100 per week... MUST attempt #close


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Cod3r said:
This is partly because I miss approaching being in LTR, but also to prove the theory that the game is a game of #'s....

Anyone out there want to join me in approaching 100 women per week ?? Obviously some people will get more numbers, but everyone should be able to get at least 10 #'s (or 10%) in a week...

I just want to see if you can plow through females without all the game, just go up however you want and have a conversation.. AFC or not, the only thing is you have to attempt a #close at the end...

At the end of the week, we'll see how many numbers we got and how many of them were reaL, this'll get some of you off your arse and of course it'll be fun because you might meet your 'person' or might lead to sex who knows...

Anyway, I'll be starting my approaches this Wednesday (Nov. 15 - Nov 22) if anyone wants to join just post your approaches in this thread... Don't be afraid, its just fun and u'll see that the game really is all about #'s... u might get shot down by an HB6 just to #close an HB8 the next day... come on !


It's a great idea I just know that if I approached 100 random girls I'd get shut down by everyone. The fact that they are all strangers and I'm not a smooth talker=no success.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Cod3r said:
Approach #2

*HB5aged30+ security guard downstairs on way out of interview*
(She'd given me hard time about ID going in)

ME: U want to frisk me or something ? Seriously
HER: *Rolls eyes*
ME: You have pretty eyes btw, wats your name ?
HER: huh ?
ME: I said wats your name ?
HER: why ?
ME: Well before i ask for a number, its a pretext for me to ask a name
HER: what ru talking about ?
ME: *Takes out phone* Wats your # ?
HER: Please *smiling*
ME: Yeah it wouldn't work anyway... bye you

approaches: 2
numbers: 0

Alright that was funny, but are you planning on closing on any of them or are you just working on random approaches?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
GirlCrazy said:
I once had a blind date take my phone hostage. Put it in her purse and said I'd only get it back if I followed her to another bar. So I waited until she went to the restroom, liberated my phone and went to some random bar alone - had a great time.
Whoa, was she that bad??? :eek: Did you at least get cab fare out of her purse too? :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Whoa, was she that bad??? :eek: Did you at least get cab fare out of her purse too? :p
She was very hot and very nuts. Mmmm I love redheads. She probably figured the bartender and guys hanging around the bar wouldn't just let me open her purse. She was wrong. I looked up at the bartender - he just sort of nodded - and I grabbed my phone, hailed a cab and got the helloutta dodge. I had the company AMEX platinum card (thanks boss) so I didn't need escape money hehe. She had told me at the start of the evening that we were going to sleep together, but she was so nuts that by this point all I wanted to do was ditch her.

I used to travel a lot on business and it was my first trip to Chicago. Some friend of a co-worker of a friend set me up with this chick. The part I regretted was that while I was waiting to meet her in the hotel bar (big hotel across from the sears tower - forget the name), I met this really cool chick. We were just shooting the sh!t while I waited for my date, so I didn't think much of it. But when my date showed up and I said "Gotta run there's my date", she looked really really bummed, and I kept thinking I shoulda just stayed at the hotel bar. Ended the night alone god knows where, drunk, dancing my ass off, and dunno how I made it back to the hotel. Caught a flight out the next day, and later heard through the grapevine that psycho chick was really sorry ... b!tch

But anyway, go Cod3r man!

Interesting style, big balls, and you're gonna kick a.ss once you refine it!

Zero Hero

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Cod3r, try opening with a playful joke rather than a question. You're just putting them on the defensive with your questions.


Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, I finally mustered it up to do 1 approach today. I didn't attempt a number close because, well, I didn't think about it..?

Approach #1 (about 1hr ago)

See Hb6 make eye contact with me. She goes somewhere, and then I go over to her.

ME: Hi (half smile)
Her: Hi
ME: Hey, aren't you that girl who works at Starbucks?
Her: uh...no...(turns red)
ME: ...uh (sort of confused because she looked like she was)...wait, so, have I ran into you at the club?
Her: ...what club?
ME: uh, well, you know *club xyz*...?
Her: ...no, I don't think so (blushing)
ME: ...uh...ok, well then never mind (walked away)

Thing is, last time I was at Starbucks, this chick who looked like her was showing me IOI's. And then, that same week, that girl was at the club, and she came up to me and just grabbed my hand, and said "come with me." Unfortunately, it was pretty crowded and I lost her in the crowd. **** whatever, I don't think it was the same chick...the Starbucks chick was hotter, def.

Hey Cod3r, you're doing awesome by the way! It's motivating reading your posts.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
me and my friends plan to take turns approaching girls at campus. so i let him go first. the weather today is gloomy so the amount of girls reduce to half. he want me to point at a girl for him to approach, we saw a few girls but they are either taking to some guy or he is too scare and hesitate. so i waste the whole afternoon waiting for him to approach. after that, we departed and i went to my class. after i finish class i went outside to do my job and here they are.

approach #1
saw a HB5(don't know why i approach her) sitting by herself. stumble but then walk up to her.
me:hi, i like ur jacket.
me: what is that R stand for?
hb5: it's my bf school, he bought it for me.
(after that i just slow down the conversation and walk away.)
me: kool, what school?
hb5: Rotten high school
me: do u go to that school too?
hb5: no, i got to King.
me: how is it?
hb5: ghetto
after that it's just a few school related question. i noticed that she is not looking at me and i don't care why. so after a arkward silence, i said nice to me u and walk away.

approach #2
went to one of the professor office for next semester stuff but he was on the phone. while waiting, saw a hb7 walking down the hall, she stopped infront of his office. i walk over and we made eye contact.
hb7: u're waiting for him?
me: yea, u have his class?
hb7: yea
me: how is he?
hb7:he's a great teacher
me: do u get good grade in his class?
hb7: no....i haven't been studying. but he is a good teacher
me: what class do u have with him?
hb7: anatomy, science bla blah blah(i guess she thought i ask her what class he teach)
me:what class do u have with him?
hb7:anatomy 2, i came here to see my test result
after that, the professor came out and ask us to come in. he tell me to come in first, but i let her go in first since mine would take longer( i regret that). before she leave she look back and say bye to me. she look at me and smile again once she got outside. i smile back of course, should have # close.

approach 2.5
i don't think one really count as an approach but here it go. but i saw pretty hot looking girl from the back
me: hi
she turn her head and i just change my mind, i don't like her face.
me: do u know where the restroom is?
hb5: blah blah blah
me: ok, thanks

still trying to # close, but it seem hard. its like a big obstacle blocking me when i end a conversation. plus my confident level is going downhill due to acne problem. hopefully it will go away by next week.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hey terific stuff Cod3r, attrACTION and Greenlake!!!!

A 100 per week is an awful alot of numbers but if you find the time to do it more power to you!

Please keep posting your approaches. You sure inspire us and provide good examples.
I give you guys credit for having balls! A high five for you all.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
How do you know she was persian if you didn't talk to her? (Are you persian too, so you recognize your own kind?)
It's my best guess, maybe wrong... she looked that persian type...

Alright that was funny, but are you planning on closing on any of them or are you just working on random approaches?
Close as in date or hookup = NO... just the number and then toss'em

I have no interest in pursuing anything as i'm in committed loving relationship, but just because I feel like i've lost some of my 'zing' that I used to have and well being on the board, it makes you want to approach after reading some peoples post. Also I wanted to help get some people off their arse and just make it fun, no game necessary, just go and approach... I'm not trying to be ultra suave or anything, just more joking and normal to see if even without game and just playing #'s a guy can still be successful...

Hey Attraction and Greenlake great job !!! Seriously I'm glad to see somene joined in with me, I've got a few to post today. Need to pick up the slack and approach about 10 or so tommorow to get 100, its seeming distant but I'm going to keep going until I get it... Lets see more posts fellas !!!

One more thing, you seem very at ease with the less attractive ones, but the hb9 had you tongu-tied. That is what I experience, too. Very little problem being flirtatious with girls I'm not really or only mildly attracted to, but the one hot ones completely disable me. Argggh.
Yeah with the really attractive ones I fvck myself because my first thought is something along the lines of, "damn she's hot" and then I start to qualify myself and if anything physically is outta place, I go in already fvcked...

COD3R, i seen ur pic and u look decent, so i think u should just be more straightforward with these chicks, aka get to kno them real quick, get the #, and save the ****y/funny for the date
Kinda tryna make this fun, but I see your point bro... We'll see how it goes

btw, the girls in these approaches are harsh.
Yeah these have all been mostly when the girls looked busy, either walking the streets @ 9 00 am to work, or trying to get home once off work. Haven't done any bookshops or libraries or anything where they are stationary, so that should have more successs... i'm usually money in libraries



Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Approach 5

*Location =School, girl I find relatively attractive... I'd say HB7Arabic. Never gotten IOI's from her, never really spoken to her*

ME: *Coming into class late, tap her on shoulder* Wow it's hot in here... ru hot ?
HER: You just need to calm down... *she's kinda shy actually*
ME: I mean its really burning in here, wow i'm sweating... i know ur hot !

*She had on arabic scarf over head (really sexy actually)*

HER: Nope I never get hot, not even in the summer..
ME: *Motioned at her scarf* don't give me that bullish... that's crap
HER: *shrugs shoulders*
ME: Btw, wat race are you ?
HER: Palestinian and u ?

*More small talk until after class*

ME: Hey, i'd like your ideas on somethings, how about your # ?
HER: Ideas on what ? *smiling*
ME: You're palestinian, I find that interesting... I gotta go anyway, see you around (I use this alot after asking for number, if they like u they'll bring it back up)
HER: Yeah ummm..
ME: Wha ? Oh yeah, ur number... call mines, I'll have urs *she dials mine* K cu later

approaches: 5
#'s: 1

Approach 6

*Grand Central Station on way home... HB7ish (very cute azn)*

ME: Excuse me do you have the time ? *touched her arm for bout 1.5 secs* <-- learned that from someone, and it does put them at ease for some reason
HER: Yeah sure, its blah
ME: Nice watch btw, rolex ?
HER: I wish... *kinda started to stride away*
ME: No, I wish *kinda loud, to keep her still... other people looked as well*
HER: *looks dead at me*
ME: If it was a Rolex... u'd be my type and we could have dinner sometime
HER: *kinda offbeat smile* I have a boyfriend

*She seemed like she had to go somewhere and I didn't have the energy to really work attraction and get around the comment, so I just #closed and left*

ME: So hey, train to catch... lets exchange numbers, we'll continue later
HER: Sorry bf wouldn't like that *walking away*
ME: So true, take care

Learned alot about appraoches that i guess I already knew back when I was single, and thats that you need at least 5 minutes to up attraction enough to #close, if she's in a rush... if ur not drop-dead her type, its really really tough! Tommorow i'm going to do stationary approaches, i'm going to head to barnes and nobles or a park or something... enough of the busy girls

Ohhh I skipped out on an HB7WhiteGirl standing alone on the steps, just didn't have the energy to approach, I wasn't scared or anything, I just felt like I didn't have anything interesting to say and it juss woulda been blah ya know ?? She was cute and i guess i gotta find a way to get over these low-energy times eh ?? Thas it 4 today... maybe one later tonite... lotta people downstairs

approaches: 6
#'s: 7



Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
u said u had better luck in the library? that's the opposite for me. majority of the good looking girls would only go there before their test. so they would usually give me a dirty look when i approaches them.

hahah, i like the approaches. u have a lot of gutz. saying some words out loud to stop the azn girl......hey, r u asian? btw, i can never do that, i'm so nervous that my voice are soft and that annoy some girls. that's something i need to fix. but my goal right now is to stop hesitate whenever the situation come.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
u said u had better luck in the library?
I am extreme $$$ in libraries, that's not bragging but I don't ever remember making a library approach and walking away without a number. The last libary close I did led to a nice 4 month relationship with a 24 year old mixed black/Indian graduate literature student... It's so simple IMHO

saying some words out loud to stop the azn girl......hey, r u asian? btw, i can never do that, i'm so nervous that my voice are soft and that annoy some girls. that's something i need to fix. but my goal right now is to stop hesitate whenever the situation come.
No i'm African American, my current gf is azn tho so I do have some insight into Azn females (haha maybe i'm cheating ?)...

Hey one thing that you HAVE to get rid of are your soft-voiced openers. It took me a Longggggggggg time to figure out why I would instantly get ignored or just flat out rejected on the spot, it wasn't my looks or my BL or anything, it was my damn voice...

Seriously project that sucker... when you open someone, give them an opener that at least someone 5 feet away could clearly hear. That way you bring attention to her and she's less likely to be a b!tch and walk away, she'll at least hear you through...

If you give them a meek and weak "hey" they'll act like they never heard you and roll eyes and keep going, don't make that mistake... took me MONTHS to figure that out, u juss saved urself ALOT of time bro...

PROJECT... if you need to yell a bit... do it... startle them, at least you can deliver your opener... if you do it weak, u don't even get a shot



Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
hahah, i thought only asian people type "azn". i guess u got influenced by ur gf. i used to type it that way but i prefer typing it the right way.

thanks for the advice. hopefully i'll have a loud and deeper voice. it a subconsious thing for me. plus the fear from people surrounding me. i always have this feeling that everyone is taking notes of me. that's kinda good, i guess. but i have to change the mindset of hiding from fear and face it. let the people look if they want because i'm the catch. that's the mindset i should change to. right?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ ^ Exactly, if people listening and watching bothers you, well you need to get over that rather quickly...

I've had people look at ALL of my approaches since this started, I like it, i'm kind of a male attention *****, its nice when you get an HB10 and you're totally drowning, but to the outside eye with her standing in front of you people around you think "wow look at that lucky bastard, he must be rich" and then when she says "i have a boyfriend, sorry" you just turn around with a smile and wink at the onlookers like "yeah i'm the man. saay it twice"

And yeah my girl types 'azn' so I adopted it, "asian" <-- seems wierd to me



Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
forgot about the pic....... dang, she's hot! was u guys heading for a halloween party? i almost score a pinay chick at the party if my friend wasn't mad drunk and i had to take him home.

forgot the library topic, that used to be the first place i would go to, but now it's the last. u need to share some of the technique u used in the library with me bro.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
forgot about the pic....... dang, she's hot! was u guys heading for a halloween party? i almost score a pinay chick at the party if my friend wasn't mad drunk and i had to take him home.
Tks for the compliment on my tastes ;) Yeah Halloween party's are always money for hook-ups bro, the memories *cod3r stares into space*

forgot the library topic, that used to be the first place i would go to, but now it's the last. u need to share some of the technique u used in the library with me bro.
Will do, i'm actually headed out for the night. I'll share some tips with you tommorow bro... keep approaching k ?? We need 100 by Wednessday !



Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, nice approaches Cod3r :up: you really got balls saying/doing those things.

I'm going to the club in about an hour or two. I want to do a bunch of approaches (drinking, but even then I need to push myself)...anyway, for some reason I'm really nervous right now. I just need to chill out for a bit. My goal is to just approach and number close. Even if I get rejected 10x I'll consider it a successful evening...that's my mindset right now. I'll update this post when I get back in a couple hours.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
goodluck with the approaches guys. go out there and get 50 numbers!!!!!


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hey one thing that you HAVE to get rid of are your soft-voiced openers. It took me a Longggggggggg time to figure out why I would instantly get ignored or just flat out rejected on the spot, it wasn't my looks or my BL or anything, it was my damn voice...
I heard some good advice on this point (I forget from whom) that said something like, "Loud people aren't scary, quiet people are scary". It hit me as true almost immediately. Just imagine going up to some girl and virtually whispering your opener and tell me whether you don't just imagine her reacting with a "what??? get away from me you weirdo!!!" look on her face.


Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
I went clubbing solo, but right off the bat I met a bunch of people; walked in clubs alone, but walked out like I was king. I got social proof-ed right away. I'm good at befriending people, especially at clubs/bars.

I had seen this chick earlier...Hb7.5

Approach #2 (I probably did like 9+ more approaches...I just don't remember them...)

ME: Hey! I know you!
Her: wait...how?
ME: You work at *xy* right?
Her: Yeah...how did you know that?
ME: Well, because I was at *xy* the other day and I saw you, you have nice earrings by the way

(yesterday I was at her work actually, and she was giving me IOIs...she played with her earrings, and I guess when I made the comment about them tonight, she remember how she'd been digging me the last time)

[I don't remember the conversation here...but I ended up number closing]

It's real because after heading home I called her, and it was her. To be honest, I think I did good though tonight just because I had a great time and talked to lots of people...did lots of approaches too. This one, I already knew she had a thing for me.

Approaches: 2
# Closes: 1/1

edit: by the way, greenlake, great job to you as well on your approaches. I find it really great to be getting off my ass...it helps to have a collective group effort like this :up:
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