Approach 5
*Location =School, girl I find relatively attractive... I'd say HB7Arabic. Never gotten IOI's from her, never really spoken to her*
ME: *Coming into class late, tap her on shoulder* Wow it's hot in here... ru hot ?
HER: You just need to calm down... *she's kinda shy actually*
ME: I mean its really burning in here, wow i'm sweating... i know ur hot !
*She had on arabic scarf over head (really sexy actually)*
HER: Nope I never get hot, not even in the summer..
ME: *Motioned at her scarf* don't give me that bullish... that's crap
HER: *shrugs shoulders*
ME: Btw, wat race are you ?
HER: Palestinian and u ?
*More small talk until after class*
ME: Hey, i'd like your ideas on somethings, how about your # ?
HER: Ideas on what ? *smiling*
ME: You're palestinian, I find that interesting... I gotta go anyway, see you around (I use this alot after asking for number, if they like u they'll bring it back up)
HER: Yeah ummm..
ME: Wha ? Oh yeah, ur number... call mines, I'll have urs *she dials mine* K cu later
approaches: 5
#'s: 1
Approach 6
*Grand Central Station on way home... HB7ish (very cute azn)*
ME: Excuse me do you have the time ? *touched her arm for bout 1.5 secs* <-- learned that from someone, and it does put them at ease for some reason
HER: Yeah sure, its blah
ME: Nice watch btw, rolex ?
HER: I wish... *kinda started to stride away*
ME: No, I wish *kinda loud, to keep her still... other people looked as well*
HER: *looks dead at me*
ME: If it was a Rolex... u'd be my type and we could have dinner sometime
HER: *kinda offbeat smile* I have a boyfriend
*She seemed like she had to go somewhere and I didn't have the energy to really work attraction and get around the comment, so I just #closed and left*
ME: So hey, train to catch... lets exchange numbers, we'll continue later
HER: Sorry bf wouldn't like that *walking away*
ME: So true, take care
Learned alot about appraoches that i guess I already knew back when I was single, and thats that you need at least 5 minutes to up attraction enough to #close, if she's in a rush... if ur not drop-dead her type, its really really tough! Tommorow i'm going to do stationary approaches, i'm going to head to barnes and nobles or a park or something... enough of the busy girls
Ohhh I skipped out on an HB7WhiteGirl standing alone on the steps, just didn't have the energy to approach, I wasn't scared or anything, I just felt like I didn't have anything interesting to say and it juss woulda been blah ya know ?? She was cute and i guess i gotta find a way to get over these low-energy times eh ?? Thas it 4 today... maybe one later tonite... lotta people downstairs
approaches: 6
#'s: 7