16 yr old guy Needs Opinions


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok this is going to be a fairly long post so i would like to thank everyone who reads it and replies.

See iam a 16 year old male living in Australia, and my parents were migrants from Italy so i of course look italian and act italian.

This girl who i like, i have liked since new years eve 2004. When i was at my older brothers house and just messaging to and getting em back from her. Also i sent a message saying i will talk to u next year n called her just after midnight... we were on the fone for nearly 5 hours (lol i no alot hey) and i was gonna walk there at that time but didnt cos i knew my parents would be angry.

Last Year (2004) in october i went out with her younger sister who was 13 at the time i was 15. This only lasted 20 days.

I went to her house on the 6th of Jan 2005 i think it was. Just for a visit n i was planning to hook up with her but she kept ranting an raving about this guy she liked. So i left with no further advancement just got to meet her mother who was very nice i might add.

That night i emailed her saying i really really like her because i just couldnt do it in person i get too shy. and i asked her out but she said she just wants to be friends at this point in time an her reasons were cos i was with her sister an cos she just started getting good with this other guy.

So even when they were together i would tell her how much i loved her etc. and come valantines day i wrote a love poem and gave her a teddy bear holding a rose. her bf didnt find out about this but he wanted to bash me. I know it was the wrong thing for me to do but i love her so much i couldnt control myself, i also never knew i was that kind of person until i wrote that.

I gave them to her at school in plastica bags and told her not to look til she got home and when she saw them she cried. and she said it was 'sooo romantic' an **** an even her mum said 'dump this guy n go out with him (me)' because at this stage she was seeing this guy.

Around March her and this guy broke up. I didnt really comfort her because she was really upset and i just occasioanly spoke to her.

In April me an her really were hittin it off she admitted she likes me more than a friend and only days after that she said she doesnt wanna have a relationship now she said that when we are older she wanted to marry me!! I was very very hapy because this girl is the girl of my dreams and i had her!!

Not long after things changed, she started acting weird and avoiding me a bit. An i asked why she was doin that n she said 'she was helping me get over her'. In response to this i just started snobbing her to make her feel bad and when she would say hi i would just snob her an keep walking... she played it like a game at school but on msn she went mental she asked WHY RU SNOBBING ME AT SCHOOL and said she doesnt wanna do the deb (school dance we have) with me anymore.

A few days before u needed to say who u were doin it with i apologised to her and said i knew she wanted to do it with me n i still wanted to do it an stuff. She also decided we would be doing it together again but her conditions were 'No admitting feelings for me' 'because it makes me feel uncomfortable' or something.

Within the past few months me and her have made alot of heavy eye contact across class and not really spoken just saying the occasional 'hey'

but we started our dance lessons last sunday and that went very well she had a great time n so did i... just got back from dancing tonight but was less than impressed she got very snappy and *****y when we mad a mistake and i always got the blame, however we are still good.

Please People help me out here... this is my future and i really wanna be with her... Please tell me wot u think...

Thanks for your time.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Ehh... how sweet. I read that whole thing, and now i don't know who's more gay; you for writing or me for reading.

Ewwww... yuck. Dude, you're a sissy. If I were a girl I'd prolly shoot you in the nutts to make sure you never creep me out again.

You need to change your attitude - become more of a man. Read the "attitude" and "Jerk vs Nice guy" section in the bible. :-/


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Keeper
Ehh... how sweet. I read that whole thing, and now i don't know who's more gay; you for writing or me for reading.

Ewwww... yuck. Dude, you're a sissy. If I were a girl I'd prolly shoot you in the nutts to make sure you never creep me out again.

You need to change your attitude - become more of a man. Read the "attitude" and "Jerk vs Nice guy" section in the bible. :-/
well im a amateur boxer, by the way i pick on her and **** too so how the **** am i a sissy im just generally nice to her but still give her a bit of crap for fun.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Think of it this way, then. Everyitime you're "nice" to her, all that good stuff you built up by being ****y, funny, witty, cool, charming, etc, just falls away.



Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Keeper
Think of it this way, then. Everyitime you're "nice" to her, all that good stuff you built up by being ****y, funny, witty, cool, charming, etc, just falls away.

i really do admire you for reading all of this... what i want to know is ... is it still there for the taking??... and how do i go about it if it is...?


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
It's always there for the taking. I've seen guys live 30 years of dull boring marriage - and turn it around in no time at all, using material like the kind presented on these forums.

And how do you go about it? Well... changing.

Obviously you can't get the girl being the same way you are now - you've proven to us that doesn't work. So work through the smart posts in the bible, work on bettering yourself, and let go of your past. The last point is the most important.

Don't let your past influence your future. :)

Now go study the bible. http://www.jbspencer.com/djb/


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score

she's not the one for you.

you're a moron.

i too was a moron at 16.

stick around this site and learn, it took me until i was past 21 before i stopped being a moron.

but there no reason that you'll still be a moron when you're 17. you can fix this now.

start hooking up with some other girls.. especially good looking girls at your school..

she'll come running.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Ye, that's a good point. I would also suggest you go hook up with other girls...

But if you're convinced that THIS girl is the girl of your dreams, then as quest said: you're a moron. I won't disencourage you though, cause it can happen. I've done it before with the girl I thought was my dream girl. Oh well...


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
yeah i have been reading this kinda stuff for a long time the ****y an funny stuff an the tips an stuff an most ppl rekkon i have become even more of a prick. Do you really think that is a good thing?


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Ahh... the prick stage.

See, there's two parts of ****y and funny. And normal people can only develop one at a time.

I was ****y, but lacking the funny. After I heard about C&F I started developing it, but I found I was just developing my ****y. Hence I was a prick.

So then I focused on the funny to balance both of 'em out. :) Some people develop the funny side faster, and come off as too goofy - also a no no.

But don't worry too much about C&F, it's just a tool, and it'll develop itself naturally if you have the right attitude.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
HaHaHaHaHaHa :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I hope this a troll post because if its true errrrrr you need a lot of work.

First things first stop obssesing over this girl your 16 and god willing you got a whole life ahead of you. A lot of things are going to change in the next few years so dont spend it obbsesing over some girl who will end up fu*king a guy like me while your laying in your bed crying and wacking off.

I feel sorry for some guys i lost count of how many times im on a date with a girl and a guy calls the girl im out with:

Her: (answers phone) Hi........ Oh hey how are you (insert name) talk talk talk (5 min later) i got to go now bye

Me: Who was that?

Her: Just some desperate guy that likes me hes so annoying

It has happend so many times and guess what YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE GUYS.

Also you dont "love" this girl you have no concept of love. Yopu cant truly love someone if they dotn love you back.

So stop being that guy read some of the sh*t here, get hold of David DeAngelos stuff and read Secrets of the alpha male by Carlos Xuma and become a MAN.

Quest is right you dont need to be a moron till your 17


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by BackToTheMack
HaHaHaHaHaHa :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I hope this a troll post because if its true errrrrr you need a lot of work.

First things first stop obssesing over this girl your 16 and god willing you got a whole life ahead of you. A lot of things are going to change in the next few years so dont spend it obbsesing over some girl who will end up fu*king a guy like me while your laying in your bed crying and wacking off.

I feel sorry for some guys i lost count of how many times im on a date with a girl and a guy calls the girl im out with:

Her: (answers phone) Hi........ Oh hey how are you (insert name) talk talk talk (5 min later) i got to go now bye

Me: Who was that?

Her: Just some desperate guy that likes me hes so annoying

It has happend so many times and guess what YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE GUYS.

Also you dont "love" this girl you have no concept of love. Yopu cant truly love someone if they dotn love you back.

So stop being that guy read some of the sh*t here, get hold of David DeAngelos stuff and read Secrets of the alpha male by Carlos Xuma and become a MAN.

Quest is right you dont need to be a moron till your 17
im more of a man than u are mate i could kick ur ass state champion kickboxer over here and i am very masculine because iam about as developed as a adult, chest hair at 14 and i did have a goatee. You talk about become a man yet ur all talk mate put it where it counts and take on a real man i dare you.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Keeper
Ahh... the prick stage.

See, there's two parts of ****y and funny. And normal people can only develop one at a time.

I was ****y, but lacking the funny. After I heard about C&F I started developing it, but I found I was just developing my ****y. Hence I was a prick.

So then I focused on the funny to balance both of 'em out. :) Some people develop the funny side faster, and come off as too goofy - also a no no.

But don't worry too much about C&F, it's just a tool, and it'll develop itself naturally if you have the right attitude.
thanks keeper, yeah im generally a funny person i always have been an she finds me funny i guess im just too ****ky sometimes alot of ppl say im stuck up. Guess i just gotta learn how to mix them together nicely. thanks for your advice.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Im sorry do you know me? stop making assumptions. I dont care if your d*ck is 3 feet long and your body is covered in pubes. Actions make a man and the actions you display are anything but manly.

"i would have went but my parents would get mad"

"i went out with the 13 year old sister of the girl i like"

"she said she only likes me as a friend but i chase her like shes the last woman on earth"


What are the characteristics of a alpha man?

Short on time- The Alpha man has places to go, people to see. He does not have 3 hours for phone calls. He does not have the time to wait on a woman
more than 15 minutes when she’s late. He does not have more than a minute to
wait for her to talk to someone else on call waiting. (do you wait for her? YES you have been waiting since the beginning of the year and your going to wait till she’s ready to marry you hahahaha she wont marry you in the state your in now)

Self-interested- First and foremost: This is not to be confused with selfish, or selfcentered. It only means that the Alpha Man’s life and his fun come first. If he doesn’t act to ensure his own satisfaction in life, he’ll die a miserable martyr. (Are you self interested? Im sure if she asked you to do something you didn’t want to do you would not hesitate)

Creates his own reality[/- An Alpha Man realizes that he cannot be dependent on anyone to make his life fun, so he must do it himself. He creates a “bubble” of happiness, fun, and good spirits around himself, so that when he encounters a new person he’s confident that he will be interesting just by the aura of power he exudes. (Do you have a bubble of happiness around you? NO)

Uses his wits first, then his brawn- A true Alpha knows that today’s man
doesn’t have to fight and hunt for his survival the way our ancestors once did. We
now have the luxury of forging a new kind of dominant man that does not need to
physically overpower his enemies. He knows that using his smarts and his
instincts are most important. (NO you just threatened me I doubt in person you would do different)

Does not need other’s approval- The Alpha knows that his own way of life has been created for himself, and he knows that since he has defined his ethics, his own rules of behavior, and code of honor, his confidence has already been established. What other people think of this is secondary. He does not need
anyone else to give a stamp of approval for the way he chooses to live his life.

Is gentle and empathic- And he knows when to rein in his emotions to serve the greater good. He knows that you don’t have to be a hard-ass all the time, and those men that throw their weight around are usually the least confident. (mmmmm who was just throwing there weight around? “the empty barrel makes the most noise”.)

Understands the role of risk in life- He is aware that the unhappiest life is the one that ends in regret – of the things not done. He knows and understands the saying – “The dreams of youth are the regrets of maturity.” He knows that life is a great adventure – or nothing.

Does not bet more than he can afford to lose- The Alpha Man doesn’t risk more than he can afford to lose, and he understands when caution is required for balance. He understands risk and reward, and how to assess them. (you are betting a whole lot on this girl)

Forgives himself for his failures- He knows that the only men who do not fail are those that do not try. Failure is part of life. Hurry up and fail so you can get to success quicker is his motto.

Grows every day- The Alpha Man knows that the only way to stay at the head of the evolutionary pack is to learn and grow to his limits. Those who are not growing are dying. He reads books and literature every single day. He sets
attainable goals and focuses his drive and ambition toward their achievement.
There’s plenty of time to be mellow and relaxed when he’s dead. Life is very
short, and he’s got plenty of work to do here. (if you were growing everyday after 8 months you would have been over this girl)

Knows that Women are a Secondary Goal, never a Primary Goal- Women and sex are an important part of the evolutionary drive, but they are not a focus for the Alpha Man’s life. Women will be the side benefit of a life that is fully lived, and confidently navigated. (errr looks like she’s your primary you said she’s your future)

Controls his Passions and his Demons- The Alpha Man knows what his strengths and weaknesses are in life, and he uses them to his betterment and
success. His passions keep him moving forward with purpose, and he knows the
value of balance in this pursuits. He also knows his vulnerabilities, and he
cultivates the self-discipline to not let them get the better of him. (Yours get the better of you……….obviously)

Has a well-developed sense of humor- The Alpha Man knows that nothing in
life is that serious, and he knows how to laugh at himself, as well as the rest of
the world. He makes others laugh and feel good about themselves. (maybe you do who knows)

The stuff in () applies to you. These are an Alpha males characteristics and you posses few if any of them. So start by becoming a man then and only then can you get the girls.

Oh and since your 16 when an older person give you advice you should shutup and listen to it no questions asked. Especially when the older person (me) has more knowledge and experience than you. So put your f**king ego aside for a second and read.

If you need help finding any of the books I prescribes priv message me and il send them to you or tell you were to download them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Ehh... well that was all good and poetic, BackToTheMack, but I really doubt anyone took that seriously. Even if it was an extract from something.

Wogboy, Mack's attitude is exactly the kind of thing you want to avoid.


First off: He talks too much.

Second: He's very defensive.

Third: He's a self proclaimed hero, wanting to send you his loving help and shyt.

And fourth: He didn't answer your question.

You wanted to know how to get this girl, and I'm not here to abash you cause of your dreams, even though I find 'em to be a bit silly. You want this girl - fine, have her... just remember YOU'll need to change in the proccess of getting her. And hopefully there you'll understand, naturally, why you shouldn't go for her - like I and many others did.

(Not saying you're making a mistake with your decision to go for the girl, but if you do make one - then just be fvcking sure you learn from it.)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Oh i should have added the alpha male charecteristics is an extract from Secrets of the alpha male by Carlos Xuma.

And to Keeper....

1)You dont know me enough to say i talk to much. One of my problems is i dont talk enough but that can also be an advantage.

2)Dam right im defensive il defend my self to the death and anyone who doesnt is an idiot. Deffensive is good its better than getting walked over like he does.

3)Im offering advice thats what this forum is about........"self proclaimed hero" i think not.

4)The answer to his question was be a man thats how you can get her and girls in general.

W0GB0Y Listen to me im from Australia and I come from a wogish type of background to I know how girls are here and i been through what you are going through. I am speaking from expirance so listen to my words....
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Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score

(And I can call you that now that I am no longer the idiotic 16 year old that I was) I feel you. But keep your mind in school and do well. Don't worry about girls. They are all immature, as are you, and no, you do not want to spend your life with any one of them right now. What you want to do is play it smart, not hook up for the sake of hooking up (STDs, drama, baggage, etc), and focus on some goals that you have (boxing, etc). The time will come when you can see more than you can now; you just have to be patient.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Keeper
Some people develop the funny side faster, and come off as too goofy - also a no no.

I have never had goofy be a failure.

And if being funny is a detriment to picking up some chick then i don't want that girl anyway.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by W0GB0Y
thanks keeper, yeah im generally a funny person i always have been an she finds me funny i guess im just too ****ky sometimes alot of ppl say im stuck up. Guess i just gotta learn how to mix them together nicely. thanks for your advice.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
im more of a man than u are mate i could kick ur ass state champion kickboxer over here and i am very masculine because iam about as developed as a adult, chest hair at 14 and i did have a goatee. You talk about become a man yet ur all talk mate put it where it counts and take on a real man i dare you.
Yup, we got a 16 year old moron here who knows all. Every 16 year old moron thinks they know all.

I love how that chick said "I'd marry you." Don't buy into what chicks say because it's all bull5hit. Look at how they act and react. She keeps blowing you off, but makes all these bull5hit promises. Her actions do the talking. She's not interested in you.

Oh yeah, give up on the poetry, flowers, and teddy bears. They won't get you anywhere. All that 5hit belongs in long term relationships only. You haven't even dated her. BTW, what's a tough guy like you doing with all this mushy 5hit? "I can kick your mother fvcking ass inside out, and write a love poem that will touch your emotions and melt your heart." Wouldn't you agree that those two don't work together?

Go read the DJ bible.