Lol, bad experience or Rippetoe fan? The trap bar can give a person a false sense of security because it is so forgiving as form breaks down. It seems like most people love it or hate it. I can't argue with your reasoning. If you get the chance though see if you can find some articles with Ryan Flaherty. What Flaherty discovered years ago is very interesting as it pertains to trap bar max lift relative to bodyweight and sprint speed. In a nutshell, TBDL max relative to bodyweight was the only lift that predicted 40 times down to the 1/10th of a second, and when weight lifted relative to BW was increased so was 40 times. He's one of the go to guys for athletes in the NFL or athletes training to make it in the NFL. You're not necessarily wrong at least where the majority of the population is concerned, I'm just trying to get you to lighten up a little. lol
“Hi Bret, I read an article in Men’s Fitness that talked about how the trap bar deadlift is the best exercise for athletes and is perfectly correlated with 40 yd,...