all of my stuff together (which I didn't) and had met my wife at 30, I probably would have.

I glad you have your core values that are important to you in you future wife be it your current GF or a future girl. If you haven't given her your answer yet, I would be prepared on how you will answer why not and be honest about it. She will at least respect your answer even though she may not like it!

Good Luck,

I basically told her I'm not ready. She basically counters with "what does that mean.. I know I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, do you not feel the same?"

I have to answer that like a politician obviously lol... I told her I need to be more financially stable and be ready to live that lifestyle which is totally different than being single.

I'm just confused about life in general. I'm not sure if I should be devoting my life to finding God. Finding financial freedom. Finding something I'm passionate about.... or just relaxing and not being stressed.

Since about 21 I kept hoping I'd wake up 1 day and have a clear path in mind. It hasn't happend yet :(


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Luthor Rex said:
What a bunch of sh!t. Accepting others is not a pre-condition to accepting yourself. I accept myself just fine, I also accept that most of the human race is brutally retarded; but that doesn't mean I want them in my life.
I agree the human race is dangerously insane, dangerously unconscious, dangerously short-sighted and self-destructive. Our sexual relations are filled with exploitation, shallow ego-gratification - all things that are products of unconsciousness. No one on this board would admit to ever doing these things, because they are products of unconsciousness. I have certainly done them in the past, because we are taught to exploit and enslave by our culture. Few work harder to change this than I do, and also, I accept that things are the way they are because things are the way they are. It makes it easier to change things that I have accepted. Maybe we are using the word in different ways.

Wanting your mate to be in good health is not shallow at all. Obesity is a sign of ill-health and thus not sexually attractive. Sure, a fat girl can be my friend and so can a cancer patient girl, but that doesn't mean I'll want to sleep with either of them.
It's possible to be in good health and be "fat" by the unrealistic and destructive standards of conventional beauty. It doesn't sound to me like Jayer is concerned about her physical well-being, but about her superficial appearance. One can be healthy with a number of body types, but that's not what narrow conventional beauty, a product of our retarded society, concerns itself with.

So what? There are plenty of very negative things that are normal and human, like cancer.
Yup. We can agree with that. I fight cancer at the same time as accepting that it is what it is, from a place of peace.

I note that you did not comment on the part that discusses how miserable and judgmental many on this board are. I'm curious for your thoughts and experiences.

Respectfully yours,


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Jayer said:
Does that mean Fleshlight guy or Florida guy?


Thanks for responding. You were a big supporter of my 100 approach thread and I always appreciate your feedback. Whether we agree or not I respect your opinion as well as the opinions of others as long as they are mature, cordial, and with good intentions
You're awesome Jayer, you know I'm one of your biggest supporters. I am rooting for you wherever you go. Also, you know that nothing I say is about agreeing or disagreeing, so it's never personal. I speak to give you tools that I use. Tools are not right or wrong, it's for you to decide if they are useful or not useful. I never want you to do anything I say unless it feels right to you so fire away. You can disagree all you want, my tools work for me. You cannot take away the glorious life that I already have.

Now when you say you met 50 new people this year I have to say it’s a big amibigious…. Do you mean 50 women? Were they just people you met or were they girls you were trying to date?
No, not this year, in the last six months, and yes women on dates. My flake rate is nil. Zero. One girl got horribly lost and I found her a mile west looking for our meeting spot. That's as close as I've gotten to being stood up. Lots of people get busy and don't text me back. I think you should be careful when applying a judgmental attitude. Like I will teach on day one of any non-violent training course: people give you back what you put out. I treat everyone with profound dignity, I take nothing people do personally, I'm reliable, I'm fun and honest. I'm direct and in some ways I'm disarming. These are not strategies, that's who I am.

Ever heard the metaphor of the bad fish (stolen from Johnny Soporno)? Two guys go fishing in the same lake. One guy catches nothing all day, despite the fanciest of equipment. And he says, "those stupid fish, they're EVIL! They're out to get me, they're flaky, disrespectful, self-centered fish." The other guy on the same pond says "I've caught plenty of fish today. They're not evil, they're just fish, doing what fish do." It's one thing to seek understanding of women. Judging them as evil is just silly though. It will just get you into a mindset of scarcity. I meet delightful people everywhere I go, but then again, I am always putting out delight.

When I say that most women I met are selfish, expect to be catered to, and basically are flakey as hell with poor etiquette, I mean strictly in the dating/romance sense.
When I say they're not and that you're the common denominator here, I also mean in the romance sense. :)

As far as hearing scarcity from me…. I won’t totally disagree with you there….. This is probably because at times I am a perfectionist…… since nothing is perfect when this happens naturally I feel anxiety….. but when I put on my realist glasses I know I could live a comfortable happy life….
When you want women to make you happy because you're not, no one will ever be good enough. Ever. Never ever ever ever ever. No one will ever meet your criteria or keep you satisfied. I know everyone says this, and I know you know this rationally, that no one can make you happy but you. But when you really accept this EMOTIONALLY then you will realize that all women, indeed all people, indeed all creatures, are beautiful. It will be as if a veil is lifted and you see the colors where once everything was grey. If you don't see immense beauty and bounty in every person - more love in this world than your heart could ever feel - you are not happy and you are hoping someone else can bring this to you. I would recommend against getting married with a closed heart.

“That's what you're looking for in a woman? So you complain about women expecting to be catered to. Here, it seems you are glad when a woman caters to your childish lack of desire to cook or clean for yourself, and you want a woman to be your masturbation object? I know that you don't think you desire any of those things. And here you are probably feeling defensive again, which is a waste of both of our time on earth. Please don't try to justify this, I'm not interested at all. It's just a thought I want you to have consciousness of.

Healthy relationships are not about people catering to one another, they are about people finding common interests, just like any of your friends. If you have a common interest in sex then great, in cleaning then great. And if you don't, that's exploitation and expecting to be catered to.”
I’m really not being defensive at all, nor have I been with any of your posts. I actually prefer mature criticism because it allows to me to consider other ways of looking at things.
That's why you're awesome and why I benefit so much from discussing with you. Thanks for being so mature, it really is wonderful.

That being said I do have a traditional attitude toward relationships and marriage. Now I hope you don’t get defensive because I gather you are quite liberal. Just to use an example I think you can relate to… I’m big pizza lover like you are… I’d rather have a woman that caters to me but rather eat liver than go on a pizza trying excursion than an independent woman who would travel to every pizza parlor in the country but won’t make herself available to me as much as I desire. Am I right or are you right? Or are we just both entitled to have our own views on life like every individual born into this world?
I want you to find whatever you want out of life my friend. I don't care what that is, I want you to find pure joy (which only you can find in your heart) plus whatever romantic situation you desire. I want you to have it all my friend. As for traditional, I assume you mean the 1950s vision of marriage which people now call traditional (which by 1850s standards is liberal and 1750s revolutionary). Actually in modern times, only countries like India are traditional, almost everyone in the US is radical by "traditional" standards. But diatribe aside, I do not look for "independent women". We live in an interconnected, interdependent world. So people who need a fiction that they're autonomously powerful are immature, and those who need to travel the globe looking for pizza parlors are bad marriage material. Like I said, mature relationships are about mutual interests. If you don't have a mutual interest in traveling looking for pizza parlors, you should not get married. If you have a mutual desire to marry then maybe you should get married.

Although I am not seeking marriage right now, all kinds of people turn to me for relationship advice because I am a mature adult, an excellent and direct communicator, I am fair with everyone in my life and a great friend. It gives me chills down my spine when you talk about giving your gf "political" answers, so I sincerely hope that was a turn of phrase or odd metaphor. I think you should be as direct as possible unlike most politicians, and in fact, tell her everything you have posted here to tell us.

I agree the weight issue is overall shallow…. This is why I deal with it but I also agree with Luthor that taking care of one’s self is positive.
Nothing wrong with being shallow, I just want you to be aware of it. Like I told Luthor, simply be aware that there are lots of healthy body types - it's possible to take care of yourself and have many different body types. Don't lie to yourself, though, don't try to gloss something over. If this is about looks that's perfectly ok as we are all taught since birth that conventional beauty matters. Is this really about self-care? If so, ok, that seems unlikely but possible. How do you feel with someone who's conventionally "fat" on your arm?

Yes clinginess isn’t healthy…. But again I prefer that to your “independent woman” who sees me on her schedule and not mine.
I agree I’m not ready for marriage.
Clinginess and independence aren't opposites - they're both part of the same disease, a feeling of powerlessness and dissatisfaction, being disconnected from the world and the heart. What you want is someone who is can find peace and forgiveness in every moment, alone or with others, when getting what she wants or not. This kind of person is neither disconnected and trying to feel powerful through "independence" nor trying to fill a gap in her heart by clinging to your love.

Also, if you're truly compatible with this person, your schedules should already be compatible. But are you so miserable with your life that you want her at your beck and call? I'm not sure I understand what is behind this desire to be catered to. She cannot protect you from yourself. Only you can choose to be happy.



Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
izza said:
Does that mean Fleshlight guy or Florida guy?

You're awesome Jayer, you know I'm one of your biggest supporters. I am rooting for you wherever you go. Also, you know that nothing I say is about agreeing or disagreeing, so it's never personal. I speak to give you tools that I use. Tools are not right or wrong, it's for you to decide if they are useful or not useful. I never want you to do anything I say unless it feels right to you so fire away. You can disagree all you want, my tools work for me. You cannot take away the glorious life that I already have.

No, not this year, in the last six months, and yes women on dates. My flake rate is nil. Zero. One girl got horribly lost and I found her a mile west looking for our meeting spot. That's as close as I've gotten to being stood up. Lots of people get busy and don't text me back. I think you should be careful when applying a judgmental attitude. Like I will teach on day one of any non-violent training course: people give you back what you put out. I treat everyone with profound dignity, I take nothing people do personally, I'm reliable, I'm fun and honest. I'm direct and in some ways I'm disarming. These are not strategies, that's who I am.

Ever heard the metaphor of the bad fish (stolen from Johnny Soporno)? Two guys go fishing in the same lake. One guy catches nothing all day, despite the fanciest of equipment. And he says, "those stupid fish, they're EVIL! They're out to get me, they're flaky, disrespectful, self-centered fish." The other guy on the same pond says "I've caught plenty of fish today. They're not evil, they're just fish, doing what fish do." It's one thing to seek understanding of women. Judging them as evil is just silly though. It will just get you into a mindset of scarcity. I meet delightful people everywhere I go, but then again, I am always putting out delight.

When I say they're not and that you're the common denominator here, I also mean in the romance sense. :)

When you want women to make you happy because you're not, no one will ever be good enough. Ever. Never ever ever ever ever. No one will ever meet your criteria or keep you satisfied. I know everyone says this, and I know you know this rationally, that no one can make you happy but you. But when you really accept this EMOTIONALLY then you will realize that all women, indeed all people, indeed all creatures, are beautiful. It will be as if a veil is lifted and you see the colors where once everything was grey. If you don't see immense beauty and bounty in every person - more love in this world than your heart could ever feel - you are not happy and you are hoping someone else can bring this to you. I would recommend against getting married with a closed heart.

That's why you're awesome and why I benefit so much from discussing with you. Thanks for being so mature, it really is wonderful.

I want you to find whatever you want out of life my friend. I don't care what that is, I want you to find pure joy (which only you can find in your heart) plus whatever romantic situation you desire. I want you to have it all my friend. As for traditional, I assume you mean the 1950s vision of marriage which people now call traditional (which by 1850s standards is liberal and 1750s revolutionary). Actually in modern times, only countries like India are traditional, almost everyone in the US is radical by "traditional" standards. But diatribe aside, I do not look for "independent women". We live in an interconnected, interdependent world. So people who need a fiction that they're autonomously powerful are immature, and those who need to travel the globe looking for pizza parlors are bad marriage material. Like I said, mature relationships are about mutual interests. If you don't have a mutual interest in traveling looking for pizza parlors, you should not get married. If you have a mutual desire to marry then maybe you should get married.

Although I am not seeking marriage right now, all kinds of people turn to me for relationship advice because I am a mature adult, an excellent and direct communicator, I am fair with everyone in my life and a great friend. It gives me chills down my spine when you talk about giving your gf "political" answers, so I sincerely hope that was a turn of phrase or odd metaphor. I think you should be as direct as possible unlike most politicians, and in fact, tell her everything you have posted here to tell us.

Nothing wrong with being shallow, I just want you to be aware of it. Like I told Luthor, simply be aware that there are lots of healthy body types - it's possible to take care of yourself and have many different body types. Don't lie to yourself, though, don't try to gloss something over. If this is about looks that's perfectly ok as we are all taught since birth that conventional beauty matters. Is this really about self-care? If so, ok, that seems unlikely but possible. How do you feel with someone who's conventionally "fat" on your arm?

Clinginess and independence aren't opposites - they're both part of the same disease, a feeling of powerlessness and dissatisfaction, being disconnected from the world and the heart. What you want is someone who is can find peace and forgiveness in every moment, alone or with others, when getting what she wants or not. This kind of person is neither disconnected and trying to feel powerful through "independence" nor trying to fill a gap in her heart by clinging to your love.

Also, if you're truly compatible with this person, your schedules should already be compatible. But are you so miserable with your life that you want her at your beck and call? I'm not sure I understand what is behind this desire to be catered to. She cannot protect you from yourself. Only you can choose to be happy.

Izza I think the moral of what you are saying is that 1.) Only you can be happy internally, and that needs to be done first before committing to someone. IF thats the case I agree and do believe this. and 2.) Accept women and the world for what it is and see it in a positive light. Maybe point 1 beckons point 2, but regardless I also agree.

FWIW I am not saying I want her at my beck and call, but I like knowing I have someone warm to go to and feel good knowing that she would be there for me. I realize having a slave won't make me happy (she is far from it believe me... more like a princess at times lol) but what it comes down to in an LTR (at least for me) is having similar core values

The fact that its refreshing to hear a girl talk about family values and raising a family only demontrates how eroded this world has become. Doh I guess that statement just violated the principles I concurred with you on above :(


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Jayer said:
Izza I think the moral of what you are saying is that 1.) Only you can be happy internally, and that needs to be done first before committing to someone. IF thats the case I agree and do believe this. and 2.) Accept women and the world for what it is and see it in a positive light. Maybe point 1 beckons point 2, but regardless I also agree.
Hi Jayer,

Mmm, I know that most people on here would tell you "you need to be happy before you commit to an LTR" over and over. As you've observed, I'm not most people. When I say I don't think you should, I say that because it sounds like you, at heart, don't want to. If you at heart are thrilled about marrying this lady, then do it.

All I'm saying is this: if you're in a relationship now, you can choose to be happy now, in the context of a relationship. If you're single, you can choose to be happy now. If you're married you can choose to be happy now. It really doesn't matter when, what counts is that you realize that peace is an internal choice. The material things that happen - like getting a gf or not - will make you slightly more or less happy, at least temporarily. But by choosing happiness we can all choose, in buddhist terms, an ocean of peace below the things that happen in this world.

As you know, I personally choose to have a romance life because that feels right for me. And at the same time, I have no illusions about where happiness and joy really come from - me, and my eternal choice to be happy right now.

What I'm also saying is that if you expect a relationship to make you happy, it doesn't matter if you're single, in a relationship, or married. You will never be happy, you cannot hope to be happy with that expectation. Ever. Anytime you are pushing the decision to be happy to any other time but now, you are not understanding what I'm saying.

FWIW I am not saying I want her at my beck and call, but I like knowing I have someone warm to go to and feel good knowing that she would be there for me. I realize having a slave won't make me happy (she is far from it believe me... more like a princess at times lol) but what it comes down to in an LTR (at least for me) is having similar core values
Princess - cute. Sharing core values is a wonderful and validating thing. It's refreshing :)

The fact that its refreshing to hear a girl talk about family values and raising a family only demontrates how eroded this world has become.
Especially by the 1950s :) It used to be very normal to have grandparents living in the same house, aunts and uncles. Also, it's amazing how few people adopt or foster rather than having their own biological children. That is one traditional value that our society has forgotten too much. There are parentless kids in every state, major city, every country of the world.

Doh I guess that statement just violated the principles I concurred with you on above :(
Listen, let's forget this traditional values and/or exploitation stuff for a minute. We might come back to it - because I could say more about the difference between a healthy relationship (be that a married relationship or friendship) and just pure exploitation.



Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
izza said:
Hi Jayer,

Mmm, I know that most people on here would tell you "you need to be happy before you commit to an LTR" over and over. As you've observed, I'm not most people. When I say I don't think you should, I say that because it sounds like you, at heart, don't want to. If you at heart are thrilled about marrying this lady, then do it.

All I'm saying is this: if you're in a relationship now, you can choose to be happy now, in the context of a relationship. If you're single, you can choose to be happy now. If you're married you can choose to be happy now. It really doesn't matter when, what counts is that you realize that peace is an internal choice. The material things that happen - like getting a gf or not - will make you slightly more or less happy, at least temporarily. But by choosing happiness we can all choose, in buddhist terms, an ocean of peace below the things that happen in this world.

As you know, I personally choose to have a romance life because that feels right for me. And at the same time, I have no illusions about where happiness and joy really come from - me, and my eternal choice to be happy right now.

What I'm also saying is that if you expect a relationship to make you happy, it doesn't matter if you're single, in a relationship, or married. You will never be happy, you cannot hope to be happy with that expectation. Ever. Anytime you are pushing the decision to be happy to any other time but now, you are not understanding what I'm saying.

Princess - cute. Sharing core values is a wonderful and validating thing. It's refreshing :)

Especially by the 1950s :) It used to be very normal to have grandparents living in the same house, aunts and uncles. Also, it's amazing how few people adopt or foster rather than having their own biological children. That is one traditional value that our society has forgotten too much. There are parentless kids in every state, major city, every country of the world.

Listen, let's forget this traditional values and/or exploitation stuff for a minute. We might come back to it - because I could say more about the difference between a healthy relationship (be that a married relationship or friendship) and just pure exploitation.


Izza I understand. I want to choose to be happy in all scenarios as you are saying. You definitely seem like a true optimist. Were you always like this? Do you have any books or activities you can recommend I do to get into that positive outlook on life mindset?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Jayer, I read this post and I keep hearing you say, "I'm not ready...I'm not ready...I'm not ready".

Stop speaking in vagueries. What aren't you "ready for"?

Your girl is asking a very legitimate question when she says, "What does that MEAN?" I'm not even sure *I* know what it means.

She's also asking you a very legitimate question when she tells you she wants to spend her life with you and wants to know if you want the same.

What is it you want to do? Is this all about you still wanting to be a "player"? If you really want to be a "player" so bad, then why do you have an exclusive girlfriend in the FIRST place?? You said yourself that "playing" and "hooking up" was not satisfying you...yet you seem terribly concerned about crap like "spinning plates". You say that you don't know if this girl is "right" for you or whether you still want to play the field, but you've been in a technical BF/GF relationship with this girl for over a YEAR now, if I'm doing my math right.

You already KNOW EXACTLY what you want to do. You just don't have the b*lls to do it. You're comfortable in your little high-school "bf/gf" thing with this girl, while on one side you're cheating and being a player, and on the other side you're doing the couples-thing, watching Grey's Anatomy or whatever couples do...trying to straddle the fence.

Your woman's not a fool. She has announced to you that this isn't good enough for her. So you have three choices:

1) If you want this girl to be completely integrated into your lifestyle, then marry her.

2) If you don't want this girl to be completely integrated into your lifestyle, then cut her loose.

3) Play "dirty pool"...tell her what she wants to hear and use her for all she's worth. Not my favorite choice at all, but some players work that way.

You're 31...look at all the available "evidence" you've collected over this last year, grow up, and make a decision. Whatever decision you make is FINE, as long as you are OK with the consequences.

What is NOT OK, what is pansy adolescent beta-male crap, is to hem and haw and make excuses until the decision gets made for you. If that's where you are, then you're ready to be NEITHER a husband/father/household-head NOR a player.

I'm of the opinion, "When in doubt, cut her loose". But the question here is whether you doubt HER, or YOURSELF.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
squirrels said:
Jayer, I read this post and I keep hearing you say, "I'm not ready...I'm not ready...I'm not ready".

Stop speaking in vagueries. What aren't you "ready for"?

Your girl is asking a very legitimate question when she says, "What does that MEAN?" I'm not even sure *I* know what it means.

She's also asking you a very legitimate question when she tells you she wants to spend her life with you and wants to know if you want the same.

What is it you want to do? Is this all about you still wanting to be a "player"? If you really want to be a "player" so bad, then why do you have an exclusive girlfriend in the FIRST place?? You said yourself that "playing" and "hooking up" was not satisfying you...yet you seem terribly concerned about crap like "spinning plates". You say that you don't know if this girl is "right" for you or whether you still want to play the field, but you've been in a technical BF/GF relationship with this girl for over a YEAR now, if I'm doing my math right.

You already KNOW EXACTLY what you want to do. You just don't have the b*lls to do it. You're comfortable in your little high-school "bf/gf" thing with this girl, while on one side you're cheating and being a player, and on the other side you're doing the couples-thing, watching Grey's Anatomy or whatever couples do...trying to straddle the fence.

Your woman's not a fool. She has announced to you that this isn't good enough for her. So you have three choices:

1) If you want this girl to be completely integrated into your lifestyle, then marry her.

2) If you don't want this girl to be completely integrated into your lifestyle, then cut her loose.

3) Play "dirty pool"...tell her what she wants to hear and use her for all she's worth. Not my favorite choice at all, but some players work that way.

You're 31...look at all the available "evidence" you've collected over this last year, grow up, and make a decision. Whatever decision you make is FINE, as long as you are OK with the consequences.

What is NOT OK, what is pansy adolescent beta-male crap, is to hem and haw and make excuses until the decision gets made for you. If that's where you are, then you're ready to be NEITHER a husband/father/household-head NOR a player.

I'm of the opinion, "When in doubt, cut her loose". But the question here is whether you doubt HER, or YOURSELF.
It is true though.. I am not ready.. I am not ready to live a married lifestyle... I like having my personal space... but I also like her company... I realize that when I am married I am going to be seeing her everyday all the time.... Trivial things like watching sports versus her watching soap operas would annoy the crap out of me right now....

I am just obsessed with the game as much as I hate it... I've been doing it so long that when I'm not out talking and hitting on women I miss on it... but by the same token it is also the most frustrating game I've ever seen... Thats why I appreciate my girlfriend so much...

I'm just not mature enough yet.. thats what it comes down too.. I feel like I'm getting closer though.. I just need a little more time...


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score

I read your post and most of this thread, really some great replies.

Let me say first that I can totally relate your position. I did a good two years in the dating field, and like you I can say I DO know what is out there, which makes me appreciate what I have. I sexed plenty of girls and dated double that. Towards the end of that chapter, I was really reaching a jaded level with women, bordering on misogyny. I did meet some women with decent character, but nonetheless they are mostly a selfish, manipulative, and homogenous lot...you get to the point where you know how things will turn out right from the start. The excitement of hooking up is cool, but I realized it wasnt enriching my life in any way...they just became another girl I banged in my bed then showered off her cooties.

Anyways, I've been dating this brazilian girl for close to a year now. Similar story to you---she really has some outstanding and rare qualities, she gets the natural order of men and women, and treats me very well. But, she is a little thick around the waist, and does some things that annoy the crap out of me. She sings loudly and out of tune, walks slow, and talks to herself. Not like behavioral defects, just little petty quirks that bug me. So do I break up w/ her because of a few little things? I KNOW how long it takes to find a girl who is even LTR material let alone qualify them. Its not that I think I cant ever find another one, but I could sum up playing and relationships in one axiom it would be "the grass is always greener."

Back to your situation, I don't think you are ready for that level of commitment. She may or may not be the right girl, but at any rate if you are picturing every second girl that walks by naked on your junk, you probably aren't ready for anything beyond a girlfriend. I'm the same way---sometimes I'm very satisfied, and other times I just wanna start banging again.

This forum is an escape TO reality. It teaches you how women really are and how to be a realist with their behavior. What it doesn't address is that a man just cant go about happily playing the field for the rest of his life. It's neither practical nor realistic, and if anyone says otherwise they are still deluded in player-land. It's fun, but it only offers limited fulfillment.

So in a nutshell I don't really know the answer. What I do know is that marrying just for the sake of it is the worst mistake you'll ever make. Far better to be single and unattached than share the marriage bed with a woman you don't love.


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score

I'm in almost the same situation and I too find it difficult. My gf hasn't asked me to marry her, but she has asked me to move in with her.

My biggest concern is that I think we're on different timelines. I could see her wanting to get married and have a kid within 2 years or so (she hasn't said this, it's just a guess on my part). Meanwhile I can't imagine being "ready" for another 5 years or so. I'm still getting established with my career and all (getting my **** together, so to speak), and I see that taking 2 or 3 more years before I'm likely satisfied in that department (and a kid doesn't mix well with those 2-3 years). In hindsight I recognize it was probably a mistake to get involved with someone 2 years older than me, for this very reason.

My other main concern (which may differ from your situation) is that I don't feel like I've "played the field" enough. As soon as I started getting the hang of this DJ stuff (was a horrible, geeky, AFC virgin before discovering it), I found myself quickly getting into relationships without really meaning to. My concern is that I still stand to grow a lot (in terms of sexual confidence, understanding male/female dynamics, even overall social confidence) by playing the field a bit more.

All that being said, I really appreciate this girl, think we're compatible in most areas, think she'd make a great mother and most likely a loyal, affectionate wife, and feel like it would devastate her (and possibly me for a little while -- I would miss her) if I were to end the relationship. (I mean, what are the odds she'll find one as great as me ;)


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Colossus said:

I read your post and most of this thread, really some great replies.

Let me say first that I can totally relate your position. I did a good two years in the dating field, and like you I can say I DO know what is out there, which makes me appreciate what I have. I sexed plenty of girls and dated double that. Towards the end of that chapter, I was really reaching a jaded level with women, bordering on misogyny. I did meet some women with decent character, but nonetheless they are mostly a selfish, manipulative, and homogenous lot...you get to the point where you know how things will turn out right from the start. The excitement of hooking up is cool, but I realized it wasnt enriching my life in any way...they just became another girl I banged in my bed then showered off her cooties.

Anyways, I've been dating this brazilian girl for close to a year now. Similar story to you---she really has some outstanding and rare qualities, she gets the natural order of men and women, and treats me very well. But, she is a little thick around the waist, and does some things that annoy the crap out of me. She sings loudly and out of tune, walks slow, and talks to herself. Not like behavioral defects, just little petty quirks that bug me. So do I break up w/ her because of a few little things? I KNOW how long it takes to find a girl who is even LTR material let alone qualify them. Its not that I think I cant ever find another one, but I could sum up playing and relationships in one axiom it would be "the grass is always greener."

Back to your situation, I don't think you are ready for that level of commitment. She may or may not be the right girl, but at any rate if you are picturing every second girl that walks by naked on your junk, you probably aren't ready for anything beyond a girlfriend. I'm the same way---sometimes I'm very satisfied, and other times I just wanna start banging again.

This forum is an escape TO reality. It teaches you how women really are and how to be a realist with their behavior. What it doesn't address is that a man just cant go about happily playing the field for the rest of his life. It's neither practical nor realistic, and if anyone says otherwise they are still deluded in player-land. It's fun, but it only offers limited fulfillment.

So in a nutshell I don't really know the answer. What I do know is that marrying just for the sake of it is the worst mistake you'll ever make. Far better to be single and unattached than share the marriage bed with a woman you don't love.

Colossus I have read some of your posts on here and I'm glad you responded. You seem very intellectual (I think I read a post where you reviewed some books) so I value your opinion highly.

It sounds like we really concur on this. The 1 piece of advice I've constantly received which I totally agree on is that I am not ready for marriage. What scares me though is that I don't know if its with this girl or just in general.... The whole idea of marriage terrifies me because I see so unhappy guys.. guys that I see living a life equivalent to a prisoner...

That being said I know superficial sex doesn't keep you warm... and what's worse is dealing with crappy women's games and selfish qualities only increases misogny levels....

So I think I'm going to stick with what I have and see what happens from there. Ironically we had a big fight this weekend in which she ended up walking out on me.... Sometimes you can't win either way...


We actually are in the same situation man.... I also don't feel that I've played the field enough (though I'm close....) and I hit my DJ potential recently and then happend to find this LTR. The thing is though the game isn't easy... and anyone that is out in the field (I mean truly out there) can attest to this.....

Hang in there man.

"All that being said, I really appreciate this girl, think we're compatible in most areas, think she'd make a great mother and most likely a loyal, affectionate wife, and feel like it would devastate her (and possibly me for a little while -- I would miss her) if I were to end the relationship. (I mean, what are the odds she'll find one as great as me "
