Good Post Latinoman.
The general discussion forum is ALMOST unreadable to me sometimes. And even the Tips section too, for that matter. But then again, I have to realize that everybody is on their OWN journey. I knew a hell of a lot before I came here about human nature----but now I undeniably know MORE.
There are many of the young'uns on Sosuave General Discussion who are loose cannons with bad aim. And actually, the same can be said over here about some of the veterans on the Mature Man forum too. lol
But all I try to do is respond to people who seem SERIOUS about wanting to elevate from where they are now to get to a BETTER place.
When I chart my own growth from just a year ago until now, it's amazing even to me. But I know I'm still only on the perimeter of GLORY ROAD, though. I have MANY more hills to take...
But back on the topic:
Here's some very UNSOLICITED advice. And please take it in the spirit of brotherhood that I offer it:
Be careful while you're on here, man. I would suspect that for a married man, there is a temptation to go along with the GROUP-THINK and to start second guessing your choices in life. To slowly drift into that "the grass must be greener over there" mindset. And I think that would be a mistake.
For those guys who are married, I think taking a closer look at your relationships and using whatever you learn here to BETTER your existing HAPPY marriage is THE WAY TO GO. And from reading your latest posts, I SEE that you are already doing this. And I commend you for it.
Marriages are as "individual" as the people who make that meaningful committment are. And if you are confident and fulfilled with the marriage decision you have already made, take PRIDE and COMFORT in it, I say.
Sometimes, quality, thought-provoking threads like these serve as a great tool for self-reflection. And remember, everything is NOT always jaded.
Always allow for the fact that the image of our current lives that we see reflected back at us sometimes----LOOKS PRETTY DAMN GOOD.:rockon: day.