23 year old virgin...no longer! I banged a milf...


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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speakeasy said:
No, they don't got to west Africa, the west Africans go to them. If you've ever traveled through Europe, there are W. African prostitutes all over. Somebody must be doing them or they wouldn't be there in the first place.

Having been to high-end discos in Milan (Hollywood Disco for example) I know where the girls are from. Definitely not West Africa. The black prostitutes do not go to the discos. Black people have it tough in Italy. The working girls in the better discos in Milan tend to be very young and from Eastern Europe. Milan is notorious for this. The better the disco the more young East European girls you see. The same goes for the clubs in the Middle East (Lebanon, Turkey, and Israel are examples). The term is "Natashas". The West Africans tend to be in the parks on the outskirts of Milan. How do they get there? Long story.

I have been on many a flight from Ukraine to Mediterranean destinations. An interesting cast of characters on those flights. Always is when you head to or from a place like Ukraine.

PSA on the issue. By their looks and the language I don't think they are talking to West African girls. With the Latvian and Ukraine economies in shambles now I highly doubt any of it will help.

Here you go. A common add on Ukraine television. Strange how it is in Ukrainian language. The ones I have seen were in Russian. Simply says that people are not for sale.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
AFAIC The OP got laid. Something most posters on this site can only dream of. But still, learn this lesson: Protect it before you wreck it!

Also, goddammit, you always run the risk of catching something when you f**k. Just protect your assets and your investments! Sh*t!