I didn't have vaginal sex with any prostitute.You fcuk around with one prostitute and all women are sex workers.
I didn't have vaginal sex with any prostitute.You fcuk around with one prostitute and all women are sex workers.
It was New Years Eve. Its their way of saying that 2024 will have some serious things happening.Of all the places on Earth that the aliens could visit, they chose a Miami shopping mall? Was it on Black Friday?
X-Files re-watches, especially for the first few seasons, would be interesting. Allot of stories in their fiction, surround UFOs and aliens are inspired by real-life rumours/stories from people like Bob Lazar and others who were not taken seriously at the time, but are now getting a more serious treatment in modern times.The quote is "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT LIVER AND ONIONS GO FOR ON RETICULA?"
Colton: So Mulder, what do you think? Does this look like the work of little green men?
Mulder: Grey.
Colton: Excuse me?
Mulder: Grey. You said green men. A Reticulan’s skin tone is actually grey. They’re notorious for their extraction of human terrestrial livers. Due to the iron depletion in the Reticulum galaxy.
Colton: You can’t be serious.
Mulder: Do you have any idea what liver and onions go for on Reticulum?
Hi Corrector,It was New Years Eve. Its their way of saying that 2024 will have some serious things happening.
Look at the progression. In 2023 you have a UFO disclosure at Congress where biological non-human entities are admitted to have been retrieved from UFO crash sites. Things like this never happened before where it was this public and this official. Something is up.
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Generally speaking, the more they look like us the less likely they're hostile,Which races/species would they be? From what I understand, it's the 10 foot tall ones which are the bad ones. The preying mantis looking ones who are the masterminds of their grey-drone armies (who are typically just "doing their job"). Then you have the South American UFOs encounters which are typically way more hostile than North American UFOs.
Based on the definition of the hostile "preying mantis/insectaloid" aliens, who have an underwater base off the Cataline islands and have other underground locations (some which were drilled in accidentally and resulted in a confrontation), aren't these the ones that keep popping up in Las Vagas, and now in Miami, and somewhat rumoured to be attacking Peru villages?
Because, like, humans on the whole tend to be a peaceful sort of race, full of camaraderie. What's not to like about us?Generally speaking, the more they look like us the less likely they're hostile,
This is a good point actually. Generally, humanoid aliens are neutral or friendly and possessing a higher vibrational nature, but the purported "annunaki" (not trying to get the thread shut down lol) were unusually war-like by humanoid standards with noted dispositions towards jealousy and violence. There are what appears to be depictions of nuclear wars in ancient mythology and there's been traces of radioactivity in the middle east from ancient times. So if they indeed had a hand in our creation, these traits would in some degree be derived from them.Because, like, humans on the whole tend to be a peaceful sort of race, full of camaraderie. What's not to like about us?![]()
From the things I have read about different ones have interacted with different places?Don't worry about the hostile ones, they are not as evolved/advanced as the ones looking out for us. Just live your life to the best of your ability and stop watching so much TV.
Do not focus on what you can't control. Go out and explore nature. Enjoy life.
The ones in depicted in ancient India with the Vimanas waging wars in the skies were also. I don't believe those were the annual were they?This is a good point actually. Generally, humanoid aliens are neutral or friendly and possessing a higher vibrational nature, but the purported "annunaki" (not trying to get the thread shut down lol) were unusually war-like by humanoid standards with noted dispositions towards jealousy and violence. There are what appears to be depictions of nuclear wars in ancient mythology and there's been traces of radioactivity in the middle east from ancient times. So if they indeed had a hand in our creation, these traits would in some degree be derived from them.
That being said, there is some controversy surrounding the annunaki appearance, whether or not they are humanoid or actually reptilian, possibly hybrid with shapeshifting or avatar capabilities.
There are many species and factors so there is no single answer. But if you could put yourself in the mind of a highly advanced race/civilization (Something close to impossible for obvious reasons): vast in resources, technology, consciousness, etc why would you get involved in other civilizations?From the things I have read about different ones have interacted with different places?
Like the "Nordic" ones were helping Nazi Germany but apparently other ones are involved with the US?
Is this being done to help us out or because they stand something to gain? Or are we the "planet of the children" like some have said and we are like their pets?
I read something once along the lines of the aliens are desperate to figure out how to obtain the same "connection to the universe" that we innately have that they do not because it is so powerful but yet humans don't even know they possess it or what they are capable of doing with it. It said they are so frustrated because they know of it and how to use it but don't have it and view it as "wasted" on us.There are many species and factors so there is no single answer. But if you could put yourself in the mind of a highly advanced race/civilization (Something close to impossible for obvious reasons): vast in resources, technology, consciousness, etc why would you get involved in other civilizations?
But here are some factors for the more evolved species:
Some of Earth's resources are unique to our planet and useful to other civilizations. They are highly desired commodities.
Universal consciousness/"Galactic" collaboration growth.
Time is non-linear: Some species are not traveling through space but rather time. They know something about us that will make us completely rethink who we are, our place in the universe, where we come from, etc. And our time has the potential to change outcomes positively.
For a lesser evolved/hostile race:
Earth's resources
Humans can be used for experimentation and scientific research
Humans are "farmed" and used for labor aka slavery
At the end of the day, it is much like the old "good and evil" fight on Earth. The good will always conquer. There will be bad times but the light will always prevail over darkness. The more evolved races want us to overcome our flaws, mishaps, and shortcomings because believe it or not (hard to when you see so much stupidity and "evil), humans have enormous potential.
Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
Hi Corrector,There appears to be portals that commonly open up in isolated places in the wild when its not a populated area. When it starts happening in a busy mall that next level stuff. New videos keep popping up with more footage if you keep looking at youtube.
They seem related. More likely shapeshifting entities that transverse dimensions through portals. That is why people see glimpses of them but never actually find or capture one, or see wierd large foot prints trail off and disappear. They dont appear to stay for long periods if they do phase in.Hi Corrector,
Whatever happened to Big Foot/Sasquatch?