So I had the exclusive talk with the BPD. I like this girl more than the other plates so I am not concerned with losing my other plates.
I'm not ruling out messing around on this girl, she is already a headache. These sh!t tests have been non stop and they are continuing as I type this!
1) Ever since the talk, she has held out on the sex and even kissing! Twice she has gotten me all hot and bothered into the bed like she wants sex, and then rolls over! The first time I left her alone in the bed, the second time I was drunk and passed out on her. I got sex in the morning both times but it's still unnacceptable.
2) She said she might come over Sat night and ended up hanging with her girlfriend. I was just like F-ck it. It was a test to see if I would get controlling and possessive.
3) She came over Sun morning. No sex. She would barely even kiss me. This is the 3rd strike already! She also told me to take her to the mall and take her shopping she wants some clothes and me to pay. Take yourself shopping, b!tch!
I ignored her ever since she left Sunday. She was
texting me tonight "now that you got me, you ignore me"
I decided to call her out on her BS. I said "now that you got me, you wont even kiss me anymore. That sh!t is unacceptable"
She just replied "Why are you so mean?"
I'm still deciding whether or not to reply.
Bottom line, I want to see what this girl is made of thats why I had the exclusive talk. I do NOT expect her to be faithful at all. I am keeping myself ready to walk at a moments notice.
Oh yeah, she wants to do it without the condom again. She swears she is still on the pill.