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26 and never had a gf ... very depressed about it

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
No wonder the hateration...

Ok now I gotta say something bobbob:


And you said what to me? ohh gawd!!!! ok I'm done with you loser.

Jump back into your abyss.....


I think that one guys said it best:

Cry me a river....

booo hooo hooo...

buh bye!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Player, I saw the title of this thread and its' originator and your name as the last post and I laughed right away because I knew you were going to give him a hard time based on his reply on eternal's thread!

Must you be so cruel? Do you have a heart?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
I replied on the other post, PRL, it's cool, Poser Supreme isn't capable of saying anything even mildly insulting.

I was done with the other thread, but I just had to post 1 last time in respons, just to tear PS a new *******. peace
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Player, I saw the title of this thread and its' originator and your name as the last post and I laughed right away because I knew you were going to give him a hard time based on his reply on eternal's thread!

Must you be so cruel? Do you have a heart?
I'm doing this as a favor to you PRL.

I will stand down from this loser with no women...no wonder he is frustrated.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by bobbob
I replied on the other post, PRL, it's cool, Poser Supreme isn't capable of saying anything even mildly insulting.

I was done with the other thread, but I just had to post 1 last time in respons, just to tear PS a new *******. peace


PuertoRican_Lover wrote on 09-23-2004 07:23 AM:
PS, Bobbob is lashing out at you in frustration - must you torment him in his dpressed state - being 26 and never having a g/f?

I know he deserves it after his comments.

When people say racial shyt I know it's hard to hold your tongue, but this dude is in a bad predicament and he took a risk by sharing his thread and seems desperate to seek help.

Others may not post their problems if they feel they'll be punished and laughed at for doing so.

Try to make amends by calling a truce and withholding personal attacks - DJ's already know you are for real and bobbob is desperately seeking help - no need to exaggerate his shame.

Just trying to help the skinny dude in a losing fight!


Now you know I'm like a shark. When I sense blood I attack.

I don't care about this loser PRL. I am done with him though. After I found out his real problem and I finished laughing, I figured his weak man ass out.

Later bro.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Ok for PRL I am going to say this:

I realize why a guy like you would hate me. There you are 26 years old and in the condition that your in. There I am almost 20 years older than you are and getting laid right and left...

I can understand why you feel as you do. I almost feel sorry for you young man. My way is not your path. I would like to say that you do need to Read the bible and do the boot camp.

Maybe then you can luck up on some ass ( find a girlfriend) and settle down and find happiness.

I'm sure you've seen me post to other uhhh guys like you my ****y retorts and advice. I'm sure that also grates on your very existance the way I come accross.

And I'm sure my useage of as you called it Ebonics really grates on your nerves.

What I want you to do in the future so that I don't have to come down on you is to put me on ignore. That way you will never have to see another word that I have to say again.


peace out kid


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Hahaha ... oh my god ... I'm not even going to bother to read your post.

The fact that I got SOOOO under your skin must mean that I struck a nerve.

Things only get underneath a person's skin when there is TRUTH to them. That implies that every thing I said about you is based in fact.

You are a loser, a wannabe who tries to pass himself off as a "mack" or "pimp" or some other sorry ass "nigga" version of what it is to be good with women.

You're what, 35 years old? Shouldn't you be out with women instead of on your keyboard all day getting close to 4000 posts? That is just sad.

The fact that someone who is 26 and has never had a gf can call you sad, that means you REALLY must be pathetic.

Stop living in your little fantasy world. No one is buying your ****.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hahaha ... oh my god ... I'm not even going to bother to read your post.

The fact that I got SOOOO under your skin must mean that I struck a nerve.

Things only get underneath a person's skin when there is TRUTH to them. That implies that every thing I said about you is based in fact.

You are a loser, a wannabe who tries to pass himself off as a "mack" or "pimp" or some other sorry ass "nigga" version of what it is to be good with women.

You're what, 35 years old? Shouldn't you be out with women instead of on your keyboard all day getting close to 4000 posts? That is just sad.

The fact that someone who is 26 and has never had a gf can call you sad, that means you REALLY must be pathetic.

Stop living in your little fantasy world. No one is buying your ****.

Actually I think he got under your skin. You called him a keyboard jockey, he pulled out pictures of himself with his women. Then you called his girls 4s and 5s, while ignoring the fact you posted a thread in which you say you're depressed because you're 26 and have never even had a gf. Right now you're arguing out of your ass while trying to save face, and he's just laughing at you.

Another example of why people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
Damn it man, you need a whole attitude transplant. Don't you know that your attitude is the biggest factor in whether you attract women or not. Looks and a nice body might get you initial attention, but its your attitude that really grabs them. If your having trouble gaining weight, start a workout regimen based on calisthenics. Calisthenics are exercises that use your own body weight for resistance like pushups, pullups, dips, sit-ups, etc. These exercises will give you a nice, well defined build and although they might not get you huge right away they will help you pack on some muscle and look better in your clothes. Another benefit is that resistance training also affects your attitude and mind state in a positive way by increasing your testosterone levels and natural male aggressiveness which I think you could definitely use (especially with that "I'm a loser" type of attitude you have now). Also, stop worrying about not having a girlfriend or about what happened in the past, start focusing on getting yourself together mentally, emotionally, and physically. The rest will come if you always look to improve yourself and learn, learn, learn. This is a good place to start your journey but ultimately your journey will be one of self-discovery and self-development. In other words, you can read every tip or post on this site but unless you start to think for yourself, learn more about what kind of guy you really are (not a loser), and start to find and appreciate your own unique strengths, you'll continue to feel as you do and you won't get anywhere. Hope that helps you because I can tell you really need it man.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by bobbob
I'm 26 and I've never had a gf. I haven't had a date in years. I feel like less of a man because of it. The worse part is I'm not that hopeful that things are going to change ...

I've read the dj bible and a lot of the posts here. They're great, I really wish I had known about this a few years ago. Back then I had much more confidence, and if I saw a woman I was attracted to, I didn't have much of a problem going up to her. Although I may have been nervous, at least I'd make the effort.

Now, I feel like I don't have a chance in hell, so I don't go up to any women I see. I know from experience that the women I'm attracted to, don't dig my type (skinny). I haven't gotten a phone number since April.

I've been working out for almost a year, and haven't put on any weight.

Sorry if this sounds lame, I just had to vent. It's frustrating as hell, and very depressing at times.



Don Juan
Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
1) Any guy can get a girlfriend. Their are TONS of HB1s with self confidence issues. Ask 100 out you will be fine.

2) Attitude is everything. If you think you suck no one will argue. If you think you rock people will argue but not as much as you might think.

3) All of your problems are in wanting a HB8 but only putting in HB7 work etc. If you want hot women to want you concentrate on getting rich, getting buff and getting conversation skills.

Toast masters is good for conversation skills

Ameritrade is good for getting rich. If you save 50% of your $$ you can retire in 8-9 years.

And trust me if you were nailing your HB1 gf and she was good to you and not complaining etc your life would be better than wishing for HB8.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Relax and realize......

this is'nt the best site for improving your skills at meeting

Go hang out at Fastseduction.com. And get some friends
who can be supportive of you. Sadly , this site doesn't seem
to offer that much compassion for you.

I was feeling down a couple of weeks ago thinking nothing
will ever change--I am just not good looking enough for women.

God sent me a little angle--a neighbor who is a NATURAL. We started going out and I am at least getting some IOI -which has
greatly enhanced my opinion of myself.

Go to Fastseduction.com and find the area where you can find some wings..

Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2002
Reaction score
things are simple people make them hard
if you are sorry that you ain't getting pu$$y then pay for it and get on with your life
if you aint got monyey, then work for it
if you work out and get no results, then find yourself someone who will teach you what to do.. l
ike my uncle says there is no sense in reinventing the wheel, if you wanna start a business, first investigate the guy/firm etc who does that business best and copy it. Then you will find ways to do things better yourself

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
-HPNOTIQ- is right on the money in my opinion

Quote - -HPNOTIQ-
But seriously bobbob..if you've spent any time on this board, reading the posts on here and understanding the stuff written..you should have known you'd be flamed for such a sappy, "FEEL SORRY FOR ME", excuse for a post.

We aren't here to be your emotional tampon. You found the site..great! You read the DJB..great! You are changing your life around...great! But hell, for you first post...you're going to post some boo woo stuff about I've never had a GF at 26 crap.

Leave the AFC talk at home bro. You want specific help..you've come to the right place...but man, leave your Klenex at home.

We don't need to be your cheerleaders...you ALREADY KNOW wtf you have to do FROM NOW ON...so stop your whining..stop feeling sorry for yourself...prove me wrong..prove all those women who turned you down wrong.


my thoughts exactly :)

Bruce Lee couldn't put on any weight.

Go buy a poster of him with his shirt off in ENTER THE DRAGON.

if you going to be skinny and you think you are genetically trapped do what Bruce Lee did

turn it into STEEL

Lost In Translation


Quote: Don Juanabbe
“ What are you Vanilla-bloody-Ice? “

Quote: Player_Supreme
“ But if a ho wants to just be friends then don't waste your time. And I'm a debase character so your hooking up with her friend in front of her was sweet to my ears. “

Quote: Player_Supreme
“I've taken a fat chick and put her on a diet and training program and created my own super ho. “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “

Quote: squirrels
“ You NEVER pay as a supplicative or bargaining measure, though. The reward that she gets for her affection is YOUR affection. The reward she gets for her sex is YOUR sex. The second you start buying her stuff to keep her around, keep her entertained in your presence, etc...you're compensating for not having what it takes to seduce the woman, and that's totally unacceptable. “


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2001
Reaction score
New Jersey
Don't worry my man. You'll get one or two. Just don't delve too much in GETTING a gf. Look for a hobby. Easy to say buy it's true.


New Member
Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
i recommend "the slumpbuster" you go out and find the nastiest gnarliest HB3esque ho (HB1 would be traumatic)you can find- spit your game at her- hit it, get with her, learn a little bit about her, dump her, then move onto a HB4 and on and on till you are with a HB8.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Oh I'm definitely here Poser_Supreme ...

Thanks for the advice to the people who responded