Stay with a women long enough and T level drops thru the floor imo, its not how men are biologically wired.
I heard this before. I read several books on evo psych. I am curious about the science. I also think dudes get lazy with perma poon.
She had a tinder account and he stayed with her?
If i ever do that please shoot me, because life would not be worth living on no balls and low T
I made the thread years ago. I don't know if he knew. She waa sly. My mate smashed her and she had a man. Classic female nature and feminist. I was a bad influence so, he wasn't allowed to hangout so, **** him. I let him live in cuckoldry.
Got a friend like that too, idk if his women cheated but lets just say things are not great.
She is an educated stay at home mom that send the kids to day care and she dont want to work.
Educated and stay at home lol sounds like lazy. Doesn't want to work. In the words of AMS she has to suck a whole lot of D.
Imagine him if they ever break up, divorce rape af. The guy had an affair a few years back and got caught because the other women called his wife. So he decided to fix it with one more kid. If the guy went looking elsewhere it was not going well at home.
One of my mates, he waa telling me of a sales guy who is a married man who runs through sugar babies. He is addicted. I think modern day marriage is a nightmare and if a fella is cut off, then the alternative is what? Pornhub? Tinder and sugar babies?
I don't get down like that. I do get it. Its a rough road and I think women are at the bit partially responsible but the dudes sales would go down in a divorce. Its a game i wont play.
He is a very good guy that could pull easy but his wife owns his balls and we dont see him anymore.
This is a good example of what not to do.
The lad I mentioned is the same. His girl is maybe 7 or 8yrs younger. She at the time was in the top form SMV 18-23 range but, she is a ****, a feminist, a cheat, and sly.
Its not my first rodeo. Fellas must stay on the grind. The path forward on my purpose and life path. Woman is in check or **** off.