backbreaker said:
Also keep in mind, that in general, bums generally don't bother migrating. If someone is living in columbia and wants to come here, it's either because they want to sale drugs or they want a better life for them or their children.
Beg to differ.
The quality of immigrants has changed drastically in the past few decades. While they "want a better quality of life" than what they've got, how they get it is what's causing the problems.
Back in the day, when we didn't have such a huge welfare state, (where such a HUGE percentage of people receive FAR MORE from the government than they pay in taxes) people came to the U.S. because it was the "Land of Opportunity."
They knew if they worked hard, they'd make money.
Not so any more. Means testing for immigration is a thing of the distant past. Now people come here SPECIFICALLY for the government benefits.
(There's even something called "birth tourism." Mothers come here JUST TO HAVE THEIR BABIES so when their kids grow up, they'll get the "citizen rate" when they attend uni, and not have to pay the high fees that non-citizens have to pay)
And one of the primary deciders of who gets in, and who doesn't is whether or not they've already got family here. Whether or not that family is a net user of government largess is not taken into consideration. To do so would be racist, since most immigrants are from non-white countries.
The days of "cherry picking" immigrants is long, long gone.
The REAL qualification of whether or not somebody can immigrate is if they'll likely vote Democrat.
Which is precisely why the Republicans are jumping on "immigration reform" bandwagon. They wanna get some of them votes.
Not to turn this into a political thread, but plenty of conservatives feel that all the republicans need to do is present themselves as the "white party" representing "white values" and they'd be a shoe-in for congress and president.
However, in congruence with the OP's assertion, they are terrified of doing this due to the shellacking they'd take in the media.
So they'll try to "out-democrat" the democrats, by attracting as many immigrants as they can.
Which means more folks on the receiving end of government mandated transfer payments, and further doom for the country.
Which should make for an interesting collapse, to say the least. Plenty of different "tribes," (most of them armed) all reverting to tribal behavior, as folks tend to do when economic times get tough.