100 Cold Approaches Journal


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I'm a relative newbie but I'm sick and tired of reading so it's time for some action. Been her for about 2 weeks and I have no game at the moment but I'm determined to learn from experiance. i'm going to do 100 cold approaches in an attempt to refine my skills. That's a long term goal but my first short term goal is 10 approaches to get the hang of it. Thought about doing the bible, but I'm a hardcore type of guy and saying hello to 50 year old men doesn't cut it.

I hope to get numbers but I DO NOT want to date any of these women. I'm very busy now with boxing and college so this is just going to be a hobby for me for a while until after Christmas when I start approaching real hotties and getting their digits (hopefully!). With that said, my first approach was done today...

#1. Well, I was walking into college and I saw a HOT woman with a J Lo ass about 50 feet in front of me. Started speedwalking and approached with no fear at all. She was about an 8 I'd say. Well, the problem was, I was so focused on approaching, I didn't think of what I was going to say! I had absolutely no plan of action whatsoever...
So, I'm like,
ME: "Excuse me..... Do you have change of this 5 doller note?",
HER: (She looks at me) "Yeah, I think I do..."
(She was holding a pizza box, with a pizza in it. She put it between her legs and got her purse)
ME: "Hey, you look kinda familiar, have we met before"
HER: (looks at me for a second) "No... I don't think so. Where would we have met?"
ME: "Well, where are you from?"
HER: "The place" (She kinda looked a little bemused at this point... as if she knew I was just trying to pick her up or something??? I was a little put off. She basically just put her head down and kept looking in her purse. Maybe I am overreacting, It was my first approach after all.
ME: "Oh, it must have been someone else then" (Totally didn't know what to say)
HER: "Do you go to this college" (She seemed intrigued)
ME: "Yeah, and you?"
HER: "Yeah". (gives me the money and says "thanks". It was a goodbye thanks so I took it that way and said my goodbye and walked in to college ahead of her)

Didn't go as planned but at least I had the balls to do it. I can only improve.

Anyway, it's not a failure if I learn from it...

1. Probably should have taken the pizza box of her and said something like, "You know pizza's are full of calories" or something.

2. Shouldn't have said, "Oh, it must have been someone else then."

3. Should have read the DJ bible beforehand.

4. Shouldn't have ejected so fast. Should have asked her something like, "So what course do you do?" or "what brings you in here at this time"

All in all, I'm happy I approached my first woman and it can only get better from here. If theres one thing boxing taught me it's that to succeed, you have to fail first.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score

This is a great initiative from your part. This is a great idea, this 100 cold approach journal.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. You better reach 100 though.



Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo

1. Probably should have taken the pizza box of her and said something like, "You know pizza's are full of calories" or something.

2. Shouldn't have said, "Oh, it must have been someone else then."

3. Should have read the DJ bible beforehand.

4. Shouldn't have ejected so fast. Should have asked her something like, "So what course do you do?" or "what brings you in here at this time"
I am not going to deconstruct your approach, but I will comment on these 4 points.

1. yeah, you should of held the pizza box for her. NO you SHOULDN'T have said you know pizza are full of calories, she woulda looked at you REALLY weird and think you are insinuating that she is fat or has bad eating habits. Either way, stay out of that.

2. meh, it's not so bad. It's just that you cut it short. If you were to say that, you have to follow up with a question.

3. not really.

4. YES! You shouldn't have ejected this fast. The fact that she asked a question about you was a good thing. You should of continued with that. Ask her about what courses she is taking is not a bad idea at all.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
I WILL reach 100!!

Thank you for your input. Indeed I shouldn't have cut it short and she did ask me a question which was good. I'm happy though because I'm learning these things from experiance. Although I've only been here 2 weeks, I can see that a lot of garbage is posted and if people would get out there and do these things, they'd learn more. No offence to anybody of course but you learn much more from actually doing something than reading all about it. That said, I'm off to read about openers!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
I think this is a great idea. In my opinion, the concept of the Boot Camp is a good one....but for some people saying hi to strangers is too slow of a beginning. Some people want to jump right away into cold approaches, which are more exciting then saying hi to strangers.

This really is a boot camp thread. Just because the exact steps aren't follwed word by word....the founding principles are still here.

Nice job on the approach.....you didn't get a number close or anything, but I think you will agree you didn't get rejected. She showed atleast SOME interest by asking about you....so you're on the right track.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo
Thought about doing the bible, but I'm a hardcore type of guy and saying hello to 50 year old men doesn't cut it.

Well, the problem was, I was so focused on approaching, I didn't think of what I was going to say! I had absolutely no plan of action whatsoever...
I think Ross Jeffries mentioned that one of the most important aspects of learning cold approaches is knowing EXACTLY what to say. After your 100 cold apporaches you can start to react spontaneously to every situation.
In the beginning it might be easier (at least it was for me) to develop ONE pickup strategy ("plan of action" as you call it) at home (Questions, possible answers etc) and visualize and repeat it as often as possible at home.
If you do this you will be doing your pickup much more relaxed by "autopilot".
Further, IMO, it is not good to start with ASKING for sth (change, direction etc). In my experience they nearly always give you an answer but hardly ever want to follow up with a convo. JMO!


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: 100 Cold Approaches Journal

Originally posted by smooth666

I think Ross Jeffries mentioned that one of the most important aspects of learning cold approaches is knowing EXACTLY what to say. After your 100 cold apporaches you can start to react spontaneously to every situation.
In the beginning it might be easier (at least it was for me) to develop ONE pickup strategy ("plan of action" as you call it) at home (Questions, possible answers etc) and visualize and repeat it as often as possible at home.
If you do this you will be doing your pickup much more relaxed by "autopilot".
Further, IMO, it is not good to start with ASKING for sth (change, direction etc). In my experience they nearly always give you an answer but hardly ever want to follow up with a convo. JMO!
What kind of "autopilot" type convos do you suggest? Because I have the same problem.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Re: 100 Cold Approaches Journal

Originally posted by smooth666

I think Ross Jeffries mentioned that one of the most important aspects of learning cold approaches is knowing EXACTLY what to say. After your 100 cold apporaches you can start to react spontaneously to every situation.
In the beginning it might be easier (at least it was for me) to develop ONE pickup strategy ("plan of action" as you call it) at home (Questions, possible answers etc) and visualize and repeat it as often as possible at home.
If you do this you will be doing your pickup much more relaxed by "autopilot".
Further, IMO, it is not good to start with ASKING for sth (change, direction etc). In my experience they nearly always give you an answer but hardly ever want to follow up with a convo. JMO!

hmmm, I personally dissagree with 'scripting' stuff like that. Just continue the way it is. Sure, you can read about openers and communication in general, but if you try to 'make up' scenarios and fictional conversation, you end up 'scripting' yourself and that's shooting yourself in the foot.

Learn by doing.

Eventually, you WILL go into that 'autopilot' mode.

I do agree with the last statement though.

And I forgot to tell you, next time: Ask for her name!


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
The "haven't we met before line" is soooo LAME and blatant

Much better technique is using observations... she leans forward, you see a necklace hang down from a neck, you make a comment on it, ask her a question about it... you see some novel hair clip you do the same thing about that and so forth


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
You DESPERATLY need to read a LOT about PU and get a routine stack together. Honestly, that sarge was terrible.

Congrats about having the balls to approach :) You'll get good fast if you continue.




Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by coolwater
You DESPERATLY need to read a LOT about PU and get a routine stack together. Honestly, that sarge was terrible.

Congrats about having the balls to approach :) You'll get good fast if you continue.


Shut the fukk up!


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with the poster who said my approach was terrible. It really was attrocious. And I am going to read up a lot of that archive later.

I've had a pretty mixed day so far. Sorta got 2 cold approaches done but they could both be described in one word... pathetic.

Cold approach #2
I really shouldn't even include this in my attempt for 100 but I'm only including it because I learned something from it and hey, I can look back and say to myself, damn you sucked. lol. Well, The first was at about 9am. I strolled into college and saw a HB8.5 collecting for some charity. She was standing outside the shop with a little box. Once again, she was HOT. Really hot. Anyways, I walked up and give her a little change. She smiles and says...
HER: "Thanks so much"
ME: "So what are you collecting for anyway?"
HER: Blah Charity.
ME: That's cool. (I started walking away)
HER: Thanks so much

AND I WALKED AWAY!!! What the ****? I couldn't even understand it myself but I realised that I have some sort of built in eject mechanism. I do it all the time, even when I'm talking to casheres. At the first sign of awkwardness, I eject. It's so clear to me now. So I've made a deal with myself to NEVER EJECT until I've talked for at least a minute and get clear signs that i should leave. Very poor approach though. But the thing was, as soon as I saw her, I HAD to do it. I really had to approach her and that's the way it's been for today. I feel like I have a different mindset or something.

But not off a cold approach so this doesn't count. :(

Well, it was kinda cold. I was back in my old neighbourhood (haven't been there for about 3 years since I came to college) and I saw a girl who was in my high school. She was a few years below me in school but she had a major crush on me. lol... I remember she even followed me home one day! We never really talked that much though. She was 14 years old then. I was 17. Well, I bumped into her and I was SHOCKED by how much she has grown up. The boobs and ass are there folks. Seriously cute as well. She's a HB9 now. She was REALLY REALLY cute. And shes a real sweetheart type of girl. Well, we talked for about 7-8 mins and the convo was really good. We laughed a lot. I told her she looked all grown up and she emphasised that she's almost 18. She clearly wants me. I can't remember much of it to be honest but I closed with,
"You seem like you could be more than just a pretty face, do you have a number I can get you on.". No hesitation from her whatsoever. I'm definately going to tap that ass. I was really shocked by how hot she was and how much I was attracted to her personality. Sorry about the afcness of that last sentence.

A few mins after that I ran into a HB6 who, funnily enough, is also in the other girls class. This also doesn't count. I vaguely knew her, but not really. Well, this HB6 would not shut up. I was asking her openended questions and teasing her a little, but Seriously, she was talking for at least 10 minutes. She was very much into me, but I realised she had a mouth and a half. in the end, I told her I had to go and she gave me a hug and we went our separate ways. I looked back to check out her ass, as any man would and damn it was a fine ass. Immediately I regreted not closing. My reason for not closing was that since she had a big mouth, she'd tell all her friends and since she's in the same class as the other HBcutey, I didn't want HBcutey to hear that I got another girls number right after I got hers. I shouldn't have cared about that though.

Cold Approach #3.
this was pretty bad guys. I got on the bus to go home and walk down the back seat. I was seated accross from a HB9.5 (blond, slim, hot) who had a baby in her arms and was talking with 2 other friends. I noticed the AFC's around me were gawking at the HB9.5. Again, I just had to say something and as we neared the end of the journey and she was playing with the kid, I smiled at the kid, who was lookin at me, and said to HB9.5

ME: So, how old is she?
HER: ... She's nearly 1
ME: Damn, she's very big for 1.
HER FRIEND: She takes after her father!
(the AFC's were shocked I was talking to the HB9.5)
ME: (to HB9.5), Is she yours?
HER: No, she's hers. (points to friend who spoke)
HER FRIEND: yeah, she's mine
ME: (again, to HB9.5) She's very cute.
HER: yeah... you'd think she was mine wouldn't you! hahahah
*cue laughter*.

Then I basically went cold. It was like the time I couldn't get it up. The more you think about it, the worse it gets. i really had absolutely no idea what to say. But they were talkin amoungst themselves for the next 30 seconds then it was time to get off so we went out separate ways. terrible really after such a peak.

my body language is pretty alpha during these approaches, I just fall short on convo though.

Lessons from today so far.
1. Shouldn't have ejected on first approach. Should have followed up with something like, "So how often do you collect?", "So how much have you made today?", or maybe even teased her a little with something like, "I hope you're not going to steal that money I gave you for yourself" and the got to talking about her course, how she likes the college etc. lesson learned and I will NEVER eject like that again.

2. When HB 9.5 said, "yeah, you'd think she was mine", I went blank. I could have said, in a teasing way... "No, you wouldn't really think that..." I'm naturally a teaser but I take it too far so I cut it out of my game in a big way. I only do a little amount of teasing. I could have also followed up with questions like, "So, are you guys sisters?/best friends", "So, where are you guys from?", "So where are you guys heading", "What's the story behind that necklace?"

That's it so far really. Although i haven't really got anywhere on coldies, I feel much different now. i think differently. i had never approached a woman before yesturday other than to ask for directions, so I'm making SOME progress at least.

Well, i'm off clubbing later. I find clubbing quite easy and I almost always get a woman, so I'm not even going to include tonight in the quest for 100 but I'm sure I 'll have some stories. plus, I still may do some coldies later.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Takaloo that wasn't bad atall,your an insperation to people who can't or won't commit to approach (like myself 8( )

but after reading some of your approaches,it makes me wanna take some action!
can't wait till tomorrow night's clubathon,gonna get me some cold approaches me thinks :)



Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Any goal like this is valuable because it creates a 'mental groove'

It's nice to notice things and feed them back in next time round, but if nothing else, the discipline of this approach will make future efforts automatic.

You seem to have a goal orientated motivational style, just make sure you know what you'll get when you achieve it.

Also their is some conflict in your goals. You need to be clear on what you value most at this time and how the goals can work together, or need to be adapted.

Good Luck.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score

I'm still going to do 100 approaches though... it's my goal. I may decide to tap HBcuties ass on the side though if I can. I think I may have been a little hard on myself today. i can't expect to be getting numbers at this stage really. I'm learning things and I'm changing. That's for sure. I think that's enough.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: 100 Cold Approaches Journal

Originally posted by Dee-Zy
hmmm, I personally dissagree with 'scripting' stuff like that. Just continue the way it is. Sure, you can read about openers and communication in general, but if you try to 'make up' scenarios and fictional conversation, you end up 'scripting' yourself and that's shooting yourself in the foot.

Learn by doing.
I did not mean "scripting the whole conversation". This is impossible and BS. But IMO in the beginning it helps to know the first one or two lines and be prepared for possible answers or reactions to them. If a woman walks in the opposite direction and you have 3 seconds to
a) check her out
b) decide that you want to approach her AND
c) Think about something that might fit into the situation or something special about her
you are much more likely to be less relaxed and cool if you are not prepared. Women feel this...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
I do cold approaches all the time, the majoity of mine are in the college libarary (tons of hot chics, who presumably are somewhat inteligent, they are in the library after all) and in the class room. I have 4 different lecture halls, so that means its easy to find women I havnt met before. I'm single, I dont want to be, so I just go for it. They get easier over time, just keep going. You don't really need to say "oh this is approach #45" just approach when you see the opportunity. Its not that hard, u get used to it. Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
How long do you think it will take for u to complete 100 approaches? YOur goal to me is very far fetch. You're shooting for stars! Good job by the way.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
wow... that's a good...
for pre approach jitters
I think u should do 3-4 throw away approaches just to anyone, just go get urself pumped up n in zone...

try to increase approach per day... I used to do 3/day.. but it wasn't havin that effect... I think I ended up analyzing situation more than acting on it...


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I would of asked her about the pizza..

"Whta kind of pizza is that?"
blah blah
"Oh yea? Have you ever tried stuffed crust pizza from Pizza hut?"
"Completely amazing. Usually you eat pizza and you think 'Great, crust time, the rest of this peice was really good though', but with stuffed crust, it's whta your looking forward to. The entire time your eating your anticipating it and then finally when you get it to it , you enjoy it even more then the pizza itself."

etc etc.