1 Week - Watch me work MAGIC!


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
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Originally posted by squirrels
You said she started telling you about her life? Friends do that. What signs did you get that she became more SEXUALLY attracted to you after this move?

Let me clear up my mission here. My intent is to talk this girl into becoming great "friends" while making sure there is no hint of sexual interest to the point of telling her upfront she has zero chance of getting me. I want this chick to show heavy friendship interest. Then she will attack. I am sure of it.

PS The other chick that just went on the trip with me was my "good friend" for months before we started banging all night long. :D


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
It takes a ton of discipline to use this LJBF method. I know a lot of my guy friends and me as well have caved under the pressure before and made the move on the chick and just got plain rejected. Its happened to us all. The discipline it takes to make the chick chase and attack you is enormous and its not easy but its SUREFIRE if you master the discipline.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
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The really big test of this LJBF method is to use it on a chick that has already rejected you. I have one of my buddies trying just that on a chick he adores at this moment. I am going to test the method on another chick as well. I really enjoy the Tao of Steve method. It makes a ton of sense and remember the chicks have been doing the LJBF thing to us guys for how long? Remember how you felt?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Ok, im not getting the whole picture here. I asked about this some while ago at Attacking HER with LJBF but this LJBF thing seems to be different... could you explain more on what you are to do muscles?


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by SamePendo
Ok, im not getting the whole picture here. I asked about this some while ago at Attacking HER with LJBF but this LJBF thing seems to be different... could you explain more on what you are to do muscles?
It is my theory to build up the girl's interest level in you by making it clear that you just want to be friends with her. It drops all the guards down. You have no reason to try gauge her interest level because you actually do want to be her friend. Just picture your friendship with your best guy buddy. Do you give a damn what he thinks of your personality or your looks? Of course not. He is your best buddy. You can say whatever you want to him and not give a damn. You know each other too well. Becoming great friends with a chick is a major advantage not a disadvantage as some on this board think. The trick is make sure she knows you want to keep it at friends and that you are really interested in everything she has to say (Very hard to do sometimes). Don't make any moves period. And if you do stop and say we should just be friends really. Recently, I have even gone as far as to use the "friends" line (very playfully) while banging the chicks. They will bang even harder! Its hilarious to see the response in bed.

It takes a ton of discipline but if you master it every chick, no matter how hot she is, will make the move on you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
Originally posted by MUSCLEMONSTER
It is my theory to build up the girl's interest level in you by making it clear that you just want to be friends with her. It drops all the guards down. You have no reason to try gauge her interest level because you actually do want to be her friend. Just picture your friendship with your best guy buddy. Do you give a damn what he thinks of your personality or your looks? Of course not. He is your best buddy. You can say whatever you want to him and not give a damn. You know each other too well. Becoming great friends with a chick is a major advantage not a disadvantage as some on this board think. The trick is make sure she knows you want to keep it at friends and that you are really interested in everything she has to say (Very hard to do sometimes). Don't make any moves period. And if you do stop and say we should just be friends really. Recently, I have even gone as far as to use the "friends" line (very playfully) while banging the chicks. They will bang even harder! Its hilarious to see the response in bed.

It takes a ton of discipline but if you master it every chick, no matter how hot she is, will make the move on you.
whatever it takes for the pressure to be on her or elsewhere.

i have gotten great results by just not caring about gettin any a$$ and just looking to have a great time and meet fun people.

though your approach may work it is not b/c it is such a great idea or that there is much logic behind it. all it would be is that the girl is attracted to you or finds your personality to be great.

if you tell a girl an hour or so after you meet her that you just want to be friends thats bein way too upfront.

i see where you would think that she would seem to want you more but in cases like that the want usually builds up over time about not being able to get what she wants.

We met yesterday. I did the LJBF thing on her. She lit up like a freakin Christmas tree!!! I spent the rest of the conversation just listening to this hot babe tell me just about everything about her entire life Funny how any chick will warm up to you if you show absolutely no desire for her. We are meeting again in a couple of weeks when I am back from a business trip. Man I am so proud of myself. It takes so much discipline not to hit on the scorching hot chicks.
we will see how this works out...

you tell her "LJBF" and then do you keep the kino goin and send opposite signals?

if so woman are generally better readers of charecter and they may be seeing through your mixed signals.

regardless you are lying to woman to get them into bed and the worst part is, it seems really BORING. you sit there and listen to them talk for hours?

that isnt worth gettin laid for...which would be in the future...if your scheme works


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by drixsa

regardless you are lying to woman to get them into bed and the worst part is, it seems really BORING. you sit there and listen to them talk for hours?

I am not saying to lie. I really want to be their friend. Thats the trick. You wouldn't want to be close with a scorching hot babe? Then when you feel like you have to make the move stop yourself. Tell her you just want to keep it at friends. Let her make the move.

Yes it can be boring as hell to listen to their constant self absorbed talk but thats what they love - THEMSELVES. I listen to my best friend talk about himself all the time. Same thing with chicks. Nature of humans. We all love to talk about ourselves.

Never and I mean never use kino when you are doing the LJBF method I am talking about. That can easily be construed as a move on a chick and this method is about making NO MOVES AT ALL. She makes the move not you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, Mi
Your using LJBF like it's a technique to get her.

Last time i checked, DJ's don't use techniques..

(Neghits,C+F, Etc are just part of us)


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PiHiPlaya
Your using LJBF like it's a technique to get her.

Last time i checked, DJ's don't use techniques..

(Neghits,C+F, Etc are just part of us)
I certainly believe in techniques and I certainly don't believe in grown men categorizing themselves as Don Juans. I have only been on this site a few times but I have to disagree with most of the stuff written here. Just speaking from experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Ok muscles, I got what you do.

It takes a ton of discipline but if you master it every chick, no matter how hot she is, will make the move on you.
So we just keep being HONESTLY friends with her and she will consecutively make the move on you? Without us doing anything? Just being a true friend?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
i wanna see a FR (field report)

and was your previous user name either muscle or muscle dude?


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by SamePendo
Ok muscles, I got what you do.

So we just keep being HONESTLY friends with her and she will consecutively make the move on you? Without us doing anything? Just being a true friend?
You gotta be a true friend yes. But you also have to convince her you don't have any interest in her sexually and she has to buy into it so you almost gotta convince yourself that she is a great person but not so great as to meet your sexual standards. I like to tell myself hell she is no Pam Anderson (she is my standard) Then you can be friends with her easily and just have a great time until she pounces. Show that lack of desire. Do something excellent in front of her ( with me thats easy - bodybuilding) and then disappear for a while and talk to other chicks. Then next time you see her tell her what an awesome friend she is. Tao of Steve in a nutshell.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by drixsa
i wanna see a FR (field report)

and was your previous user name either muscle or muscle dude?
What in the world is a field report and who are these musclebrains you are talking about? Field report??? Is this a baseball game? I am just talking from experience and a very logical technique that was used in the Tao of Steve movie.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
Dumbest thing

This is sad he's LJBF'ing himself.:(


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
No I am LJBF'ing the chick so she will make the move. Its very logical.

The foolish man laughs at the Tao.
"We pursue that which retreats from us!"


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2001
Reaction score
Befriend her first??

Im surprised this guy hasnt been flamed more.

I have seen some VERY skilled guys at work and they definately didnt become friends first. Im not saying there is only one way but I really don't believe in becoming her friend first. It depends on the personality of the girl as well but, sorry. gotta fully disagree with you on this one. Better to do everything you said (show no afftection) WITHOUT the LJBF deal.

I would say this would be a more suited back up plan if nothing was working at the beginning, but then again you should usually move on b4 this stage.

Listening to her babble about her life is not going to get you anywhere under most situations.

Im still waiting to see how this ends.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by InExtremis
Befriend her first??

Im surprised this guy hasnt been flamed more.

I have seen some VERY skilled guys at work and they definately didnt become friends first. Im not saying there is only one way but I really don't believe in becoming her friend first. It depends on the personality of the girl as well but, sorry. gotta fully disagree with you on this one. Better to do everything you said (show no afftection) WITHOUT the LJBF deal.

I would say this would be a more suited back up plan if nothing was working at the beginning, but then again you should usually move on b4 this stage.

Listening to her babble about her life is not going to get you anywhere under most situations.

Im still waiting to see how this ends.

I am not really sure if I am speaking to a bunch of virgins on this board but I am really starting to believe that from what I am reading here. I have banged several chicks in the last couple of years (most of them I met in the gym or beach) and I can honestly say each one of them has been my friend FIRST. Maybe its time for me to leave this board. I feel like I am speaking to very inexperienced people here. Not my speed.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I got it.

Field report: You basically give a report on how you did it on real life. You did this, said this and this (quoting sometimes). Etc etc.

By the way? You said this would be done in a week. How about doing us the field report on this? It will be pretty interesting.