100 Cold Approaches Journal


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Woah... been kinda hectic for the past 2 days.

I haven't had time to do any cold approaches at all. I sprained my ankle yesterday but it's almost better now so I'll be in action tomorrow.

I went clubbing the other night and the music was SOO loud. Seriously, my ears only stopped ringing today. I tried approaching about 3 women but rejection was all that happened. My game on the dancefloor is mainly verbal but I couldn't talk. When we got out we were walking to get some food and a pretty hot girl walked past me with her friend. one of my buddies pointed it out that one of the women was staring at me and I looked around and she was. She looked very sexy all dressed up and was lookin at me very seductively. I summoned her over to me with my finger and we got talking. She wasn't drunk at all. she was extremely attracted to me. She wanted to "feel my hair" and I was like, "What do I get out of this?" and she's like... a kiss. So I went along with it, but she pulled away from the kiss. She was like, "it will smear my lipstick all over my face" and she did have lots of lipstick on. then she was like, "if you want a kiss we'll have to exchange numbers". but I had forgotten my phone so I told her that and she took it as a rejection. I gave my number 2 her though and walked away. But she did give me a kiss on the lips before I went.. a small one.

Well, she's been sending me txt messages today She's 24 years old and basically she needs a good pounding, which shes gonna get. I've also been texting HBcutie alot (its the right thing to do... she's 17). I'm basically trying to set up some booty calls for myself with these two. I'll prolly go clubbing with the 24 year old during the week or something.

But no cold approaches, which is poor.I plan on doing 3 per day from now on. My ankle might hold up tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, this is good stuff. Congratulations. =)

You are now automatically better than the next guy!

I'm no pro at this myself... I've actually only done very few approaches. But, you should try some direct approaches for fun/experience, just to see what happens.

One which I would do at a mall was:

ME: Hey, do you have a cell phone?
HER: Yeah
ME: Great, what's the number?

She'll either give you a number, a fake number, an excuse, or a "why?" I've never had them be rude to me and I've gotten a number every time I've done this. I know one was fake but I didn't care and I never called any of them.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Looks like you found a hoe! Congratulations!!

This thread's a good idea and good convo practice. Continue posting your convos and following up with the comments. That way, we can think of our own comments and then see if they match with your analysis. It's fun! :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
good job man, hopefully the ho you picked up in the club can give youa boost in your self esteem AND confidence, parade her around unless you REALLY like her.

that's what i did when i landed an HB9 Ho type girl, she wasn't in it for the long term, i knew that she knew that.. we just messed around a lot and called each other baby every now and then.

i showed her off to the guys used her as social proof, she did the same though haha i guess instead of a relationship it was a symbyotic relationship :D

although nice on the catch, reading your journal has really pumped me up, i mean not to say anything bad about you, because i don't know you personally. But if you can do it so can I. :)


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Well last night I went out clubbing with the 24 year old woman I met from last week and ended up getting a blow job from her. Didn't get the lay because she was "on her period"... don't know if that is true or not. But she's a little too into me and I'm not really feeling her.

I'm going to the moview with the HBcutie tonight so we'll see how that goes.

I thinik this thread is going to die now because I really have no motivation to approach now that i have 2 women. I'll probably revive this thread in a few weeks but for now, I just done want to approach at all for some reason.

Ah well, it was good while it lasted.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Good form , this is a great thread. I'm working thru a similar mission myself, the PUA 500.

I'll watch with interest.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Bud, don't be an undercover PUA, go up to her and ask her if shes single, make your intentions known, read Jwhites journal, I believe it was in tips or archives, directly mimic what he did and don't try to reinvent the wheel for yourself go with whats proven first and along the way you'll find your own wording thats FITS you better, but for beginners do what he did.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pugsley_f5
Bud, don't be an undercover PUA, go up to her and ask her if shes single, make your intentions known, read Jwhites journal, I believe it was in tips or archives, directly mimic what he did and don't try to reinvent the wheel for yourself go with whats proven first and along the way you'll find your own wording thats FITS you better, but for beginners do what he did.
There are so many new members know 1 has a chance to set them straight, ill tell you now, you do not want to let a girl know you are hitting on her because she puts up her anti-slut sheild.

this does get confusing because you still need to show romantic intrest very early on, almost imdeiatly, but not right at the start. But do not tell her what you are doing, just flirt.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Hey check mate read Jwhites approach journal, thats exactly what he does, does he miss out on some lays, yeh he does, does he get some fake numbers, yeh he does, does he get dates, YEH HE DOES, does he get only the girls with very high IL, OH YEH YOU BET, thats why this type of forward approach is good it puts you in control and establishes your dominance. I believe his ratio was about 1/3 number/approach to date ratio. When you approach on the street man you have 15 secs to make a good impression and you can't do that with fluff talk, you need to make yourself stand out and be confident, and being straighforward like that will radiate confidence.....when you start out with fluff talk she puts you in the catagory of LJBF, BF, Date, F*ck, when you approach like this you are always in control of the catagory you go in cause you make your intentions blatantly obvious and she can't do geusswork and think your just being friendly to her.


Terminus Est

Don Juan
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Dude, this is an incredible inspiration for guys like myself, who cant find the balls to approach... :p

Keep up the great work!
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo
Well, I'm a relative newbie but I'm sick and tired of reading so it's time for some action. Been her for about 2 weeks and I have no game at the moment but I'm determined to learn from experiance. i'm going to do 100 cold approaches in an attempt to refine my skills. That's a long term goal but my first short term goal is 10 approaches to get the hang of it. Thought about doing the bible, but I'm a hardcore type of guy and saying hello to 50 year old men doesn't cut it.

I hope to get numbers but I DO NOT want to date any of these women. I'm very busy now with boxing and college so this is just going to be a hobby for me for a while until after Christmas when I start approaching real hotties and getting their digits (hopefully!). With that said, my first approach was done today...

#1. Well, I was walking into college and I saw a HOT woman with a J Lo ass about 50 feet in front of me. Started speedwalking and approached with no fear at all. She was about an 8 I'd say. Well, the problem was, I was so focused on approaching, I didn't think of what I was going to say! I had absolutely no plan of action whatsoever...
So, I'm like,
ME: "Excuse me..... Do you have change of this 5 doller note?",
HER: (She looks at me) "Yeah, I think I do..."
(She was holding a pizza box, with a pizza in it. She put it between her legs and got her purse)
ME: "Hey, you look kinda familiar, have we met before"
HER: (looks at me for a second) "No... I don't think so. Where would we have met?"
ME: "Well, where are you from?"
HER: "The place" (She kinda looked a little bemused at this point... as if she knew I was just trying to pick her up or something??? I was a little put off. She basically just put her head down and kept looking in her purse. Maybe I am overreacting, It was my first approach after all.
ME: "Oh, it must have been someone else then" (Totally didn't know what to say)
HER: "Do you go to this college" (She seemed intrigued)
ME: "Yeah, and you?"
HER: "Yeah". (gives me the money and says "thanks". It was a goodbye thanks so I took it that way and said my goodbye and walked in to college ahead of her)

Didn't go as planned but at least I had the balls to do it. I can only improve.

Anyway, it's not a failure if I learn from it...

1. Probably should have taken the pizza box of her and said something like, "You know pizza's are full of calories" or something.

2. Shouldn't have said, "Oh, it must have been someone else then."

3. Should have read the DJ bible beforehand.

4. Shouldn't have ejected so fast. Should have asked her something like, "So what course do you do?" or "what brings you in here at this time"

All in all, I'm happy I approached my first woman and it can only get better from here. If theres one thing boxing taught me it's that to succeed, you have to fail first.
uh no holding the pizza box would be what a chump would do that wants to get used.
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo
Woah... been kinda hectic for the past 2 days.

I haven't had time to do any cold approaches at all. I sprained my ankle yesterday but it's almost better now so I'll be in action tomorrow.

I went clubbing the other night and the music was SOO loud. Seriously, my ears only stopped ringing today. I tried approaching about 3 women but rejection was all that happened. My game on the dancefloor is mainly verbal but I couldn't talk. When we got out we were walking to get some food and a pretty hot girl walked past me with her friend. one of my buddies pointed it out that one of the women was staring at me and I looked around and she was. She looked very sexy all dressed up and was lookin at me very seductively. I summoned her over to me with my finger and we got talking. She wasn't drunk at all. she was extremely attracted to me. She wanted to "feel my hair" and I was like, "What do I get out of this?" and she's like... a kiss. So I went along with it, but she pulled away from the kiss. She was like, "it will smear my lipstick all over my face" and she did have lots of lipstick on. then she was like, "if you want a kiss we'll have to exchange numbers". but I had forgotten my phone so I told her that and she took it as a rejection. I gave my number 2 her though and walked away. But she did give me a kiss on the lips before I went.. a small one.

Well, she's been sending me txt messages today She's 24 years old and basically she needs a good pounding, which shes gonna get. I've also been texting HBcutie alot (its the right thing to do... she's 17). I'm basically trying to set up some booty calls for myself with these two. I'll prolly go clubbing with the 24 year old during the week or something.

But no cold approaches, which is poor.I plan on doing 3 per day from now on. My ankle might hold up tomorrow.
lol i remember goin to an allages club when i was like what? in gr 8 ? haha, that was fun, i ended up gettin a shorties number that turned out to be real ugly in daylight, had fun n breaked a bit, as well as played wit glosticks, i gotta find some people that go clubbin regularly, i actually love teh atmosphere, raves is another story but quite similar.
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo
Well last night I went out clubbing with the 24 year old woman I met from last week and ended up getting a blow job from her. Didn't get the lay because she was "on her period"... don't know if that is true or not. But she's a little too into me and I'm not really feeling her.

I'm going to the moview with the HBcutie tonight so we'll see how that goes.

I thinik this thread is going to die now because I really have no motivation to approach now that i have 2 women. I'll probably revive this thread in a few weeks but for now, I just done want to approach at all for some reason.

Ah well, it was good while it lasted.
please dont give up, the whole don juan mindset is that you are never taken and theres always more women to be had, the 24 year old can be a ****buddy at the least, sounds like she could be a sugar mamma if things go well.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by huge_guy_pimpin
please dont give up, the whole don juan mindset is that you are never taken and theres always more women to be had, the 24 year old can be a ****buddy at the least, sounds like she could be a sugar mamma if things go well.
i agree with this, unless you want to settle down with one of those girls your gonna end up losing in this situation.

espeiclly if one drops out and you depend on the other one and develop oneitis


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
I have re thought the situation after last night and I have changed my mind. I will continue in my quest for 100 approaches and I will do 3 today! The reason is because I find myself developing oneitis even at this early stage for HBcutie and I don't want that because it always ends badly in my case. What the hell was I thinking last night!!!

So far... 4/100


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pugsley_f5
Hey check mate read Jwhites approach journal, thats exactly what he does, does he miss out on some lays, yeh he does, does he get some fake numbers, yeh he does, does he get dates, YEH HE DOES, does he get only the girls with very high IL, OH YEH YOU BET, thats why this type of forward approach is good it puts you in control and establishes your dominance. I believe his ratio was about 1/3 number/approach to date ratio. When you approach on the street man you have 15 secs to make a good impression and you can't do that with fluff talk, you need to make yourself stand out and be confident, and being straighforward like that will radiate confidence.....when you start out with fluff talk she puts you in the catagory of LJBF, BF, Date, F*ck, when you approach like this you are always in control of the catagory you go in cause you make your intentions blatantly obvious and she can't do geusswork and think your just being friendly to her.

thats intresting, my method would be to use C&F and be funny to stand out from the rest. Rather then get her anti slut sheild going by telling her how much i like her.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo
I have re thought the situation after last night and I have changed my mind. I will continue in my quest for 100 approaches and I will do 3 today! The reason is because I find myself developing oneitis even at this early stage for HBcutie and I don't want that because it always ends badly in my case. What the hell was I thinking last night!!!

So far... 4/100

Great! Focus on your goal (mastering the approaches) not on the by-products (women)!


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
South Jersey
I'm happy that you're going to keep up on the quest for the 100 cold approaches. Like me and a lot of other DJ's, your thread has given us a lot of motivation to go out and do cold approaches. I know that I'm going to start my cold approaches and meet new girls.

BTW, even though you've decided to continue your quest, make sure that you don't forget your first post. You said that you were going to do cold approaches BUT you WERE NOT going to date any of them...

Keep at those cold ones, and good luck :D .


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Takaloo
I have re thought the situation after last night and I have changed my mind. I will continue in my quest for 100 approaches and I will do 3 today! The reason is because I find myself developing oneitis even at this early stage for HBcutie and I don't want that because it always ends badly in my case. What the hell was I thinking last night!!!

So far... 4/100
your experienceing oneitis already? yeah you defenitly need more #'s :) oneitis will only lead to the quick decline of HBcutie's intrest level.